In search of a gen 2 lower outer right side fork tube. Shop said the inside is scored and they can't find one anywhere.
Anybody got one or know of a place I can get it?
Anybody got one or know of a place I can get it?
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It seems this part is not available and the shop is suggesting replacing the left and right fork assembly if I want to keep the bike for the long haul.In search of a gen 2 lower outer right side fork tube. Shop said the inside is scored and they can't find one anywhere.
Anybody got one or know of a place I can get it?
Monitor eBay and setup a standing search. You might get lucky. Or maybe monitor Facebook Marketplace and find a parting-out type bike. Tubes are one of the more typical items that are hard to find as a platform ages and they're not technically wear items, but sometimes score enough to need replacement.It seems this part is not available
Yeah, I kinda wondered that myself. The polished inner fork tubes ride on the bushings (and seal). Scoring on the inside of the fork body shouldn't be an issue unless someone beat the crap out of them trying to remove the bushings. I suppose it is possible that the recesses for the bushings are screwed up. Note: It IS possible to put these back together with just the upper and lower bushings - that's how mine are done (as recommended by Traxxion Dynamics when installing their AK20 fork cartridges).Although - WTF does it matter if the lowers are scored?
I think it would have to be pretty bad. Doesn't have to make a fluid seal. Question is how did they get scored that badly?If the inside of the outer tube is scored below the middle bushing, it "might" make a difference.
Available here:It seems this part is not available and the shop is suggesting replacing the left and right fork assembly if I want to keep the bike for the long haul.
have not found any yet, besides overseas and it was a bit more than I wanted to pay. How much for what you have?
I think I just need the RH outer tube, but if the pair is at a good price, I'll take both.
Part nbr 3P6231070100 for the RH tube?
Do not know what is wrong with your tubes, and Oldjeep's comment is is consistent with my understanding of the fork tubes. But maybe your shop truly has your interest at heart when they are suggesting a complete assembly replacement?WTF does it matter if the lowers are scored? The bushings sit in the lowers and the uppers ride in the bushings?
Not sure if damcis took the RH outer fork (3P6-23107-01-00) but if not I’m in need of outer/lower only!Thanks for your note. Yes, I have both the left hand and right hand outer fork sliders.
Left side is p/n 3P6-23106-01-00
Right Side is p/n 3P6-23107-01-00
Sliders have tubes attached. Understand it is possible to damage the internals if not disassembled properly. And, shipping is much more expensive if the bent polished internal fork tubes are included. Will check on this. If you want these lowers, please let me know if you want the internal tubes removed first and I will PM with price.
Do not know what is wrong with your tubes, and Oldjeep's comment is is consistent with my understanding of the fork tubes. But maybe your shop truly has your interest at heart when they are suggesting a complete assembly replacement?
BlastI took them both.