Fuel Economy

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Well-known member
Jul 24, 2008
Reaction score
North Central Texas
In my quest for an FJR yesterday I stopped into a local “Powerhouse” Honda dealership to give my wife an opportunity to sit on a Honda ST1300. I also wanted to see what the salesman had to say about a comparison between the FJR and the ST. He told me about his loyalty to Honda brand and about Honda quality but he didn't really have anything to offer as far as a comparison. One thing that he did offer which none of the other dealers have offered it to schedule a ride on one. My impression after sitting on one and looking at the specs is that it is more toward the Goldwing end of the spectrum than the sport bike end.

One thing that I couldn't get a straight answer on is the fuel economy. Since this FJR will be replacing my 919 I was wondering what I could expect for mpg? I have a 30 mile commute, half interstate where I can usually go between 75 and 80 and half country roads where I can maintain 50 to60.

I get 46 consistently, mixed city, highway. I have ever since the break in period was over. I went on a trip with it a few weeks ago (2-up) and the mileage only dropped down to 45, but to be honest I was riding very conservatively with a passenger, and I really do NOT (as much as I probably should) when I am alone.

On my '05, in town if I'm behaving myself I get about 45. If not, it's closer 40. On the highway, I about 50 mpg. From what I have read here, the folks on the newer versions get about 10 mpg more than that. As with all motorcycles, your mileage is directly controlled by your right hand.

I have a 22 mile commute each way, primarily on country roads averaging 40-50 mph and I've been getting 46-48 mpg over the last few tanks on my 2005.

12 mile commute on a Gen II bike: 39mpg. I do not have a heavy throttle hand.
+1 - 12 mile commute too and getting 40.5 on my '06. Thought about trying STP next time i fill up... <_<

My impression after sitting on one and looking at the specs is that it is more toward the Goldwing end of the spectrum than the sport bike end.

I can get very high forty MPGs on mine,

...but I rarely do.

... mostly due to the FACT that it is way closer to the 'busa end of the spectrum than the Goldwing.

I rode from D&H to St Louis to Connecticut, the 1st 1700 miles on the bike, almost all highway. Taking it easy on the wrist I averaged 48 mpg. When you factor in the speedo error it really was abt 45 mpg. I ran always just under 10 mph over the posted limit.

I always wonder about these mileage claims. They pop up no matter what bike.

I have a 2006 and regularly get 42-44mpg. If I ride very conservatively, I can get 50. Start hammering it and it averages 38. just watched it yesterday and with a mix of riding over 200 miles, I averaged 43.8.

I am large (6'4" 270 without gear) and know that I hit a lot of wind.

As far as a ST1300, well, we have one of those too. I was riding it while my FJR was in the shop (5 weeks) waiting to get the ignition switch replaced. I had to ride very, very carefully to manage 40mpg. 35-38 was more like it.

paul from Minnesota

I got around 40-45 with my 04 and 48 to 50 in higher elevations. That was with moderately aggressive driving. I'm hoping my 08 will get close to that. I'm still on my first full tank of gas.


Here's the answer to his question.

In June I did a 2500 mile trip with a guy with an 05 ST 1300. He burned almost exactly the same amount of gas at every fill up BUT he was spending more because he had to use premium. Now to his benefit, his tank was bigger an therefore could have gone further than my FJR between stops.

+1 - 12 mile commute too and getting 40.5 on my '06. Thought about trying STP next time i fill up... <_<
Apologies for ignorance, but does anyone use fuel additives in this bike like Chevron Techron or the like? Is it a good thing for this kind of engine? Seems to help in a car.

Either you guys all ride like old farts or there is something wrong with my 07. 35-38 mpg on average is what I'm getting. I would describe my style as spirited but not aggressive. Shift points usually between 4-5,000 rpm. <_<

I'm running 20w50 YamaLube, maybe I'll try something a bit lighter like 10w40 next time. 20w50 (dealer recommended) seems like overkill in the Northwest with it's moderate temperatures anyway.

My '05 gets 40mpg on my 17 mile (6 miles street, 11 miles freeway) commute. I've gotten as high as 50 mpg doing around 50mph on back roads, no traffic, no stop signs, no signals, etc. I ride fairly conservatively.

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