Well-known member
And now you know a whole lot more about your bike than when you started. Great that it is sorted out.
Earlier this year, I rebuilt the clutch master cylinder and also replaced the slave cylinder (because there is no rebuild kit available for the slave cylinder). The slave cylinder was leaking internally, which was causing a bad 'jerking/bogging' when engaging into first gear from neutral. The leak in the slave cylinder was resulting in the clutch beginning engaged sooner than the ecu was calculating, which is controlled by a sensor that is connected to the clutch MAASTER cylinder (instead of to the SLAVE cylinder, which would provide a more accurate reading of the throw out position at any time).too much fun wiggling that valve cover on and off! Be glad you don't have a Gen 3 from what I read. If symptoms come back (heaven forbid) do a TPS diagnostic.
Still loving my '06 AE. Flush and bleed that clutch slave yet?