Fuel Gauge / Mileage on Reserve

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"They probably just don't want to give the wrong sense of accuracy in the miles remaining figure. So they tell you how many miles you have ridden since it went to reserve."

Well, I do see some kind of reasoning there, but not sure it helps me much if I'm out west and 75 miles from the next gas stop :blink: . I guess I'll have to strap a gallon of gas on the tail rack and ride the sucka till it runs dry so I'll at least have some idea how fur I can go, :unsure:


I guess I'll have to strap a gallon of gas on the tail rack and ride the sucka till it runs dry so I'll at least have some idea how fur I can go, :unsure:
Your range is typically somewhere around 250 miles, the last 50-70 of which are on reserve. Just don't pass by that gas station when the next one is 70 miles away and you're already on reserve or you'll be cutting it kinda close. Even out west you'll find a gas station every 250 miles without too much trouble.

If you want to make this a science experiment then I'd go 50 miles on reserve, fill it up all the way and figure out how much was still in the tank (subtract amount added from 6.61). Multiply your MPG by that amount and go that in addition the the 50 miles the next time (maybe stop 10 miles short of that; assuming similar riding style and MPG)). Now you should be pretty darn close to empty and know how much you can go on reserve without actually running it dry.

I was riding 2-up very hard and fully packed and was getting about 29-32mpg. On the straight slad I was getting 35 and would fill up around the 200 mark. Riding my myslef I have never gone over 42 mpg or about 250 miles. That was the longest I ever went on one full tank and I was on fumes.
