Garmin GPS III Plus vs GPS III

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Purveyor of Crooked Facts
Jun 13, 2005
Reaction score
Skootsdale, AZ
So I am thinking of picking up a spare GPS on the cheap for a spare.

A few have recommended the Garmin GPS III Plus circa 1997 or so I believe. Can any of you old timers tell me the difference between the 'GPS III' and the 'GPS III Plus'?

So far the answer to that has been elusive.

Not sure on the GPS III however on my G V plus the plus meant it came with City Select and unlock codes for CitySelect, and data cable. I think that was the only differance. I just last year upgraded to the 60CX which is very much like the G-V / G III as far as how it is set up. These are great GPS's if you have some time to figure them out, but they are not as user friendly as the newer ones out there. I will often use my cars Garmin 255W just because i can do stuff with it while running down the highway (I know, I know dont do that) the GV and 60cx you must pull over. One thing to also note is my GV would only hold about 6 or so counties. There is not enough memory in the GPS for any more detailed information. If you are on going on a trip you need to remember to load the counties that you will need and dont change your mind where you are going or you will just have basic highway detailed streets.

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Not sure on the GPS III however on my G V plus the plus meant it came with City Select and unlock codes for CitySelect, and data cable. I think that was the only differance. I just last year upgraded to the 60CX which is very much like the G-V / G III as far as how it is set up. These are great GPS's if you have some time to figure them out, but they are not as user friendly as the newer ones out there. I will often use my cars Garmin 255W just because i can do stuff with it while running down the highway (I know, I know dont do that) the GV and 60cx you must pull over. One thing to also note is my GV would only hold about 6 or so counties. There is not enough memory in the GPS for any more detailed information. If you are on going on a trip you need to remember to load the counties that you will need and dont change your mind where you are going or you will just have basic highway detailed streets.

Spend a little more for just a little newer one that you don't have to load maps on there are several choices 2610 -2720 2830 all more user friendly.

I just scored a 2720 on eBay for 137.00, previous owner de-registered it before shipping, I connected it, registered, and got the latest maps for free. Beats my aging 2610, which has been getting flaky. No map loads, speaks street names, 3D display.

There are 2730s out there to, for MP3, but I would liked to have had a 2820 for BT. Only 2820s I've seen were incomplete, untested, etc.

Sorry, nothing to do with your question, just an alternate suggestion.

Yeah....that GPS III is a real dinosaur. I wouldn't think it's even software supported today. Those things were only capable of like 1.44mb, if that, of upload capacity.

On my old GPS V Plus, I think the PLUS was the new fangled auto-routing and software upgrade.

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If it helps, here is a link to the GPS III Plus Owners Manual.

GPS III Plus Manual - Thanks CalTech!

My Street Pilot III (circa 2004) requires a serial bus to connect to a computer for updating. This might be an issue on the even-older ones, too. Also, the older units are prone to bouts of dementia.


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Spend a little more for just a little newer one that you don't have to load maps on there are several choices 2610 -2720 2830 all more user friendly.
We already have those units. And likely even have a 376C.

The problem is the newer ones don't include sunset and sunrise and it would be very helpful information to conveniently have for competitive rallies. Upload is not required. Do both the III and III Plus have sunset/sunrise?

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The problem is the newer ones don't include sunset and sunrise and it would be very helpful information to conveniently have for competitive rallies. Upload is not required. Do both the III and III Plus have sunset/sunrise?

Yes, the GPS III Plus does, anyway. It's a selectable data window in the Posit Page.

EDIT: BOTH the units in question list Sunset/Sunrise Times.

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We already have those units. And likely even have a 376C.
The problem is the newer ones don't include sunset and sunrise and it would be very helpful information to conveniently have for competitive rallies. Upload is not required. Do both the III and III Plus have sunset/sunrise?
What *the bastard step-brother I never had* said.

I currently own a very old and beat up 2730 that I have had forever, TWO 2820s, and as of very recently, a used 478 off ebay.

