I hope that this is not drifting too far off the OPs intended discussion, but in thinking about "dual rate" springs, there are lot of nebulous thoughts that bounce around my head. One is: when one specifies two distinct spring rates, does each rate also take into account the influence of the other spring rate? When you are applying a load to the spring, the entire spring will want to compress, not just the weakest part alone.
So while they may say the lower spring rate is .85kg/mm is that the rate of the spring if there were no higher rate stage on top of it? In other words, if they were two unique shorter springs stacked up? When you lengthen the spring and put a second 1.0 kg/mm rate in series with the .85, wouldn't that lower the .85 somewhat?
Also, how exactly would one wind a single spring that transitions immediately from one rate to another? There should always be a coil or two that are "in between" the two desired rates, and that should create a transitional spring rate for some finite amount of the spring's travel. Plus the stiffer spring would still be compressing (albeit at a much lesser rate) as the weak spring compresses until it is coil bound.