In addition to pistons, remove the pads & clean. Get a couple packettes of brake caliper lube and lube the slide points and pins. If the pads don't move freely it doesn't matter what the pistons do.
Were you ever able to read the fault code before taking to dealer?...There is one other piece of info that I hope someone will read and give me some helpful advice about. I went for a ride today - just a short one, 40 miles. After about 8 miles, I looked down and the yellow 'check engine' light was on. I have NEVER seen that lit before, other than when the bike starts. It stayed on for about 2 minutes, then went out. About 20 miles later, it came back on again for about 2 minutes, then went out.
As I posted earlier, I'm sure your mileage drop is summer fuel blend, we run several vehicles in north texas and this year it is much lower. It never hurts to do proper maintenance but dont chase 5 mpg when it's not the bike.Just a related comment. Spring is here, along with the change in fuel blends. Gas mileage increasing for me as it does every year about this time.
You need to get that bike re-tuned, or at the very least do some research on tweeking some of the fuel cell tables. PM me if interested I can help.I have an 06 that I bought last year... I average 34 mpg.... it came with a PC-V on it... I have no idea what map or type of map it has in it.... I do like to accelerate quickly and performance wise I think it runs great.... I am assuming that the mapping is maybe geared toward performance thus hurting the mpg...