Frankenbike goes to the Darkside

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I'm a squid??? Did not know that...... Damn, I am just a old man trying to save for the future... S :blink:
Only you know if you are or not. But you're getting about a third of what I normally get on tires, before I went to the Darkside. :dribble: What are you doing, taking a belt sander to those things? ;)

edit: Just saying you might not like the Darkside, thus the rejection comment.

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I'm a squid??? Did not know that...... Damn, I am just a old man trying to save for the future... S :blink:
Only you know if you are or not. But you're getting about a third of what I normally get on tires, before I went to the Darkside. :dribble: What are you doing, taking a belt sander to those things? ;)

edit: Just saying you might not like the Darkside, thus the rejection comment.

This whole Darkside thing is really messed up. If I was getting 10,000 miles out of a set of rubber why would you want to go to a CT. This setup should be for the 20,000+ mile a year guys going through 6 or 7 sets of tires. I would be very happy to get 5000 smiles out of a set of shoes...

I did talk to my personal Hero last night about this (SkooterG). He did have a few glasses of wine in him. He would kick me in the nuts with a high heal shoe (sounds kinda kinky...hope there red) if I went that route. Looks like I need to find a used one and not tell anyone... :dance: Smitty

An article in one of the bike rags said the lawyers and ins co's will hang you by your fuzzy arse if you have an accident while wearing a CT. What think?

An article in one of the bike rags said the lawyers and ins co's will hang you by your fuzzy arse if you have an accident while wearing a CT. What think?
I think Shakespeare was right. He would have included insurance companies had there been any around in the 17th century.

An article in one of the bike rags said the lawyers and ins co's will hang you by your fuzzy arse if you have an accident while wearing a CT. What think?
As my friend Jim, the attorney, says: "Better bring a chair to court -- 'cause you won't have a leg to stand on."

Last time I went flipping thru the ditch on my 04, my State Fart claim guy ask for a damage estimate. Looked at the bike, then the estimate.. went to his mobile claim station on wheels. Ten minutes later he had a check in his hand and gave it to me.

If your in a crash, they may cancel you... but they will pay you. Does the CT say "Not for motorcycle use" I don't think so...

Planning a long trip this summer, and don't think I can do it on one set of "regular tires". This may be the way to go... Smitty

<snippage>Last time I went flipping thru the ditch ... State Fart claim guy ... mobile claim station. Ten minutes later he had a check in his hand and gave it to me.
I don't, at all, doubt the veracity of that statement -- [opinion] Ins. Co.s are all too willing to write-off motorcycles (and make the rest of us pay... :angry: )![/opinion]

I think the lawyers will get involved if/when there are injuries/lawsuits (read: big money) and there are accident investigators and professional witnesses, etc.? :unsure:

This whole Darkside thing is really messed up. If I was getting 10,000 miles out of a set of rubber why would you want to go to a CT. This setup should be for the 20,000+ mile a year guys going through 6 or 7 sets of tires.
Hello! That's exactly why I did it! 20-30k a year is my average, but even 3 sets of tires a year is spending more cash on tires and less on gas than I want.

I would be very happy to get 5000 smiles out of a set of shoes...
It's all in the wrist Smitty. Road surface, temperatures and twisty Vs slab play a part, but the biggest reason is in the wrist. Abrupt throttle changes eat tires. Smooth makes them last. It's up to you to decide if smooth makes your riding less fun.

I did talk to my personal Hero last night about this (SkooterG). He did have a few glasses of wine in him. He would kick me in the nuts with a high heal shoe (sounds kinda kinky...hope there red) if I went that route. Looks like I need to find a used one and not tell anyone... :dance: Smitty
See, only a woman's shoe, (probably just said that 'cause it was what he was wearing at the time.) Skoot's such a pussy he wouldn't even ride the Darkside to see what it's really like when he was offered a chance. :rolleyes:

An article in one of the bike rags said the lawyers and ins co's will hang you by your fuzzy arse if you have an accident while wearing a CT. What think?
They are full of ****. If you did something incredibly stupid and then filed a lawsuit trying to make money, sure, they would look at everything. The original Darkside thread covered this. My agent said as long as the tires are round, black and have tread, they won't get a second look. Ditto for comments from an Insurance Co crash investigator. Unless it's obvious that the tire played a role in the accident, (like half off and jammed the wheel), no one is likely to care.

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I'm a squid??? Did not know that...... Damn, I am just a old man trying to save for the future... S :blink:
Apologies Smitty, I just got around to checking your profile. While you may be a bit confused as to your sexual identity, you are most certainly NOT OLD. Gonna have to call BS on the line above.

I think it's going to be a fookin riot when folks balls start to fall off :lol: It's gonna happen to Howie first BTW..

Poor Erik is gonna have civil suits up the arse :eek:



Quick anecdote on "Darksiding".....completely topical to the thread.

