Getting used to the power?

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Too bad Howie !

Here in DE I think they might want to throw me in the slammer if I was caught doing 40 over.

20 over is a mandatory 3 month suspension of license plus a hefty fine plus a tongue lashing by a DMV bureaucrat that is still trying to figure out how to manage that hair comb-over thing. Not fun. Of course, don't ask me how I know...

How old is your gas? Mine ran slow after winter storage but came back to life after a afresh tank. Also, what is the status (cleanliness) or your air filter??

You got a point there, yamaholic. Let the bike sit and rust and sure she needs some spring tune-up. I only let mine rust one week at a time. Otherwise, she gets rode hard and put up wet.

Put new plugs and air filter in at 12,000mi. last Sept. also did TBS at same time. Now have 19000mi. on so I do ride(no rust or stale gas) Used NKG instead of denso's cause I didn't know what was in at the time. Guess I'll put in some Denso's do a TBS again and clean filter for the coming season. Anything else I should try?Don't want to do valve check until at least 26,000mi or maybe after riding season over 28,000- 30,000mi.? Who knows I might have that milage on by fall then I'll have to rethink about doing it earlier.

p.s. Dont get me wrong this bike still kicks ass, I just think it might have lost a touch or I'm getting gready for more power.

Until I got this Road Rocket, I'd never been pulled over on a bike (including an '01 Hayabusa). Since last March, I've had to stop and chat with 4 different law enforcement officers. In NM last Thrusday, I finally had to pay. Mr. Officer cut me a huge break and only gave me a 54 in a 45 ($80 - no points). We both knew I was doing well over that. The same weekend, GPS reported a new high speed of 138 with bags on. No lack of power here!!!

Be safe, be fast.

Steve D.

Ah, the lust for thrust. Seems we just can't get enough of it. I notice a difference in the hot summer months, not quite as much jump, but in the cooler months when the air is more dense, lofting the front wheel becomes more likely and that kick in the seat of your pants torque just makes me :D .

I do think we accomodate as we become more familiar with what she will do. I know the first time I did a wide open throttle in third gear, and held it for 15 seconds I was just amazed. Now no longer amazed, just know what it will do when asked.


I've owned many fast motorycles, cars and boats. You simply get used to the speed. Not to say that something could not be wrong with it, but you have to be aware of the fact that the more you drive something fast, the more you become accustomed to it and it doesn't feel as fast anymore.

During one long ride through the NV Outback, I spent so much time over the ton that, slowing to small town speeds[1] that were between 25mph and 40mph made me feel like the bike was going to fall over[2].

[1] Don't go even 1 mph over or they'll nail you since that's the main source of income.

[2] As if you were at a near standstill in a parking lot.

Anyone else feel this way? When I first got my 05 FJR back in June of 06 (used)I couldn't believe the power, now I could use more low end torque,and I find I'm downshifting to pass more often. After not driving as much during the winter I must say this thing still got a lot of power but nothing like that first test ride.

It's hard to go slow on this thing!!!!!!
Don't forget that everytime you mount your bike, you should be scared stiff about it's ability to make power, etc. , and always think that it's something to be respected. At least that's the way I try to approach riding my bikes in an attempt to stay as focused as possible.

I am not trying to say that I think you are a speed demon that's taking chances, etc., just wanna try and keep your WARN meter running everytime you get on that rocket ship. Cause that's what it is and rocket ships are dangerous!

Too bad Howie !
Here in DE I think they might want to throw me in the slammer if I was caught doing 40 over.

20 over is a mandatory 3 month suspension of license plus a hefty fine plus a tongue lashing by a DMV bureaucrat that is still trying to figure out how to manage that hair comb-over  thing. Not fun.  Of course, don't ask me how I know...
Damn! Talk about jack-booted guvmint thugs running your DMV.


Here in California we've come to expect getting beaten down but it ain't that bad!
Howie, you gotta move to Alabama. Not that the troopers are so easy on you, but there are financial issues. We currently have the lowest number of troopers on the highway since their inception. No kidding. The odds are good...

Just don't crash. Average response time for accidents requiring State Trooper attention - well over an hour.

the majority of those who feel a loss of power etc usually get the tick within a few thousand miles. Keep a watch.

Your later post seems to indicate some intended humor, but the lack of anything by you or anyone later in this thread to discount this is troubling.

I don't know whether you were kidding or not, but as someone thoroughly researching my next buy, you are not doing Yamaha any favors.

Just my quick thought, it won't make my mind up in the end, and I have a fair faith in most to not be dissuaded by this alone also.


