Garmin 2730 help needed!! Please!!!

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My name is Smitty.. And I have a motorcycle proble
Jun 25, 2005
Reaction score
Hooterville, MO
Hi guys, just bought a very nice used 2730 and have a question. The only software I got with it was a Map Update 2008, City navigator North America NT. The unit is updated with that software.... I am wanting to load routes on it but not having much luck. I do have Mapsource 8v from my 2610 on my computer, and that software does recognize the 2730. Just wondering if I need some different software, or if I can even download routes on this gps. Any help is great, and I thank you.. Smitty

I'm fairly certain you must get the code from Garmin so that the program will recognize your 2730. Probably not for free!?!?

When I got mine new it came with a DVD or CD and a piece of paper with the activiation code/license to the software. I have heard that one of the practices of people selling these products is to not include the software with the unit...debundled as it were and leave it to the purchaser to know the difference.

I don't use the software anyway as I find MS&T much better and the GPS still functions fine by itself.

I have the 2730 as well - just updated from version 7 to 9 NT North American Navigator. and to answer your original question, yes you can download routes from Mapsource to your GPS and vice versa. (Provided your maps are unlocked.)

Yoiu probably are already aware the Garmin website has the latest firmware and Mapsource programs which are free downloads - at least check there to make sure you have the the latest updates, etc.

If you need to unlock your Version 8 maps, you can buy a code from Garmin or like with most anything on the internet these days there are "other shade of grey" solutions if your instestinal fortitude can stand it.

The only software I got with it was a Map Update 2008, City navigator North America NT. The unit is updated with that software....
The 2730 may be a unit that came preloaded with its original maps. That would explain why you only have an update and not an original map set. Using the 2008 update, right click and explore the cd. Look for an executable that loads the update info onto you computer. Open Mapsource and see if you can toggle between the V8 map and the 2008 using the map menu in the left hand corner. You may have to unlock the maps in mapsource using the key that came with the update. Go to Utilities in the menu bar>unlock maps>next>yes i have a key and then enter the key or have the wizard get it from the unit.

I am wanting to load routes on it but not having much luck. I do have Mapsource 8v from my 2610 on my computer, and that software does recognize the 2730.
If you plan a route with the V8 maps and load it onto the 2730 the 2008 map may not calculate the route the same way. The 2610 was a good unit. I have a Zumo and miss the features of the 2610 at times.



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