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Friday, July 3, 2009 10:08 AM, MDT

Psych. After VMC thought they could take her, a doctor there today said they can't take her until Monday. Phooey. I guess not entirely surprising given the holiday weekend, but still a disappointment. Her pain level is significantly greater today, so it may be just as well. They said that's not unusual as she becomes more lucid, and they're now working on pain management to keep her as comfortable as possible.

They'll be taking her back into surgery here sometime today or tomorrow to begin the debradement and graft prep process on the worst parts of her skin trauma. It's a step in the process they would've done at VMC, and they're comfortable doing it here, so they'll be able to get that started. The level of care here is so phenomenal that we have every confidence in them. It'll get her ready to do the grafting at VMC when she arrives there.

Today's been a tough day with the pain issues and switcheroo on VMC, but that's to be expected in this journey, particularly given how well she's been doing up to this point. Overall, the doctor's happy with her steady improvement in general, and considers that an indicator that there are not more serious issues lurking about.

So.....(sigh) stand by to stand by. Wish I had better news, but such is the nature of trauma recovery: good days & bad days. On the up side, she got a visit yesterday from Dorothy & Jeff, and that really boosted her spirits. It's one thing to hang out with her sisters, another entirely to joke around with "her people." :) She's tired, and very challenged by the pain, but still joking when she's not grimacing. She's one amazing lady, and we're all proud of her stamina.


Isn't that a great SMILE.

Thank GOD, NOW!
I've been waiting for that big pretty smile....

Mine is bigger than yours!!


WOW! bigger Is better.

Looks like there may have even been a wink preceding that smile.


Friday, July 3, 2009 7:46 PM, MDT

Evening update: Ty's resting nicely after her surgery today. Further examination while she was under anesthesia confirmed her skin trauma is in fact degloving rather than crushing trauma. The good news is that her muscle & underlying tissues are fine. The skin detachment, however, is more severe & widespread than previously thought. That means much more extensive skin grafting in her future, and a longer recovery time.

Her spirits are still amazingly good, even after her bout with some serious pain earlier today. A phone call with Momma did much to keep her that way.

Interestingly, we saw the calm before the storm here on ICU - it was a ghost town yesterday, and now all the holiday weekend trauma is starting to pour in. One of the nurses noted that alcohol and drugs unfortunately contribute to job security for trauma staff, either from lifelong use and abuse that eventually wears the body out, or a day or night of "getting your dumb on" leading to a bad ending. Here's hoping all of you stay safe and smart over the holiday weekend, both in honor of Tyler and in honor of your bad self.

Take care and I'll be back tomorrow with more info. Please send extra strong prayers/juju in the direction of Tyler's legs. ;-)


Extra prayers, good wishes and ju-ju sent, in the direction of Tyler's legs.

LOL - the nurse is so right about holidays bringing job security. I'm expecting to have to work hard for my overtime rate tomorrow. The ICU will be hopping!

I'm sitting here this morning, comtemplating what a wonderful group of folks motorcycle riders are, based on the results of this simple request to help Tyler in her moment of need. I am proud to be part of this group!

My continued prayers for Tyler as she plays out the hand which has been dealt her this time around... from everything I see, and know about this strong lady, she will fight through this with the help of her loving family and support from all of us who care about her.

Jamie ~ I can't thank you enough for having the inner strength to keep us up to date on Tyler's condition. It must be tough on you, but at the same time I hope it gives you an outlet for the inevitible frustrations. What a great medical team you have had to work with in Boise! Please give my personal thanks to the nurses who have been working so hard to keep Tyler as comfortable as possible.

And Cdogman ~ What can I say, other than kudos to you for stepping up immediately and organizing this excellent effort to aid Tyler? You are truly "The Man", and your efforts are greatly appreciated by all of us! I'm hoping to meet you in person one day, and be able to buy the first round!

Happy Independance Day all!


I'm sitting here this morning, comtemplating what a wonderful group of folks motorcycle riders are, based on the results of this simple request to help Tyler in her moment of need. I am proud to be part of this group!
My continued prayers for Tyler as she plays out the hand which has been dealt her this time around... from everything I see, and know about this strong lady, she will fight through this with the help of her loving family and support from all of us who care about her.

Jamie ~ I can't thank you enough for having the inner strength to keep us up to date on Tyler's condition. It must be tough on you, but at the same time I hope it gives you an outlet for the inevitible frustrations. What a great medical team you have had to work with in Boise! Please give my personal thanks to the nurses who have been working so hard to keep Tyler as comfortable as possible.

And Cdogman ~ What can I say, other than kudos to you for stepping up immediately and organizing this excellent effort to aid Tyler? You are truly "The Man", and your efforts are greatly appreciated by all of us! I'm hoping to meet you in person one day, and be able to buy the first round!

Happy Independance Day all!

Doode.. I am truly paying it forward.. I am sure many wanted to do what I am doing.. I just type faster so I got there first


Saturday, July 4, 2009 3:09 PM, MDT

Happy to report there's not much to report today. :) She's still progressing and doing well. We're pretty much in a holding pattern at this point, waiting to get her to California for the next leg of the journey. (No pun intended - ha ha ha.) She had her first experience with Ketamine (a.k.a. Special K to ravers) which sent her on quite the magic carpet ride. They gave her a small dose just before her dressing change to manage the pain. It worked - she described quite the ethereal transport and doesn't even remember the dressings being changed.

