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Good God Man!!!!Here's what I've done so far on my 2003 FJR 1300, all but 16,108 miles have been put on since Jan 1,2006, as of saturday, ll/27/12 I have 300,000 miles on it. All these miles have been put on in Central and Southern Ohio. No interstate miles, no over night trips, all rides are single day rides out and back. Here's what I have replaced on the bike thus far, one water pump at 120,000, all 3 brake rotors at 205,000, stock rear shock/front springs etc.,230,000, new starter at 290,000. We checked the valves for the 1st time at 121,000 and they were still well within spec . no adjustments needed. In Jan. 2011, at 205,000, we did the first adjustments on the valves and checked again, Jan 2013, at 307,000, no more adjustments needed. The spark plugs were replaced at 40,000,120,000,205,000, 307,000 miles and they were still in good shape every time.Since I purchased my FJR I have put over 100 tires on it and have tried 9 major brand of tires and 20 some models in those brands to try and find the best tire for my ride. The best tire for me thus far is the 009 Raven. Jan. 2013, Replaced Radiator, it was beat up, I added the Cox guard to protect. new coils, spark plug wires and boot ends, new oil pump chain, old ones loose, new clutch plates, old ones worn some, so I replaced them. Had a record year in 2012, 62,211 miles. I hope this gives you an idea of the service I've had done. Approx. 7,000 + gals of gas and 60 + oil and filter changes...The Gray Ghost.![]()

These bikes are freaking amazing. Absolute pavement eating workhorses.