The bike is gone so I have no need for these parts. These all came off of my 2005 FJR.
Stock FJR Saddlebags - These function like new and have no cracks in them and include reflective panels on the back and sides of the bags. That said they are not perfect. First off they need a good wash and have some minor boot marks on the tops of them. Secondly, they are painted different colors. The left one is 2005 blue and the right one is 2006 blue. Strange I know but it was a mixup with the previous owner. Also, there is some minor scratches on them...all seen in the pictures below. How about $250 shipped for both.
Pictures of bags here -
Cee Bailey's Tall Reverse Contour Windscreen. - Needs a wash but in great shape. This is 23" tall and 21" at its widest. Specs here -
Lists new for $180. I'll do $125 Shipped
Pics here -
One front brake rotor - has 44K miles on it and still plenty thick and straight. 320mm diameter for ABS bikes. - $50 shipped.
Motovation frame slider - These need a good cleaning but ready to go. These are the no drill sliders that have aluminum brackets that span across the frame spars. $75 shipped.
NLine Dash Shelf. Great condition...has been drilled for 3 ram balls, otherwise in great shape. All mounting hardware included - $75 shipped
Helibars risers - $35 shipped
Rear passenger seat great condition, no tears or rips - $25 shipped
Wynpro sidestand pad - New, never used - $20 shipped
Pictures of these other parts here -
PM works but email is best - [email protected]
Stock FJR Saddlebags - These function like new and have no cracks in them and include reflective panels on the back and sides of the bags. That said they are not perfect. First off they need a good wash and have some minor boot marks on the tops of them. Secondly, they are painted different colors. The left one is 2005 blue and the right one is 2006 blue. Strange I know but it was a mixup with the previous owner. Also, there is some minor scratches on them...all seen in the pictures below. How about $250 shipped for both.
Pictures of bags here -
Cee Bailey's Tall Reverse Contour Windscreen. - Needs a wash but in great shape. This is 23" tall and 21" at its widest. Specs here -
Lists new for $180. I'll do $125 Shipped
Pics here -
One front brake rotor - has 44K miles on it and still plenty thick and straight. 320mm diameter for ABS bikes. - $50 shipped.
Motovation frame slider - These need a good cleaning but ready to go. These are the no drill sliders that have aluminum brackets that span across the frame spars. $75 shipped.
NLine Dash Shelf. Great condition...has been drilled for 3 ram balls, otherwise in great shape. All mounting hardware included - $75 shipped
Helibars risers - $35 shipped
Rear passenger seat great condition, no tears or rips - $25 shipped
Wynpro sidestand pad - New, never used - $20 shipped
Pictures of these other parts here -
PM works but email is best - [email protected]