She's "back" now, taking in a little regular food and chatting our ears off, including her wonderful nurse. Which is absolutely fine with us, and much better than the alternative. In talking about why he had to first focus on stabilizing her trauma symptoms before he could really launch into addressing her legs, Ty's doc told us, "You know, she really had one foot on the banana peel there for a while, and we needed to try to keep her with us before we could worry about anything else." Understood and agreed.

More later. Happy Fourth of July! Stay safe and semi-sane.




Hi Guys,

I just wanted to write a quick note to say thank you to everyone for your love and support for myself and my family. One of the doctors today said "You have a long road ahead of you." and I said "I know but I'm here to walk it." And any place you can have a legal out of body drug experience and wake up with your hands on a man's butt can't be all bad. I'm looking forward to coming home even though I will miss many of the amazing and incredible people here in Boise. I love all of you and look forward to seeing you all soon.

With much love, Tyler

P.S. It's going to take me a little while to get caught up on all your messages that you've sent. This is quite a community and I'm honored to be part of it. OK I'm going to go get some of that drug stuff now, I'll see you guys later. "

LOOK whose working the keyboard :good:

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Hi Guys,

I just wanted to write a quick note to say thank you to everyone for your love and support for myself and my family. One of the doctors today said "You have a long road ahead of you." and I said "I know but I'm here to walk it." And any place you can have a legal out of body drug experience and wake up with your hands on a man's butt can't be all bad. I'm looking forward to coming home even though I will miss many of the amazing and incredible people here in Boise. I love all of you and look forward to seeing you all soon.

With much love, Tyler

P.S. It's going to take me a little while to get caught up on all your messages that you've sent. This is quite a community and I'm honored to be part of it. OK I'm going to go get some of that drug stuff now, I'll see you guys later. "

LOOK whose working the keyboard :good:

WOOOOOOO!!!!!! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

I wanna know whos but she has been grabbin all drugged up!! :clapping:

WOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

:clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

Get well Tyler...take those long steps on that long road...

...we'll be here watching along and praying for your complete recovery...

As promised. 1/2 the proceeds from TWN's Bagster that I had purchased have been sent...

cdog, plz verify when you have the funds.


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Sunday, July 5, 2009 8:30 PM, MDT

Hi Gang, And so the waiting game continues... We are close to getting final confirmation that Ty will be on her way to VMC sometime tomorrow, but we're still waiting to hear the final final word. Hopefully that will come sometime tomorrow morning. VMC has accepted her, her insurance company has okayed the transfer & the Life Flight plane is on standby just for her. It's just a matter of VMC figuring out what bed they're going to park her in (apparently, much more of a challenging feat for them than you would imagine). We're hopeful that the right person at VMC will make the right call first thing in the morning. I know it's tough not knowing, but I promise to keep you all updated as soon as I get more definitive information. Mike & Anel, you will be the first calls I make (after Shannon, of course :) when I get the concrete info you need to throw together an escort if you still wish to do that.

Additionally, while I know those of you in NorCal are dying for Ty to get there, it will be really important to her recovery to keep in mind that even after she gets there, visiting her will very likely have to wait several days until she gets settled in. Their big push as soon as she gets there will be debrading her extensive skin trauma (her entire left leg & most of the right one) to prep her for skin grafting. This means a lot of painful surgical procedures. Ty will need all her energy to heal and recover from those, so as much as she would love to have visitors and you would love to visit her, please keep in mind that it may not be in her best interest just yet. Not trying to be the ogre here, just a cautious reminder that she'll still be in ICU and trudging up a very difficult mountain. For the same reason, her ability to receive phone calls will be virtually nil initially. That is also how it has been here, with her only receiving one call a day, either from her mother or her daughter. Again, you know her and you know she would LOOOOOOVE to chat with you, but we've even had to leave her room at times to get her to focus on resting and sleeping as opposed to chatting with us. ;-)

She's made her way through many of the Guestbook entries and every single one of them has made her smile. She's doing well spirits-wise, and those have contributed to that greatly. Please continue to pray for her, send her good juju, do Indian healing dances or take a beautiful ride for her, and eventually, the good ol' social butterfly Ty will be able to "receive her public". :) Love & peace to you all. Take care.



this is great

I'm gonna send somethin' (even a little somethin', if after paying the bills, I skip a fast food meal out and send that) every month on payday which is the 3rd for moi.

Send something periodically till dear Tyler is up and around and planning to go back to her employment.

I challenge all of Tyler's buds and buddettes and try to do the same.

just sayin' :clapping:


Monday, July 6, 2009 2:02 PM, MDT

SUCCESS!! VMC confirmed this morning that they have a bed for Tyler, and the transport crew here will be picking up Her Highness from her room at 6 pm. I'm estimating that'll put us in San Jose at around 9 pm CA time. I'm keeping Anel & Michael updated w/more details by text as they come in, but we're all relieved to finally have confirmation that today is the day. YAY!! Tyler is sad to leave all the great doctors, nurses & staff here at St. Al's, but looking forward to getting back to CA, closer to family & friends. I will be maintaining this website for the duration of her recovery, even after we get to CA, so feel free to check back for updates re: progress, visiting, etc. Looking forward to being home soon! :)


Send something periodically till dear Tyler is up and around and planning to go back to her employment.I challenge all of Tyler's buds and buddettes and try to do the same.

just sayin' :clapping:
Challenge accepted mi hermano. It's a long road.
Me up my little bit of beer money from each paycheck till she feels's not much as I don't drink much...but every little bit helps I guess.

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