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The help you guys are giving her bring tears to my eyes
Thank you

Definitely need to publish that employer's name and see if this big group can't drum up some business for them.

Despite the terrible reason for it, I'm delighted to see the support that this cause is getting. I haven't met Tyler (yet) but after reading what I've read, I'm very much looking forward to getting to know her. I am honored to be a part of such a caring group of people. The $$ gifts are wonderful but also look at the prayers, karma, ju-ju and love that has been sent. I'm sure that Tyler and her care-giving team are feeling it.

Go Tyler Go :yahoo:

Just got paid...woo hoo...

contribution sent

Thanx to Robin and big time to all you wonderful supporters of Tyler :clapping:

let's ride safe and be careful out there,

Mike in Nawlins'


Thursday, July 2, 2009 12:17 PM, MDT

Posting this latest pic (with Cyn, from about an hour ago) to buoy those of you who were saddened by the picture I posted of Ty with Shan & Andrea. (Incidentally, Andrea said at the time she only poses for pictures with patients she knows are going to make it... ;-) How's this for a rally?!?

Our girl's doing terrific. She's already moved from a liquid diet to a whole food diet. (And is already critiquing the scrambled eggs. LOL) Her spirits are good, her fever is gone, her lungs are great and her legs ... well, that's going to take quite a bit more time. They're now realizing that the skin trauma is much more consistent with a crush injury from the wheels actually running over her legs, as opposed to a degloving. (That will mean more to you med personnel than to mere mortals like me. ;-) They're CT'ing her legs to further assess potential soft tissue damage, but the miraculous fact still is no broken bones. We suspect her bike cushioned or protected her legs somewhat by taking the brunt of the force of the truck wheels. Those of you on the riding forums, discuss amongst yourselves. ;-)

She has been amazed at just the initial information we've given her re: the outpouring of support from literally all corners of the world. She's off in CT land right now, but when she returns, I'll share more of the guest book postings with her. She got to talk to Shannon for the first time last night, and they both were so relieved to reconnect. We'll make that happen again today.

Waiting for word on her lift off for CA ("goin' back to Cali, Cali, Cali...") but it's sounding more & more that it will indeed be Santa Clara VMC, which delights those of us who live so nearby. Would be great for Shan to be able to roll up on her mom whenever she wanted...

That's all from lovely Boise for right now. More to come later. Take care.


Isn't that a great SMILE.


Thank GOD, NOW!

Amen and AMEN

I emailed Jaime asking about Tyler's employer as many of us are curious who this gem of supporter of hers is. This is the email I received with the information.

Hi Mike,

I recognize you from your funny/supportive posts ... her employer is Litinomics & they provide financial expert services for litigation. (Exciting, huh?!) Here's their website: - her boss, Bruce McFarlane, is a gem... (but then, we already knew that, right?)

Take care,


they list an email address for contact as:

info AT litinomics DOT com


Thursday, July 2, 2009 6:48 PM, MDT


Just got word that we'll be flying out tomorrow morning for San Jose - the anticipated departure time is 10:00 a.m., which isn't necessarily hard and fast but a strong estimate. They'll then transport her from the airport to Santa Clara VMC by ambulance (I believe, will be double-checking on that tomorrow a.m.), which is widely regarded as one of the best skin trauma centers in the state. Given her state of awareness today, I expect she'll likely be awake & aware of what's going on during the transport to the hospital. Check the forums for escort info. :)

Dorothy & Jeff just got here & are visiting with her now. She's had another big day, but still plugging along. The CT showed that she's stable from the waist up (again, insert joke here) but surgery & further eval in Santa Clara, along with time, will tell more about her legs.

We're happy she's doing well & excited to get her back in California, where this long journey will continue... As always, thank you for your thoughts and prayers.


Jaime ~

Today is my birthday, and I have to say your latest news is the absolute BESTEST birfday gift I could have received!

Tell Tyler my thoughts and prayers continue to be with her, and to keep that wonderful smile on her face... it is priceless!



Thursday, July 2, 2009 6:48 PM, MDT


:yahoo: :clapping: :yahoo: :clapping: :yahoo: :clapping:

I CANNOT tell you how happy I am to hear this!

Ya know, I had a random semi-coherent thought today. Seeing the list of folks tossing their hard-earned dineros into the hat for Tyler, seeing the prayers and good mojo that's incoming, coming from peeps who are from ALL over, several who have never met Tyler (myself included) but who have the same two-wheeled addiction - this sense of community is amazing, all thanks to da interweb thingy, the peeps the peruse da interweb thingy, and the websites and mods who help facilitate this all happening...

This is some amazing stuff. I just wish the circumstances were different.

We're pulling for you, Tyler. ALL of us!

Have a safe and happy holiday,


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That image just absolutely makes my week.

Sweetie, you've never looked better. I'm guessing there'll be a lovefest happening at your new digs back here in CA.

See you soon Sunshine.
You two are something.... What won't you both do to get attention? Get well soon Tyler. I think that is the same nightshirt!


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Thursday, July 2, 2009 6:48 PM, MDT


:yahoo: :clapping: :yahoo: :clapping: :yahoo: :clapping:

I CANNOT tell you how happy I am to hear this!

Ya know, I had a random semi-coherent thought today. Seeing the list of folks tossing their hard-earned dineros into the hat for Tyler, seeing the prayers and good mojo that's incoming, coming from peeps who are from ALL over, several who have never met Tyler (myself included) but who have the same two-wheeled addiction - this sense of community is amazing, all thanks to da interweb thingy, the peeps the peruse da interweb thingy, and the websites and mods who help facilitate this all happening...

This is some amazing stuff. I just wish the circumstances were different.

We're pulling for you, Tyler. ALL of us!

Have a safe and happy holiday,


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I was among the first to support the fallen rider!

Second, All of this "benevolent society" stuff is just fine...

...but, c'mon, this is afterall(?), not intended to be a prelude to a celebrity awards banquet.

Give the girl a bit of peace.

Sorry, I've also been there, been in a similar mishap, and after awhile, it isn't a benefit!

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