GenII vs GenIII Air Filter Element

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I will be home wednesday if you need anything else....

Plus i would love to see that ES....


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Does anyone else do the Air Filter 180 to extend the life of it?

What I mean is, because of the plastic tube that sits inside the filter element almost exactly 1/2 the filter seems to not be filtering the air. When you check your filter after a season on the inside there is a clear line from the dark, dirty end that is exposed to outside intake and the other 1/2 is nearly completely clean and white still. So I just blow out the filter of loose particles as best I can and I rotate it 180 degrees so the clean unused end is now exposed and the dirty end has the inner plastic tube covering it. Two riding seasons out of one filter. I'm actually not sure that the inner plastic tube even needs to be in there?...but I don't really want to modify it since I assume Yamaha knows what they're doing.

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Could we give a little more specific input on the pros and cons of cutting off that plastic tube? This sounds like a concept that could become an idea!

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The configuration of the air-box is mostly about noise control.

That tube sticking into the filter (and other housing details) are for noise control.

Less noise from the intake = more noise the rest of the machine can make.

Could we give a little more specific input on the pros and cons of cutting off that plastic tube? This sounds like a concept that could become an idea!

The configuration of the air-box is mostly about noise control.That tube sticking into the filter (and other housing details) are for noise control.

Less noise from the intake = more noise the rest of the machine can make.

Well I didn't mean for this thread to turn into a dreaded NERPT air box mod thread...but that inner tube doesn't make a ton of sense to me. Weird to have that big ass air filter and for only of 1/2 of it to be actually filtering air? But that being said, my bike runs perfect the way it is and I really don't think it's worth messing up the OEM air mixture proportions by modifying it. Just my .02

So I'll just continue to rotate it. :)

Yeah. Go start your own air box snorkle-ectomy thread.

As for rotating filters, yeah! Of course. It is casual to the most obvious observer that more air flows and is filtered through the right side of the (stock and UN-castrated) airbox than the shielded left side.

edit - I'd imagine AJ's castrated air box would flow more through the left side since that's then the shortcut.

So flip those filters whenever it tickles your fancy. And... if you really want to save some coin on your air filters (at absolutely no detrimental cost to performance) look for the EMGO version of the FJR OEM paper air filter (google is your friend here). At less than half the cost of Mamma's for what appears to be the exact same filter (emphasis mine), you could probably afford to change them per FSM schedule (but I sure as hell do not)

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Yeah. Go start your own air box snorkle-ectomy thread.
As for rotating, yeah! Of course. It is casual to the most obvious observer that more air flows and is filtered through the right side of the (stock and UN-castrated) airbox than the shielded left side.

edit - I'd imagine AJ's castrated air box would flow more through the left side since that's then the shortcut.

So flip those filters whenever it tickles your fancy. And... if you really want to save some coin on your air filters (at absolutely no detrimental cost to performance) look for the EMGO version of the FJR OEM paper air filter (google is your friend here). At less than half the cost of Mamma's for what appears to be the exact same filter, you could probably afford to change them per FSM schedule (but I sure as hell do not)
Pfffffffft. Shows what you know. I cured that risk by cutting a hole in the right side of my air box. So BOTH sides of the filter get air. A few years ago it was the "C-Dog AirBox Mod." Remember that one? I still enjoy the sucking sound it makes when I crack the throttle. AND I forgot to mention that besides the 50horses I gained, the bike lost 35lbs when I removed all that plastic. Of course, the 25lbs i gained in weiner size almost negates that, but oh well...

Yeah, I definitely remember Cdog. He was entertaining, if nothing else.

But, good move cutting the second hole! Otherwise if you were riding along down the road and suddenly cranked the throttle open, you'd get sucked to the left by the in-rush of air suction. With the added right side hole, you are ensured to suck equally both ways.
(wait, are there more than 2 ways to suck?)

The only caveat for anyone following along from home is to make sure that you wait to have your custom Russell seat fitting until after your 25 lb wiener expansion. That way you can avoid those expensive shipping fees for an "adjustment" afterward.

Yeah, I'm just here to help.
