Funny Farkle

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I'm sorry, but that's just stupid. I might even crash my FJR laughing at someone if I saw them wearing one :blink:

You have got ot be fooking kidding me. So these people think they look stupid if they wear a full face helmet, BUT that THING is COOL?? What color is the sky in their world?

Our club does the Baby Butt 1000 each year (Saddlesore). One year two guys on HDs with apehangers, "generic" colors, etc. signed up. The first year they didn't make it. The second year they did complete it. I was riding close to them somewhere in Nevada after dark and one of the guys was wearing a Jason hockey mask.

Anyway, I think it takes a real man to ride 1,000 miles with apehangers and they both got a big applause at the banquet where they stuck out like sore thumbs.

Very popular style for all the pudding bowl wearing tribes I've seen on their pilgrimage to Laughlin this week!

All the individualists look alike.

Spending 190 bucks to look like an idiot....

Thought that was kinda stupid - till I realizes the folks that will actualy buy one of these likely already have spent many thousnads of dollars to do the same thing...

Had one of those ceral bowl wearing bikers tell me that they could not wear a full face helmet because it gave them they'd wear something that actualy sits on and over their face.

Goes to prove you can you can sell anything...


If those guys selling that crap are grossing more than about $6 a year, I'd be really suprised. One could go to the local Big 5 and buy a cool hockey mask for a lot less than $189, and look just as stupid.

Check out the editorials section of the site.

"There's not a serious motorcyclist in all creation who hasn't wished at one time or another that they had something like the Second Face On protective mask to strap on."

I guess you might find someone in France who might wear this lame lookin' thing but I can't imagine any serious motorcyclist I've ever known who would want anything to do with it. It looks like something you might see Jason wearing in a "Friday the 13th" sequel.

Have you ever seen little kids tripping over stuff on Halloween? Something tells me that I don't need a freakin' mask to block my vision. This is just plain stooooopid.

Looks like it would go well with one of these:

Thanks for posting though, cuz it's pretty damn funny.

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