First of all, my rear ABS has been inoperative for several months. Have been unable to track down the problem and will probably remain undiagnosed and unrepaired for the time being.

That's all in good faith disclosure prior to relating an incident last night.

On the way home, I'm approaching an intersection I go through twice a day on my work commute. My side is 4 lanes wide, with two left hand turn lanes, a straight lane and a right turn lane.

I'm in the second-from-the-left left turn lane. The straight lane has a red, as the approaching lanes are also in turn mode. I've got a green arrow to make my left, when the idiot in the cage at the front of the straight lane, with the red, decides to hop into my turn lane to make a left. I was far enough back to simply slow down to avoid the moron, had she (incidentally, on a cellphone) NOT pulled into my lane and STOPPED!!!! Had she just turned in and hit the gas, what happened next wouldn't have...

So now, there's a braindead, caged phone-talker perpendicular to my path, apparently unaware that the only red light was in the lane she had just left, blocking my left turn that I usually take at about 35mph.

Nowhere to go, left or right, so hard-[SIZE=12pt]HARD[/SIZE]-[SIZE=14pt]HARD[/SIZE] on the brakes. Apparently NOT hard enough to activate the front ABS (God this thing's got good brakes) but hard enough to lock up the rear as fork dive unloads weight from the rear end.

All I can say is, even with the rear tire locked up solid, the bike stopped straight and true. Could have been luck, could have been that huge patch of tread on the road. I don't know and I won't speculate. All I DO know is the bike stopped dead straight in a locked-rear situation. I have NEVER panic-locked the rear on a moto-tire without slewing left or right.

I know there's gonna be a lot of differing opinions on this, but frankly, my confidence in the Darkside has gone up another notch.

I think it's going to be a fookin riot when folks balls start to fall off :lol: It's gonna happen to Howie first BTW.. Poor Erik is gonna have civil suits up the arse :eek:


Hey, I'm #15 on the Darkside list. There's gonna be 14 ball-less mofos ahead of me. Don't forget that, cheezdik!

Glad you're still with us RH. As to civil suits, the members of this forum are adults, fully capable of making their own decisions and accepting that they are accountable for them.

[SIZE=8pt]besides, I just checked and I've still got my balls[/SIZE]

I think it's going to be a fookin riot when folks balls start to fall off :lol: It's gonna happen to Howie first BTW.. Poor Erik is gonna have civil suits up the arse :eek:


You just want the job of shaving Eric before the insertion of said civil suits :yahoo:

Damn Howie!! Glad to hear you got through that fukin mess without a scratch. I honestly believe the extra contact may have saved yer ass.

Was ya nice to the cell phone lady?


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Eric. Now that you have the long lasting tire, How often do you think you need to lube the drive splines ???. I have been doing it on each tire change but 30k or more sounds like a bit much to go. I have one more Shinko to wear out and I will move to the dark side.

First of all RH; Man, glad you are okay and was skilled enough to aviod the i-dot who hogged the road from ya.

Don't know if the 'Darkside' CT was the reason that you stopped true -to straight. Coming from a non-ABS ST bike - to the 04' ABS, I have on occassion had to put on a hard squeeze, and the bike just truly amazed me each time. The ABS surely kicked in, and the bike would stop straight up each time. So my confidence is way up on the FJR-ABS system.

However you clearly mentioned that your ABS is non-functioning so one would have to speak from a FJR-non ABS model perspective in order to compare with your experience.

Thanks for the constant updates with the 'Darkside Adventure', Curious onlookers wanna know.

Damn Howie!! Glad to hear you got through that fukin mess without a scratch. I honestly believe the extra contact may have saved yer ass.
Was ya nice to the cell phone lady?

In all honesty, my gut feeling is the extra contact really didn' t make much difference in the actually slowing of the bike down, since it was locked and sliding. Gotta give all credit to those terrific front binders. But did the car tire keep the bike from high- or low-siding me? I'm thinking "YES".

Was I nice to the idjit? Wouldn't have made any diff. She didn't know I was there, even with the Feej's awesome highbeams blasting her in the eyes from 2 inches away. Fookin' cellphones. Fookin' cagers. Fookin' wimmin drivurz. :finger:

Eric. Now that you have the long lasting tire, How often do you think you need to lube the drive splines ???. I have been doing it on each tire change but 30k or more sounds like a bit much to go. I have one more Shinko to wear out and I will move to the dark side.
A good question. I have been pulling the wheel for one reason or another and checking/lubing the splines every 10k or so. With the Honda Moly60, it doesn't seem to really need fresh lube every 10k. I cleaned things up and re-did it anyway around 20k. YMMV.

Pulling the rear wheel is so easy on the FJR that I don't find that an issue. But you are correct, you need to think about these things since you don't have the reminder that you're pulling the wheel for a tire change.

I've heard of them using lasers for permanent hair removal, but I don't think that's the kind of laser Bust has... :eek:mg2:
