Gen 2 Owners with Cruise Control (CCS-100 or McCruise)

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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It's good to hear that Yamaha finally has a fix on the way. You've been fighting that shift_26 error forever! Judging from your post history since Jan'08 it seems that it started as a nuisance and just got progressively worse. It will be interesting to see just what broke - what went wrong. To my knowledge your AE is the first documented YCCS related failure on this new technology.

When I was in the market for a bike in late '06 and pretty much settled on the FJR, I really thought hard on buying into this bleeding edge first model year introduction automatic shift bike. I was afraid of what's been happening to you, a nagging failure with dealer mechanics at a loss what to do about it. So far my bike has been behaving itself - save for the ignition switch failure. Thanks to all the guys on this FJRForum I've been able to keep on top of it.

When you take delivery on your bike make sure you get the whole story on the failure. What broke? What wore out? What electromechanical device caused this shift_26 error. We would sure appreciate all the information you can glean from Yamaha. Perhaps there is an item we need to service every so often. Make sure the information gets on Rickster's 2nd gen bin-o-facts page.

I'm with you, it's a great bike! [SIZE=8pt]when it works.[/SIZE]

Best of luck to you my friend! :)


I first started having the problem in December 2007 and the dealer replaced the battery and it seemed to go away but it would popup every now and then.

Last July / August it left me stranded a couple of times.

I am just hoping this finally fixes all the problems I have been experiencing - I even went as far as purchasing your ignition fix (one of the times I thought I was getting my bike fixed) and it is still in the envelope! When I thought I wasn't going to be able to have a cruise control, I bought some other new grips (still in package as I just went ahead and ordered / had install McCruise)!

If I get the bike back, I am going to do a quick ride up to the headwaters of the Arkansas River in Colorado for a test ride (~2500 miles)!

I honestly do believe the technology is sound - I think the problems I have had probably had more to do with dealers not knowing what / how to treat it.

I have asked the Yamaha Customer Service rep to go through the ~7,000+ pages of documentation on my bike and let me know if they tested all the components they replaced - I am willing to bet that none of them were bad!

I will let everyone know what I find out (or don't)!

Best Regards,


P.S. The 7,000+ pages is my little EXAGGERATION :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: !

Update As Of June 4, 2009

Well, I picked up my bike for the 5th time after Yamaha declared problem finally fixed on Tuesday June 2. I rode the bike home and it worked flawlessly!

The next morning I got gear on, loaded up bike, tried to start it, and IMMEDIATELY got the SHFT__26 problem AGAIN. I turned the power off/on quick and it didn't repeat.

But because of the history of this problem, I called Yamaha (I wasn't about to get stranded and stuck with yet ANOTHER towing bill).

The Yamaha rep hinted that he left a message with the Yamaha Regional Manager to discuss a possible buy-back (trade-in).

Today, Yamaha called me with another IDEA on what the problem was. I was told the new service tech writer after reading my bike's case history, really feels Yamaha dropped the ball on and he knows he can resolve it.

I told my customer service rep that if he wanted me to give them one more chance, I wanted:

1) Yamaha to put it in writing that if my bike broke down far away from home, they would assume full-financial responsibility to get me and my bike home.

2) I wanted them to pick up a year's worth of service at the dealer of my choice.

Both requests were denied and I told them then I wanted an EXCEPTIONAL trade-in value for all the hassle they have put me through... they spent most of the time blaming the accessories and they have realized that that position is pretty hard to stand-on now that the Intermittent problem continues withOUT the accessories.

I told them I wanted the regional manager to call me tomorrow so we could bring CLOSURE to this nightmare and I was told that they would put in a request.

I can already predict that they will

1) Not call me back tomorrow

2) Will NOT offer me a trade-in or it will be for an extremely low amount.

Yamaha definitely isn't the corporation I thought it was - there is no sense of urgency on their part to bring this to closure. They keep telling me they are doing their best - I don't know anyone who would call this type of customer service "their best".

Any how, tomorrow the dealer is suppose to pick my bike up YET again and I am suppose to get a call about a trade-in.

