front end banging noise (brakes)

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Well-known member
Dec 23, 2006
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Grand Junction, CO
Has anyone developed a banging (clunking)noise on the front end of the 06 or 07 FJR?

Back when I put on the Storms I replaced the head steering bearings with tapered bearings. I torqued them to around 45 ft lbs. This is not the problem, I just rechecked them yesterday.

It seems the noise is coming from the front brakes.

I can just about duplicate the sound with my fingers, by tapping the loose pads.

I remember reading someone else having the similar problem.

What was the fix?


Bob...while many have confused the noise you describe as steering head bearing related, it`s simply the brake rotors (at least on the `07s). Grab them both and rock them front and back as if u were trying to spin the`ll hear it and maybe we`ll finally put to rest, the belief that the factory is sending these things out the door with loose steering head bearings! :ph34r: BTW...I don`t think there is a safety issue here, just that annoying sound. Mine has done it since day one and has not gotten any worse...sort of getting used to it now.

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In spite of what a lot of other people may tell you,

it probably isn't the pads that you hear.

The rotors have a rather loose fit on their pins

and can emit a loud metallic "clank".

Try gently rolling back and forth and apply the front brake.

You'll hear it as the rotor goes from full contact ( forward ) to full contact ( rearward ).

Good for you for not assuming it's the steering head bearings.

When it rains it pours.

I just blew up the engine on my 02 wr426, so I bought a new yz450f today.

Thanks for the input.

While at the shop they couldn't come up with a fix for the FJRs front brakes either.

I guess I'll just avoid man hole covers.


I guess I'll just avoid man hole covers.

Thjat's when mine rattles most too - over the joins between sections on longer bridge decks.....

I'm sorry to hear yours rattle too (but in a sick way, I'm a little bit comforted that it's not just mine!)

For the first month I had my bike I was convinced there was something loose under the front end somewhere and spent a lot of time on my knees wiggling and knocking on body panels and feeling from missing fasteners.

Conwest, SLK50

I an pretty sure it is not the rotors lose on my bike. I have seen and heard the noises loose rotors can make, including the jingling sounds inherent to some BMWs floating rotors.

I am trying to figure a way to either prove or disprove it is the pads. We have 4 separate pads per caliper (for the linked brake system), and only 2 sliding pins. The tolerances are wide enough to cause these pads to flop all over the place. On the other bikes I have there are 2 pins to 2 pads, just as loose, but no flopping, swinging, between the pads.

Then again I can be completely wrong.


Did the tapping also.

Had mine torn apart looking for the loose connection, bolt, or anything I can find. I had taken off as much plastic as I could, including the front fender, then drove it in front of my house. I then checked the torque on everything I could think of.

The only time I don't hear the noise is when I apply the brakes over a bump.

It may not be a problem, but an annoyance, as I always listen to the noise the bike makes to determine if the is something wrong.


the only way I could fuigure out a solution was to wear ear plugs and sing sofly to myself whilst riding over the bumps that caused the rattle.

I think it's just the brakes jiggling - but it sure is annoying on an otherwise excellent ride.

(mini rant over)

the only way I could fuigure out a solution was to wear ear plugs and sing sofly to myself whilst riding over the bumps that caused the rattle.
I think it's just the brakes jiggling - but it sure is annoying on an otherwise excellent ride.

(mini rant over)
Well, if nobody's died from it, guess I'll learn to live with it and just :whistle: my way over the bumps, too.

Bob...while many have confused the noise you describe as steering head bearing related, it`s simply the brake rotors (at least on the `07s). Grab them both and rock them front and back as if u were trying to spin the`ll hear it and maybe we`ll finally put to rest, the belief that the factory is sending these things out the door with loose steering head bearings! :ph34r: BTW...I don`t think there is a safety issue here, just that annoying sound. Mine has done it since day one and has not gotten any worse...sort of getting used to it now.
FWIW...I went to my dealer the other day and mentioned my loose rotors. The mechanic came out with the owner, grabbed the rotors, felt and heard the movement/clunking and immediately proclaimed the need for replacement. Called Yamaha warranty guy and new rotors are on order. Mechanic said the rotors are only suppose to give in the side to side plane...not the vertical (forward and back) and that they would only get worse/looser over time. If u check the other models on the showroom floor you will notice all the semi-floating rotors are tight from the get go. Mine were loose and clunking from day one. There will be front end peace after all. :clapping:

Ah HAH!... I thought I was goin' nuts! I have the same rattle and I too spent hours rummaging around from void to void in the front fairing looking for the screwdriver or glass eyeball, or whatever the japanese worker left in there... That is only a little annoying but less so with the idea that my wheel isn't about to pass the car in front of me when I roll to a stop.

Now, any one know what the hell is making the tinfoil-in-the-wind noise at lower speeds (20-30mph)... sounds just like a strip of foil on a string tied to the front forks, and "tinkles" or "rattles" like a spoon in a glass.

The next problem merits its own thread but I'll throw it out here for fun... Several times I have come to a full or almost-full stop (foot-walk speed) and cannot get 1st gear to engage! Won't go into gear... second gear is attainable, but damned if it won't go down and douse my big green dash light. Had to start UP A HILL IN SECOND with the wife grabbing on for dear life as I gunned it to get going (she was sure I was showing off to the hotties in the cage next to us by attempting a wheelie.

Bike goes in next week for TLC, and this one better be addressed... it's dangerous at best.


The next problem merits its own thread but I'll throw it out here for fun... Several times I have come to a full or almost-full stop (foot-walk speed) and cannot get 1st gear to engage! Won't go into gear... second gear is attainable, but damned if it won't go down and douse my big green dash light. Had to start UP A HILL IN SECOND with the wife grabbing on for dear life as I gunned it to get going (she was sure I was showing off to the hotties in the cage next to us by attempting a wheelie.
Bike goes in next week for TLC, and this one better be addressed... it's dangerous at best.

I don't know about the tinkling noise - but I'm curious as to how many miles you've put on your bike?

My 2006 suffered from particularly noisy gear shifts when new - until about 5000km's - then she began to shift way more smoothly. I also read a thread on here about slightly pre-loading the shifter pedal prior to shifting, and that too helped make the gear changes smoother (and less noisy). This pre-loading thing was new to me, but since this was my first FJR I thought I'd give it a go, and was surprised as to how much improvement it provided.

just thinking out loud - good luck with the second to first gear thing (it might self correct with some more miles if your bike is still new-ish)

ride safe - Bull

Okay, just had my first run-in with the mechanic on this issue. Had mine in the shop to replace the ECU. Since it was there, I asked them to look into the popping noise... just in case. Two hours later, I have my bike back with with the diagnosis: He says it's definitely the steering head bearing.

Naturally, I asked how he determined this. "I test rode it, I know." Did he take anything apart to physically see or check anything? Nope. I mentioned the brake rotor noise others have. He replied that may be the case, but mine is definitely the head bearing. He says mine is wearing out "because it has 6K on it."

Okay, if all the above is correct, would he make the adjustment? Nope, "I would have to look in the book for that. You'll have to bring it back another time for an appointment."

Now I see why so many of you guys prefer to do your own work.

Now, any one know what the hell is making the tinfoil-in-the-wind noise at lower speeds (20-30mph)... sounds just like a strip of foil on a string tied to the front forks, and "tinkles" or "rattles" like a spoon in a glass.


Have the same noise on my 07. Never heard it with my helmet on, but one day I had to move the bike for a truck delivery and noticed it. I thought it was a piece of shipping plastic not removed from the dealer, but could never find what it was.
