Gary McCoy - Umotors

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Okay, ladies and gentlemen, I moved THE LIST to a new thread started in the FAQ section as a resource to the membership at-large.
We have pricing similar to Zanotti's. We also have the microfiche online as well.


Thanks Tony.

Still remember the day you helped us tie down the '05 FJR trailer queen for the ride home.

(I wasn't 100% yet and could not make the ride back home.)

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What would it take to become a Yamaha parts dealer online? No shop. Low overhead. Only parts.
I don't think Yamaha would allow it. Parts are a profit center and typically you have to sell bikes to be able to sell parts.

I don't know specifically about Yamaha, but most importers frown on dealers doing significant online discount business. Because of antitrust laws, they can't stop it, but they don't like it as it undercuts the margins at typical brick and mortar dealerships. If they see a dealership moving parts at rates well out of bounds for their bike sales, they have subtle ways of retaliating, such as slow shipping the parts from their distribution system.

- Mark

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I checked many dealers when i droped my bike and gary was the cheapest by a long shot . aND i am sure gary had guide lines to follow . sorry to see him go . A true gentlrmen .

I cant imagine Yamaha not having some kind of M.A.P. in place for their items but I've been wrong before.

you might want to add zanottis

to the list. they are who the fjr forum were using long before we heard about university motors.


Done, and thank you, Dean and Squeezer! We might be starting a pinned thread with the above list in the FAQ section. If so, this list will be moved over there and we can add or edit as sites are found and used by forum members. That way there will be a "central" or "common" place to look for parts sources.

not that it matters, but i originally typed that zanotti's was who the _fj_ forum was using long before we (the fj forum) knew of umotors. you have me quoted above as who the _fjr_ forum used. i don't mind, but i'm not in a position to say what this forum used before umotors, as i wasn't around then. that's all!



Correction noted.

At this point in time it is a moot point. I've started the "other" thread under FAQ and simply attributed the link to the person who offered it.

I thought it was about time we collected the knowledge and had it posted where all could harvest what they need.

+1 on Tony O

He and the Mrs. are great to deal with....truly nice folks.

Cheapest ain't always cheapest, and there is something to be said for personal service...GASP!

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I placed an order from UMotors for 3 exhaust gaskets and 4 irridium plugs on 4/1, Told them i need the the items by 4/4... They were there! With the great discount! I paid $3.50 each for the gaskets, And needed one more, Which was ordered from Desert Valley for $7. Great service from both dealers!

It is a shame that one of the good guys got forced out... :(

Wow, I can't imagine how much business this will cost U-motors in the long run. I personally have ordered +/- thousands of dollars of parts and accessories from them. Gary allowed me to let all my 2 wheeled buddies order through me, or just reference the discount.

I will be interested to see who we find that can match their service as well as keep up with volume.

Might want to check out Sloan's in Murfreesboro, TN south of Nashville.

I did a search and didn't find anything bad posted about these folks. It's been a while since I've dealt with them but when I was living in TN and buying parts for my Venture, they were great folks to deal with.

Several of the parts guys really knew their stuff and would stay on the phone with me for a long time helping me out with technical issues, and not just push me for my parts order and dump me.

...and to add to the "good to deal" with factor I just tracked down their web site here:

and see that you can even pull up the "microfiche" on line...complete with exploded views of all the parts and everything.

(gonna be using that in the future, I'm sure!)


I see this in business more and more. The immediate short term profit for the long term loss. Not telling anyone over 25 anyhing new.

I will always patronize an honest business with good employees EVEN if I have to pay a little more. With Umotors I got exceptional service and prices.

Vote with your feet don't spend your money on business that are just short term this is not only good for the customer but I believe good for the whole american economy.


Just another example of why our economy is in the mess it's in. Those in charge only see the short term profit. It's building long term relationships and making loyal customers that make a business last for generations. Unfortunately, customer service is dead in America. Replaced by large chain stores where the faces change every week and no one knows the answer to your questions. Because of what I read on this forum in the past, I placed an order with Umotors last week. I told the guy on the phone that I was calling because the forum said it was the place to shop. He didn't even acknowledge my comment. Now I know why. I never dealt with Gary, but from what others have said, I wish him well. He is one of a dying breed.

That's really too bad about Gary. That was a really lame move on the part of Umotors. I'm glad to see lotecredneck is in the game though; I've always appreciated his posts on the forum.

UMotors moved a few months back. Its the local Yamaha dealer close to me. A lot of you probably never seen the old place but it was much to be desired very small they sold boats, snowmobiles and motorcycles in this little shop. I guess when they rebuilt they must of felt that the new building would do there sales for them. Boy are they going to be wrong. New and large isn't always better. How would everybody feel if i printed some of this stuff and hand delivered it to U motors it would be my pleasure?

It sure is a shame when a business trys to expand on a large amount of their current informed customers wallets. Thus, customers move on to the next. As I will too!!


Gary did go out of his way just to make sure your order was correct no matter how small and was a pleasure to deal with. Agreed, this type of customer service is becoming a thing of the past. What a shame. Dealing with Gary will be missed and prayers are out to Gary and his family for a new job and a better employer. I'm checking out another vendor for sure. PM. <>< ;)

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UMotors moved a few months back. Its the local Yamaha dealer close to me. A lot of you probably never seen the old place but it was much to be desired very small they sold boats, snowmobiles and motorcycles in this little shop. I guess when they rebuilt they must of felt that the new building would do there sales for them. Boy are they going to be wrong. New and large isn't always better. How would everybody feel if i printed some of this stuff and hand delivered it to U motors it would be my pleasure?
I say go for it!

Maybe they will realize that MOST of their repeat customers are from this board!
