Fumoto valve

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2006
Reaction score
Columbus, OH
Has anyone had experience with fumoto (or any other brand of) oil pan valves? Also, if someone happens to know the threading for an '06 drain bolt I'd sure appreciate it (12mm x 1.5?). Next oil change I thought I might give one a try.



I wonder if that thing will fit on the FJR...there's that "flange" around part of the oil drain hole and that may prevent this device from being turned in that tight area. Just a thought. I don't know for sure.


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I considered putting either one of these, or something similar on my FJR when it was but a young lad, but I guess I always wondered 'what if' the valve failed and oil came a pouring out. Also, on the FJR it could be exposed to debris hitting it - and who knows how it would handle that.

Good idea though. I think you should try it and let us know how it goes.

That's why they make hack saws, gun.....hack saws.

Right, right...Forgive me. I forgot about the "special" tool kit that you carry on your bike.



Hacksaws 'n' hammers, baby! Hacksaws 'n' hammers.

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Gun - good call. I'd forgotten about that little bugger. I got started down this road after spending most of the weekend fixing a stripped pan on my VFR (it's got a smaller flange that might just have enough clearance). Figured I'd get out in front of the problem on the FJR.

Pete - that's the stuff! Leave it to the New Yorker (I grew up in Nassau county).

Thanks. Anybody know the thread/pitch?


WTF? Does either one of those farkling farkles solve a problem that exists with the FJR? Jeebus, it's not like the FJR is the most difficult thing in the world to drain. Flock, it's not an inboard boat, for cryin' out loud!

I've used Fumoto valves on a few of my trucks - always worked great - never had an issue. The last one I installed was on my 2004 Dodge Ram Hemi which I ran the hell out of and was heavily modified - 75,000 miles without a single problem - it's a very secure locking system and somehting bouncing up off the road isn't going to open it up - two open the valve requires 2 distinct movements. I've never used one on a bike - but wouldn't hesitate if I could.

One can solve all problems with a hacksaw and a hammer.....just ask gun.

Thanks, Van. I think I'll try it and if I can't put it on the FJR it might fit the Miata.

Andre - you're absolutely right. You really shouldn't buy one.

Looks like the Fram Sure-Drain would fit better.
I had one of those on my SV-650. It threaded into the oil pan too far, so it wouldn't drain all the oil. If you took off the Sure-Drain a LOT of oil would come out. I figure since this is the stuff on the bottom, it's the nastiest and the stuff you most want to drain. Plus leaving a pint or so makes a bigger difference on a bike where it maybe uses 3qts total, instead of a car that uses 6qts or more.

Just my personal 0.02 United States Currency Units.

One can solve all problems with a hacksaw and a hammer.....just ask gun.
Too lazy to do a search, but I'd swear I read a post here about someone who had a broken flange that led to some kind of problem I didn't expect but can't recall. Or did I just dream that he had to replace the pan? Seems to me the flange is to protect the drain plug for some reason.

Have (had) Fumoto valves on both my WRX and wife's Mazda 3. Combined 95k miles and no issues at all...in fact the Mazda was totalled out in a collison with a dog 2 months ago and the fumoto valve held. I pulled it off the Mazda and will install it in the wife's new Honda at the next oil change. They make these little clips that "lock" the lever in place if you are worried about it accidentally opening but I do not have mine installed and havent seen a need to.

Makes oil changes quick as a NASCAR pit stop!

Thought about putting one on the old FJR but I'd be weary of the piece hanging down too close to the road. With that flange you would either need to saw it off or install the optional ADP adapter which would definitly leave it hugging the pavement.
