Gen II Busa speedometer vs GPS readings

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Interesting.. I never hear of that before but pretty cool if you have a analog dial. Thanks!

Mad MIke,

I will be doing my ten mile run on the FJR and ZX10r this week. I am off work for four days coming up and will report the results back.

Reno J, Warchild,

Thanks for the information regarding this. I have never thought to test my oDo's against my GPS. I look forward to seeing how this fairs out especially regarding the FJR's 5% fast speedo(though mine is dead on with gps and my speed gun).


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I look forward to seeing how this fairs out especially regarding the FJR's 5% fast speedo(though mine is dead on with gps and my speed gun).
Hmmmmm, that's an anomoly. Mine is off approximately 4.5% (.0045) at the far right side of the dial. A little less at FJR normal commute speed (about "1100 High!" on the dial).

It's also worth noting that this is not unique to motorcycles. The ONLY automobile I've driven (an admittedly narrow list) where the speedo was very close to GPS/actual was my BMW Z4. Every American and Japanese make I've rented or borrowed has had a higher % speedo overstatement. The Z4 stayed within 2-3 MPH tops up to and above triple digits.

Indicated - Actual25.0 ------- 22.8

35.0 ------- 33.1

43.4 ------- 40.0

54.0 ------- 50.0

59.6 ------- 55.0

65.0 ------- 60.0

75.1 ------- 70.0

81.5 ------- 75.0

109.7 ------ 100.0
How the heck does the analog speedo give you readings in tenths?
Does this come with a digi speedo in the IP cluster, too?

That asked, my Wabs reads just about the same as your Busa. I no longer worry much about speeding infractions while on the Wabs, but then again, it only has 62 ponies. :lol:

How the heck does the analog speedo give you readings in tenths?
Does this come with a digi speedo in the IP cluster, too?
Nope, those are my close guesstimates after being able to repeat the exact, same results after about 6 speed runs per reading.

62 ponies, huh? Hmmmm.... about 1/3 of the Busa's HP at the rear wheel... B)

Nope, those are my close guesstimates after being able to repeat the exact, same results after about 6 speed runs per reading.
62 ponies, huh? Hmmmm.... about 1/3 of the Busa's HP at the rear wheel... B)
Ahhhh, guessometer. Got'cha. As for the HP comparo... That puny motor can't go fast enough and I get to smell the roses and absorb the scenery. A nice change. ;)

So how is the accuracy between the ODO and the Speedo affected when riding on the rear wheel? :dntknw: Doing a burnout? Does it matter?

If you are worried about riding that close to the speed limit when enforcement is in the area, then hook up the Valintine 1 (or other prefered brand) so you can keep yours eyes on the road and listen for the detector to go off. ;) :p

So how is the accuracy between the ODO and the Speedo affected when riding on the rear wheel? :dntknw: Doing a burnout? Does it matter?
Not to me... cuz I don't do any of that foolishness. I got the bike to ride. B)

If you are worried about riding that close to the speed limit when enforcement is in the area
Moot point... anymore, I am a complete law-abiding angel in the presence of LEOs, and, truthfully, pretty damn well behaved in the presence of any prevailing traffic. Even if I know for a fact it's not a unmarked LEO.

Now, that having been said... when out by myself in the desolate steppes of southeastern Washington, or the Nevada outback, etc, it might be a different story... :whistle:

Now, that having been said... when out by myself in the desolate steppes of southeastern Washington, or the Nevada outback, etc, it might be a different story... :whistle:
I think I have been on a few of those roads myself... :whistle: know the ones that are slight down hill, can see for 10 miles and no crossings...I can think of a few in Eastern Oregon followed by great twisty LEO's... :whistle:

If your speedo is reading faster so is your ODO. Period. Using a speedo healer or Yellr box will not make your ODO incorrect. It will make it CORRECT.
i disagree. many a 1000+ mile, documented trip on my 98se Wing showed the ODO within 1% of accurate while the speedo was ~10% optomistic. all of the odo checks were against standard mileages published, against mapping programs, against the IBA certification process (and the tools they use), and GPSs. speed checks were done with GPS, mile markers (time/distance), and friends with access to radar guns (cops).

someone once explained it to me as designed intentionally, so that changes in tires and other user mods don't push a dead-on speedo into reading low; leaving the owner to claim OEM fault if they get a speeding ticket and (at least in the US) try and sue the mfgr for their own lame mindedness. made sense to me based on observations of average drivers.

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Ok guys I finally got a chance to test the above corrected speedo and ODO theories on my 07A,

We had a nice warm(40's) Spring MN day here today and I did the GPS test against my ODO with the yellr box corrected speedo(-5% correction). My speedo reads dead on accurate at 50,60,70,80 and 90 mph with a pretty worn rear tire... I reset my trip ODO, programmed a route from my house for a afternoon ride and followed it for exactly 100 miles on the GPS and stopped....

My trip ODO read 99.9 miles (FYI, this is not a guess estimate either....).

I was expecting it to read 95-96 miles based on some of the theories proposed regarding this. The speedo correction done by the Yellr Box did not distort my ODO results on the FJR... Well, maybe it did effect it. If it had been reading high based on the high reading speedo, BUT I can't say for sure.. I just know the results as I tested.



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Ever since I put a Garmin on my FJR I stopped looking at the speedometer altogether. I just use the speed reading from the Garmin. Since the gps is mounted up higher than the instrument cluster it is quicker and easier to see.

Ever since I put a Garmin on my FJR I stopped looking at the speedometer altogether. I just use the speed reading from the Garmin. Since the gps is mounted up higher than the instrument cluster it is quicker and easier to see.
+1 I always just use my Garmin for speed readings.

Ever since I put a Garmin on my FJR I stopped looking at the speedometer altogether. I just use the speed reading from the Garmin. Since the gps is mounted up higher than the instrument cluster it is quicker and easier to see.
+1 I always just use my Garmin for speed readings.
+1 as well. The Garmin 2610 works well.

I do have a Vapor computer (speedo/tach/ODO/etc) on the KLX250s. Easy to calabrate and dead on accurate speed & odometer.

My odo is 3.4% fast on the FJR, not sure how much but do know the speedo reads high also. I'm getting from this discussion that if I make the speedo reading accurate my odo won't change ? bummer . . . .As I wanted to make the odo accurate as possible , I use the GPS for speedo usually

My odo is 3.4% fast on the FJR, not sure how much but do know the speedo reads high also. I'm getting from this discussion that if I make the speedo reading accurate my odo won't change ? bummer . . . .As I wanted to make the odo accurate as possible , I use the GPS for speedo usually

You should check my last post regarding this...... The theory, proposed by some on this thread, was that only the speedo read high, mine reads 5%, and the ODO was programmed accurate by the factory(did not read high even though the speedo was)... Well, I have a Yellr Box correcting my speedo to match my GPS... Dead on.... And based on these theories my ODO should of been distorted(by the Yellr Box correcting the speedo)... Reading 4-5% low... THAT THEORY IS INCORRECT, AT LEAST ON A 07 FJR!!!! My results of exactly 100 miles on the GPS showed 99.9 miles on my ODO.


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One note to all of these results.

Over in europe they have a law that states something to the effect of no vehicle shal ever indicate a lower speed than the actural speed of the vehicle.. and Japan has a simaler law but not as strict..

When all is said and done most european makes of vehicles are off by about 5% while japanese are off by 3% on the averagen and American vehicles are only off by 1%.

Some manufactures will increese the percentage on their sports models for obvious reasons.
