G2 Throttle Tamer

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Thanks for the input . I could'nt stand it any more, there was a break in the weather and I have the day off so I jumped on the bike and took it to one of my favorite roads ( mesa grande) for a good test run . Liked the results , there Is a steep climb with a lot of tight switchbacks . Its a good spot to test the low speed throttle control ,and one of the spot that has conserned me the most , if you get that lag in the wrong spot there your going down . The climb was smooth and a blast .Its about 6 or 7 miles of heaven . You were right about not losing much if anything , this bike has so much power that realy is not a problem . Sorry for going on about this subject , realitively new bike ,only a few fiends that ride ,and wife don't seem too interested . Hope somebody got something useful from my experience . Thanks, Freebird out .

Just installed the G2 the other day. LOVE it. I noticed a big difference with the AE model. If you have a clutch I'm not sure you would really see anything.

Received my G2 from Bike Effects for my '06 yeaterday. Installation was simple (thanks Bin-O-Facts). Also, took all the slack out of the throttle cable. Went out for a 100+ mile test ride. Absolute night and day difference. Smooth throttle roll-on, no jerks or snatches, excellent. Makes you wonder what the Yamaha engineers were thinking when they came up with the stock throttle tube cam profile on the '06 (and '07?) bikes? Apparently they got the message, though, and cleaned up the problem on the '08s.

Installed the G2 on my '07 on Saturday and gave it a 465 mile shake down ride yesterday; had about 2000 miles on the bike without the G2.

Definitely a much smoother throttle response at lower RPM. For me, it was well worth the cost. I got it from Bike Effects
