1. having no luck identifying the stock turn signal relay, how many pins, location, etc. . . . I bought one from the dealer. It came in, has 10 pins or so and is a multi-purpose relay.
2. Went to TST industries in Lake Helen, FL (near DeLand) and spent about 6 hours with Bart the super tech guy. We pulled the front of the bike apart and found the match to my new dealer purchased multi-tasking relay. It's on the right side, just forward and a little to the left of the battery. Next job was trying to determine which wires controlled the turn-signals. Bart found an online reference and we tried that wire, the one next to it and then the next, all to no avail. Finally, we just pulled the whole relay out and . . . the turn signals kept right on flashing (fast). So, that ain't the relay.
3. By then, in frustration, we just pulled the back end apart and patched in a resistor on each side and . . . voila, normal flash rate.
4. Since arriving back home, I went to Office Depot and had the Service Manual wire schematic and index pages scanned and emailed them to Bart. He intends to continue working towards a more elegant relay replacing solution.
Note to RichDoyle: regarding liking the fast flash rate . . . I did to at first. However, while following another bike with the fast flash rate it seemed to me that the turn signal flashing fast fooled the eye and brain and looked more like a dimmer light just left on with maybe somewhat of a twinkle like staring at a star at night. It lost the benefit of the LED being brighter than the incandescent bulbs they replaced. Then again, this illusion might only be a figment of my own decaying brain. FWIW. Because the LED is instant on and off, at the normal blink rate, I think it really stands out.
So . . . the service manual doesn't identify the turn signal relay, AND the dealer can't identify the correct relay, does anybody else know? Anyone? Bueller?