Garmin Zumo 590 Firmware 3.10 Bug

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Well-known member
Nov 30, 2010
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Valrico, FL
Warning, if you own a Zumo 590 do not install the new firmware ver. 3.10. The new firmware has a bug that prevents the media player from un-muting following a GPS voice direction. This affects only the media player, and you won't have other problems with navigation.

If you use the GPS to control music to a headset the GPS will mute the media player for each voice direction, phone call or other priority interrupts. Normal operation is that the media player resumes priority after the voice direction concludes. The firmware 3.10 bug prevents the music from un-muting although it will continue to play on the iPhone or other music source, but muted. The user has to manually restart the music by opening the media player, pressing pause, then pressing play to resume.

Since you may receive dozens or hundreds of interrupts on any ride, depending on route complexity, this gets to be pretty annoying and possibly unsafe. So, if you haven't "upgraded" yet, don't. I posted the bug on ADVrider, and it is common to all upgraded units. I reported the bug to Garmin by email, but they are on Good Friday holiday. It will be a while until this gets resolved.

Looking for a way to roll-back, meanwhile will pair directly with the phone and not use the GPS for music.

That sucks....

Don't know if this will help, but maybe you can get it to work for you.... found this in a search...

Looks like you can grab the older firmware back from their site - in the zumo folder...

click on that link just below

Wow! That was easy. Downloaded the update file from, renamed it GUPDATE.GCD and copied it to the Garmin folder on the device. Got a message about the version being older than what was already installed when I turned it on, told it to go ahead and overwrite it and IT WORKED! It also erased all user settings but that's not a big deal.

From this thread

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Good information there. I am considering trying this but hate to screw with the firmware of an expensive device under warranty.

I'll think about it over a drink.

There are no GUPDATE files in the Garmin folder. On the 590 apparently it is in a hidden System folder. I have my Windows Explorer view set to show hidden files and folders and system files, but that Garmin System folder is still not visible on either of my computers. I know it's there but can't access or view it.

The device may rename / move / delete the file after the update process starts....

It is for all intents and purposes a computer - so its entirely possible they just write that into the code.

But - I can't tell you for sure - its your device, and I don't even own one, just trying to help...

Of coarse Garmin will be back on monday - and best to hear from them.....

I copied renamed file to internal storage \GARMIN and it did not execute an update. The new GPS units are different in that they store maps and system files in a hidden folder. I thought I was fairly proficient with computer stuff, but I never have been able to access that hidden folder.

I just dusted off the 590 this week after it sat dormant through most of the winter. You're warning about the GPS Firmware only correct? I'm looking at Firmware version 3.05.14 and Software and Text versions 3.10. Should I leave well enough alone or do I have the bug? (That didn't sound right btw.)

Looks like you already updated. GPS will work fine, but I think once you set a route and use the media player, the music will mute at the first instruction from the GPS and need to be manually unmuted. This firmware was really recently released, so I think you had it plugged into Garmin Express at some point in the last few weeks.

Figures. Yup, had it plugged in and started cleaning it out this week in anticipation of heading to Moonshine on Thursday. And I know better too than to mess with it before a trip but thought it best after the winter. I'll load a quick local route probably Monday and see what happens. I listen to Pandora through it and right now thinking if I need, maybe I can leave that small media window open from the map screen. That'll leave the Pause/Play button right on top. Thanks for posting this btw.

(Edit to add: If they're gonna work on the music/turn-by-turn, wouldn't it be nice if they could just get the media to lower during navigation instead of completely mute? Ever notice even most stores do that now during PA announcements?)

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If you get a chance, be sure to try it out. I was just putting two and two together based on my ride yesterday, and figured it must be the firmware update I did on 3/26 when I put in the new map update. Several guys on ADVrider now report the same issue. Let me know if your music now mutes and does not resume automatically.

As far as volume goes, the unit seems to have no volume control at all when using it in BT mode with a headset. If you try to change volume on the GPS an error comes up saying change the volume at the headset control. The GPS instruction sometimes is painfully loud compared to the media player, and I'd love to have separate volume like I had with the Autocom.

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Maybe I lucked out?

Tried it both on the bike (BT to Android and wired ear-buds from GPS) and in my truck (BT from phone into auto-mount) and it appears to work fine. Tested with both a pre-loaded route and with a "Where To" location selection. Turn-by-turn instructions will mute the music but it'll come back on as usual.

Reasons? While I connected to Express and updated, I think I only updated Maps and Software to versions 3.1. You mentioned Firmware which might not have updated on mine. Also I only use and tested with Pandora and not any downloaded songs from my phone. Could that explain anything? One odd thing though, my navigation went back to the factory default voice. I have a thing for Australian Karen and had to reset it.

Ref. volume, and I gotta believe you already know this but just in case - you can adjust the volumes for each function separately, i.e. media, navigation, phone, etc. each adjusted individually and apart from the master GPS volume. Home screen > Volume then select the wrench icon.

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Today it is working with no fault. Maybe I had the phone synced wrong? I dunno, but the media and GPS directions are all working well and the other day, it wasn't. I'll assume operator error.

I had the volume for Nav at 80% and it was occasionally getting too loud (volume increased for longer directions), and it was loud relative to media. I dropped it to 70% and we'll see if that takes care of it. I also reduced the POI dings to 50%. Since they added schools, those come in all the time.

Glad you were able to 'fix' it.
And I have my POI dings down also. They're kinda sharp in my ear and there's no shortage of Red Light Cameras around here.

I find with Zumo firmware updates that re-pairing afterwards is a good practice. When I went to 3.1 I repaired the Sena 20s and iPhone all over again and it all seemed to work out OK.