I am willing to better I am still no closer to closure on this nightmare tomorrow.

Thanks for letting me rant!

Best Regards,



You are the most snake-bit bike owner I have ever read about. Trade that sucker and don't look back. You've done enough.

Oh, [SIZE=36pt]IF[/SIZE] (and that's a really big if) you remotely thnk about another FJR, stay the hell away from the AE. You're cursed, I think.

Best of luck.


You are the most snake-bit bike owner I have ever read about. Trade that sucker and don't look back. You've done enough.

Oh, [SIZE=36pt]IF[/SIZE] (and that's a really big if) you remotely thnk about another FJR, stay the hell away from the AE. You're cursed, I think.

Best of luck.


I really do want to get rid of the bike - the problem is that it is hard to get rid of a bike with a known problem.

I really believe most of the AE's (and As) are VERY RELIABLE bikes and that I just got a bike with some real "Gremlins" along the way. If Yamaha had taken this issue SERIOUS 5 months ago instead of keep blaming the accessories, this issue probably would / could have been resolved.

Any how, the bike is about to be in someone else's garage soon and it is up to Yamaha to decide if they want me to be riding a Yamaha or something else.

I will keep this thread updated until the matter is CLOSED!

Best Regards,



I really feel for ya man! You went beyond what most people would do, you stuck with them. Every time the bike went in you gave them the benefit of the doubt. You always had hopes they would fix the problem and you could move on and enjoy their product.

That bike must be possessed!
At least you know what the problem is not.

When you picked up the bike this time what did they do that made them convinced the problem was solved? did they replace the harness? Another black box? Something is causing the problem.

I wish you the best.


I really feel for ya man! You went beyond what most people would do, you stuck with them. Every time the bike went in you gave them the benefit of the doubt. You always had hopes they would fix the problem and you could move on and enjoy their product.

That bike must be possessed!
At least you know what the problem is not.

When you picked up the bike this time what did they do that made them convinced the problem was solved? did they replace the harness? Another black box? Something is causing the problem.

I wish you the best.


About a week ago I got a call saying they were finally going to replace the wiring harness if I agree to remove the accessories and keep them off the bike or PAY a YAMAHA DEALER to install them (the implication being the people who installed my accessories weren't competent with motorcycles).

I told them to just replace the harness, remove the accessories, and I would trade the bike in.

The next day, out of the blue, I get a call from the same Yamaha Customer Service representative telling me that they have FINALLY found the problem (something to do with the clutch) and that I could keep my accessories on the bike.

They shipped the part to the dealer and I picked up the bike on Tuesday (had a friend drive me the 65 miles to pick it up).

And I was happy for about 12 hours with the bike.

Now Yamaha wants me to give them ONE MORE CHANCE and they don't want to give me anything for all the hassles they have put me through - they are so sure that this new fix will fix the problem that they will NOT take financial responsibility if I have another similar electrical failure far from home.

Yamaha definitely is NOT the corporation I thought it was.

Today is their last chance to keep a customer - as I wrote before, I am willing to bet today they will still be non-committal.

Oh well, this nightmare is going to end real soon one way or the other!

Best Regards,


I just wanted to tell everyone publicly what Brodie did - I purchased his ignition harness last December BEFORE my new Yamaha electrical adventure began.

Brodie out of the blue refunded my purchase.

I am going to donate the money in his name to a charity of HIS choice.

Brodie - if we are ever able to meet, the dinner & beer is on me!

You really put a smile on my face :yahoo: :yahoo:~

Best Regards,


P.S. Brodie, please let me know the charity of your choice!

Time for another update on "YamaF___Ked"!

Well, as expected, no call from Yamaha today other than the lonely janitor they send out to do their fighting :rolleyes: ! I have to admit though he is good at his job of not answering questions and sticking to the company line that they will finally fix my bike and I am fortunate that Yamaha is now "expressing parts" (not sure how thing is suppose to be a good thing for me after 5 months, but....).

So, as expected, no offers from Yamaha to remedy the situation other than I giving them another chance to fix my bike right.

