Gerbing's Heated Gloves

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Sep 29, 2005
Reaction score
Litchfield, NH
I got a pair of Gerbings heated gloves a few months ago and while they definitely keep my hands warm (hot and sweaty sometimes) I can't help but notice that there seem to be heating elements poitioned right over the knuckles on my ring fingers. For the first hour or so, it's no big deal, but after a while, it really gets annoying. Has anyone else had this problem? I've hear that their customer service is very good and I plan on sending them to their manufacturing facility in Washington, but I want to make sure that they come back in the same condition. Looking at them, it looks like they will have to be opened up and re-stitched in order to move the heating elements around. Any thoughts?

Chris :cold:

Are these the new G3 gloves, or the older style? I just got my G3's, but have not ridden with them as yet. I did have to send the first ones back, which should have been my size, but were a little too tight. Let us know how you make out.

Did you get a thermostat to go with the gloves or is it a direct plug in to the battery?

I've recently got the new G3's. I'm not feeling anything on my knuckles but there are some other spots I'm not sure will be happy on long rides like the tips of my index fingers (TBD). Maybe the wiring is a little random in location?

I also have the G3s and I am happy with them. There is one wire that goes over the knuckle on my right hand middle finger but it doesn't hurt me. I guess it depends on the size and how much room you have in them. If mine were a bit tighter it may be a problem. I like the gloves a lot since they are not bulky at all and they kept my hands warm on a 28°F ride the other week.

The one I have are the older model. I called Gerbings and they said that they would take care of the problem if I sent them in. I asked how long it would take to get them back and they told me it would be about 2-3 weeks before they could look at them. After some begging and pleading they agreed to look at them right away, provided that I call on the day that they arrive so they can put them in the front of the line. I sent them our yesterday via overnight delivery and called them today to let them know that they were there and they told me that they would go get them and look into it. Unfortunately, I didn't speak with anyone technical who could tell me exactly what they were going to do, but the girls that answered the phone in customer service were very courteous and helpful. I'll let you all know how I make out when I get them back.



Calabash - I got the heated jacket and the 2 channel controller. In cold weather I ride in a First Gear Kilimanjaro jacket and that keeps me planty warm. I've found the heated jacket to be a bit overkill and ended up plugging the gloves straight into the controller rather than into the jacket, and the jacket into the controller. The controller is key, as the gloves can get very hot and it is very convenient to attenuate the heat so my hands don't sweat.



Alright, here's the update. I sent my gloves in to Gerbing for repair and they sent back a brand new pair of the same model. Unfortunately, it seems like the lining is even thinner than the ones I returned and I can actually feel the wiring going across the top of almost every finger, which is much worse in comparison to the discomfort I felt just on my ring fingers with the original pair. I sent them a message yesterday morning and asked if I could pay the extra $30 and return the ones they sent me in exchange for the new G3's. I'll let you know how that goes...

Chris :cold:

A small update on my G3's. I took a short test ride on Thursday to try out my Gerbing liner and gloves. All seemed to function well. No glove discomfort, but, They are a little bit larger than I normally wear. My normal size was too tight, which might amplify what you are feeling.

Thanks for the G3 update. I haven't heard back from them yet about their willingness to let me pay the difference for a new pair of G3's, but I did notice that they are out of stock. Does anyone know when they're going to be available again?

I'm utterly amazed at this discussion. I had Gerbing make my gloves WARMER!

Today it was in the teens and I was wearing the gloves, jacket liner and outer pants and had the controller on full, and my hands were OK. Not as warm as I'd like, but not numb or even uncomfortably cold--and that was with the gloves warmed up (these are the older model).

But, as I said, it was in the teens and I was on the highway for at least 30 minutes.

When I use the gloves, I don't use the grip-heaters.

As gloves, they are good gloves, not great gloves--if they weren't electric they wouldn't hold a candle to my Olympia winter gauntlets or my First Gear thin insulated gloves.

When it's in the 30's or higher, I usually switch to the First Gears and turn on the grip heaters instead.

Just a quick update, the folks at Gerbing were great about switching the new pair of the "original" gloves in trade for a new pair of G3's. I'm hoping that the wiring is a bit less noticeable.


Gerbing jacket liner XMas present from wife. She probably didn't realize & neither did I just how well they would work. She didn't get controller so I had to go get that as I can't believe anywhere south of the north pole would need that much heat. Controller is a must! Hope yours works out.