But running the IBR sunrise and sunset times are really important. Both Jeff Earls and Eric Jewell run the GPS III Plus just to have the info easily accessible. I am also hoping the the unit is so small that it is easily mountable with just some velcro or something similar.

I am also hoping the the unit is so small that it is easily mountable with just some velcro or something similar.
Probably not that small. You want something truly that portable think about an eTrex maybe in the tank bag run on batteries. They have sunset/sunrise also. Turn it on, get your data, turn it off. In fact, I'm thinking this route as I gave my old man mine years ago when I got my first 2730 and may ask for it back since he doesn't use it.

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I think you would prefer the unit pictured above, which is a Streetpilot III. The GPS III is REALLY old.

And these older units don't need to be 'software supported', because they are pretty much ciompletely bulletproof - the new stuff is trash.

How about a phone app? DeLorme Street Atlas comes with the mobile software for Palm or Windows PDAs and phones, although not the i-thing or Android. In the app, I pick GPS, Sun/Moon and there it is. Sunset, sunrise, moonset, moonrise, moon phase.

There may be something similar for other GPS-equipped smartphones, and if it's an app on the phone, you don't need to be in range of a data connection to get location, the way you do to use Google Maps Mobile, for example.

A phone's pretty small, right?

Hmmm. My Suunto watch has a sunrise/sunset indicator. For a while, I couldn't grasp why a dude to want such a feature...I mean, when it's dark the sun has set; when it's light the sun has risen: simple and idiot proof.

Then I got into photography, and viola, a new use for that watch emerged.

Now this! I can see where such information would be useful in rallying. Life is good!

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I currently own a very old and beat up 2730 that I have had forever, TWO 2820s, and as of very recently, a used 478 off ebay.
But running the IBR sunrise and sunset times are really important. Both Jeff Earls and Eric Jewell run the GPS III Plus just to have the info easily accessible. I am also hoping the the unit is so small that it is easily mountable with just some velcro or something similar.
A few of our company vehicles have 478's in them. I was playing with one the other day and found a page that shows sunrise/sunset times. It even let you change location and date, then showed sunrise sunset times for the new location & date.

You're welcome.

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A few of our company vehicles have 478's in them. I was playing with one the other day and found a page that shows sunrise/sunset times. It even let you change location and date, then showed sunrise sunset times for the new location & date.
You're welcome.
Oooh. Sold then....gonna find me a 478 this winter and start running two GPS units. I even have a leftover antennae from an ailing 2730. ;) Thanks!

I think you would prefer the unit pictured above, which is a Streetpilot III. The GPS III is REALLY old.
As this will be a 3rd GPS strictly for sunrise/sunset info, I want cheap and easy to mount. GPS III is cheaper than Streetpilot III color version. I am hoping to get one for around $30 or $40. And from some others it seems some good dual lock velcro will work fine for mounting.

A few of our company vehicles have 478's in them. I was playing with one the other day and found a page that shows sunrise/sunset times. It even let you change location and date, then showed sunrise sunset times for the new location & date.
You're welcome.
Oooh. Sold then....gonna find me a 478 this winter and start running two GPS units. I even have a leftover antennae from an ailing 2730. ;) Thanks!
I knew the 478 had this info, but from those smarter than me (not hard I know), they still use a GPSIII Plus so they don't have to bother with going through the various menus on the 478. Perhaps that's overkill. I just know that two of the Top 3 from the '09 IBR do it this way. I just received my 478 and haven't really had time to play with it, but it looks extremely complicated and will provide more info than I will ever need - in other words the perfect toy!

Clicky HERE for Jeff Earls' IBR set-up. For high entertainment value, be sure to check out all the photos, not just the one I linked to, to see how one of the best anal-retentive rally riders out there works his magic.

A GPS V has sunset/sunrise info on it as well. They are getting pretty old now and should also be cheap.

I just updated the software on my old one last month, so they are still supported by Garmin.
