Galaxy Blue / Cobalt Blue - Different?

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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2006
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The '05 color is called Galaxy Blue and the '06 color is called Cobalt Blue, but I can't tell the difference by viewing photos on the internet. Are they different colors as different names would seem to indicate?


I have yet to see the '06 in person. However, in the pictures I've seen of it, the blue seems a bit darker than the '05 blue. Also, since the two colors have different names, it is likely that they are in fact different in hue. In the automotive world, when a color code changes, the color name changes as well. I'd think it's the same for bikes.

There was a post earlier on where someone took thier 05 back and sat it next to a demo 06, and they were indeed different. I don't remember which one was lighter/darker. Do a search, and maybe you can find it, but I didn't have the time right now.

I attended the International Motorcycle Show last week in Novi, Michigan (Detroit area) and was able to see the Cobalt blue FJR in person. I ride an 05 in Galaxy Blue so I can comment on the differences.

If you've seen the Galaxy Blue in sunlight you know it is blue metallic with a slight purple or violet tint to it.

The Cobalt blue is a tad darker without the purple/violet tint- it's more like a dark Royal blue.

...I hope my color descriptions don't start an "oil preference"-like debate on the colors!

I too ride an '05 & was considering an '06. I was hoping I would really dig the cobalt blue but I didn't. I like the Galaxy blue much better.

In my opinion, I agree that the Galaxy blue has a hind of purple under it, whereas, the Cobalt blue appeared to have a emerald green undertone to it. Like I said, it didn't do much for me. I was at the Seattle show & perhaps the artificial lighting didn't help the color temperatures much.

The differences between the 05 & 06, including color, didn't motivate me to trade.

Remember what is said about opinions! :D

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Of course I don't have to guess. Cerulean Silver will be the same....

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Saw the 06 at the San Jose bike show. I like the 05 blue- very blue. The 06 blue definitely has a greenish tinge to it. A hint of Teal? Do not like it as well as the 05 blue. Splitting hairs I know.

06 definetly darker blue than the 05 Seattle show. omparison photos above are pretty accurate. Metalic just doesn't photo well.

The 06 blue definitely has a greenish tinge to it. A hint of Teal?
I concur - saw the 06 at Seattle last month and it did have an ever so slight greenish tint to it if you bent over, cocked your head sideways and closed one eye. ;)

I actually like it. Probably has nothing to do with the fact I have one on the could I not like it! :D

'05 blue = ugly

'06 blue = ugly

Conclusion? Not a better ugly '05>'06. Not a worse ugly '05>'06.

Just a different ugly.

'nuff said.



I'll add me(1959 model)=ugly

I have never won any beauty contests either, that's why I wear a full coverage helmet. :ph34r:


Daytona 05-06 Color Comparison

This is the link you're looking for and will give you some further views of the difference in color. The 06 is much darker, and will be harder to keep clean, but looks much richer if you like blue. The color and hue changes greatly depending on the type of light.

Just saw a new 2006 Concours at the dealer and it was a very similar dark blue.


Thanks for the link.

I like the 06 blue - know I'm in the minority, but I think other people's kids look funny, too.
