I have the E460 or something like that. Have had it since 2008. I've loaded the heck out of it, and (no sub-frame comments please) it has been wonderful.
My concern is my wife uses it as a backrest. Sometimes the throttle hand gets a tad heavy to pass or get on an on ramp. I give her notice but I know there have been times when she probably bounces off the givi. What kind of force does it take to crack one? They seem kind of flimsy when you think of a 130 lb person throwing their weight at it. Anybody ever have a passenger that broke one? The bottom attaches to the 357 rack with just plastic.
My concern is my wife uses it as a backrest. Sometimes the throttle hand gets a tad heavy to pass or get on an on ramp. I give her notice but I know there have been times when she probably bounces off the givi. What kind of force does it take to crack one? They seem kind of flimsy when you think of a 130 lb person throwing their weight at it. Anybody ever have a passenger that broke one? The bottom attaches to the 357 rack with just plastic.