My comment about SD card was just that, given the map file sizes, even an 8G card will be enough storage for a while. Yes, the 66x on board storage is lacking, yes if you want all of NA, you must go to secondary storage. Maybe I am fooling myself, but I think screens load faster with the maps on the SD card.Everything you say about the smartphone is true. I was talking about interface, not technology. The garmin can find the closest Italian Rest or gas station with about 6 or 7 icon taps, something I can do while stopped at a red light. I dont have to open Google maps and type "gas station near me".Where I would like to roast Garmins cherries is the out of date POI listings. Major malfunction on occasion.-Steve
I don't disagree with what you are saying. The phone is superior in practically every way - EXCEPT software. I suspect Garmin allowed the map/POI file to grow to its current size primarily to render older GPS with lifetime maps obsolete. There is no way that a mapset for North America has to occupy that much space! A lot of devices cannot use an SD card and even fewer owners are capable of implementing that swap of storage allocation the first time the map download fails due to insufficient space. Since I don't have any plans to ride in Mexico in the near future, I haven't (yet) put my maps on the SD card but probably shall do so - especially if it speeds things up. (So far, I have managed with the internal memory by leaving out Mexico, deleting alternate languages, help files, voices and icons as well as placing routes etc. on the SD card.)
Not to turn this into a Zumo tutorial - this is what I do with maps and SD card.Choose any segment of map to install and be sure to choose download to device and computer. (Make sure you know where the maps end up on your PC)
After the update finishes, start the zumo and let the new map load and be sure all is well.
Be sure your SD card is installed in the zumo.
Connect zumo to PC and fire up Mapinstaller.
Tell Mapinstaller you want to load maps to the SD card, not the zumo.
Highlight all the map segments you want. Go crazy, lots of room. I think I loaded 183 segements the last time.
Let Mapinstaller do its thing.
After Mapinstaller is done, in Windows Explorer, find the zumo internal storage, perhaps drive E or F; and find the map file in the .SYSTEM folder (it will be a hidden Folder) It will be the one giant .img file. Change the extension from .img to .sav.
Disconnect the zumo and fire it up and make sure all is well.
If not ok, go back and change .sav back to .img. The zumo will work and you can go ride.
Something went wrong. Ponder things before you do anything else.
If all ok, reconnect the zumo to the PC, find the file on the zumo you renamed and delete it.
Its much easier to do than describe. The extra steps are there because I have found that the update process is flaky no matter how solid your internet connection is and you can download a bad map on occasion. Garmin servers must be of the same age as their GPS code.
You should hook up the antenna in late Aug. XM gives away two weeks of free weather notification, sometime around the Aug long weekend. Its fun to be told "rain is nearby" 10 minutes after you get wet. And every once in a while some sat radio channels will be free to try.