I am suppose to get it back next week and I will be going on a new bike ride!

I have a couple of ideas but want to wait and see what I get.

I do thank y'all for being supportive and letting me rant.

I gave Yamaha till today to bring closure and it wasn't to be.

The sad part is that I know Yamaha makes a quality product and that I just happen to be the unfortunate one who got the one with Gremlins in it!

This could have been resolved real easy but Yamaha never made any attempt / offer to me after all they put me through - they just stuck with the same old line and no-one from management above janitor status ever called me back even though I made the request several times.

So, I am going to do what Yamaha wants and I will trade the bike in and let them declare victory that they ran off a once HAPPY Yamaha owner! I will NEVER MAKE THIS MISTAKE AGAIN!!!

I figure there should be only one more installment in this LOUSY series as long as Yamaha doesn't do a YAMAHA to me in the next week!

Best Regards,


Wow..... I just put 500 down on an 09 FJR1300A (not the AE, I still likes me clutch :) ) today and after reading this I'm starting to wonder if i did the right thing......

Update As Of June 16, 2009

Well, other than everyone being more annoyed, nothing has changed!

Well, I just got an email from the Yamaha Customer Service rep saying the part that was suppose to be at the dealer's last Friday (and then today) will be there tomorrow.

So, my bike now celebrates 5.5 months in the dealer's garage!

I am still hopeful that I will get my bike back this week so I can have the accessories removed for sale and return the bike to stock for trade-in!

I REALLY wanted Yamaha to fix it and restore my confidence in both the bike and them! Sadly, they have failed on both accounts.

After reading Key's similar experience with his 2006 AE, it is definitely time for me to move on. Life is way to short to have to be in a constant "bitch-state" on a product no matter how much you like it and hope it can be fixed!

If the FJR forum gave out an award for most bitching on the same problem, I believe I would have been declared the WINNER :blink: :blink: :blink: !

I will post update either I get the bike back or Yamaha changes directions again!

Thanks for letting me rant!


Update As Of June 16, 2009
If the FJR forum gave out an award for most bitching on the same problem, I believe I would have been declared the WINNER :blink: :blink: :blink: !
You have every right to rant.

your frustration and pain is evident

I sure hope for better, happier days ahead

glad you'll still be riding the roads and highways at some point with confidence in your machinery whatever it is

Update As Of June 16, 2009
If the FJR forum gave out an award for most bitching on the same problem, I believe I would have been declared the WINNER :blink: :blink: :blink: !
You have every right to rant.

your frustration and pain is evident

I sure hope for better, happier days ahead

glad you'll still be riding the roads and highways at some point with confidence in your machinery whatever it is

I am going to give it some serious though while my family & I are in Germany in July (wife really needs a vacation after 9 months of chemo / radiation)!

I am SERIOUSLY considering a 2009 or 2010 BMW 1300 GT!

I will keep all posted - I am hoping Yamaha will at least get the bike back to me here shortly so I can have the farkles removed for sale and get the bike ready for trade!

Best regards,


Wow..... I just put 500 down on an 09 FJR1300A (not the AE, I still likes me clutch :) ) today and after reading this I'm starting to wonder if i did the right thing......

I honestly believe you will be VERY HAPPY!

Most FJRs have little or no problems if they are properly maintained.

The problem is that if you are one of the very, very minute problem owners, based on my experience, you could be in for a LONG sad _____.

Corporate Yamaha has NEVER had anyone above "janitor" status even take the time to call me and assure me that my problem was being elevated to "critical".

I am just looking forward to putting this mess behind me .... it is so bad now that I can even be civil with the Yamaha janitor who claims he is trying to help me.

Any how, you will be smiling from ear to ear when you get your new ride and the people on this board will be very supportive and helpful!

Safe riding!



Whatever ride you end up on I wish you the best. 5 1/2 months for the bike to be in the shop is more than anyone should have to bear. I hope you will get top dollar for the bike in trade in.

On a more personal note, take care of your very best friend. Be there for her, help her get through it. When you go on vacation make the most of it. Family is what really counts in life.

