Glove recommendtion

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Motoport by far the best glove I've ever had, they also have a winter version. I have both.
What he said. The part of the Kevlar gloves is that you can fill them with water to keep your hands cool. When you put your hand in the water squeezes out and soaks the glove. Try that with leather and see how long they last.

...Racer - High End....
They list another glove by Racer for Hot Weather called the Racer Summer Fit Leather Gloves. This one looks better than many "summer" gloves, but still not nearly as well protected as the High-End...

Could you please let me know what kinds of temps you've found the the Racer High-End gloves to be usable at before becoming too hot?

Damn hot. Very often 90° - 100°. (Gets hot here in the summer.)

I may be odd, but honestly, hot hands aren't that unpleasant.
You, odd?

I have the High-End and run them from about 40°-70°. Christy has the Summer and runs them from about 60° up. I bought them a few years ago after trying on another riders broken-in pair and the fit was fantastic. As yet untested for crash worthiness. :D

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Summer minimalist


I've got a pair of Harley FXRG gloves. They're comfy as hell in most weather (rode to work this morning in 25-degree weather and my fingers were just getting cold as I pulled in) and they offer good protection.

I should have said in my previous response - My summer gloves are red Icon Pursuit. My gloves and helmet are bright red... there may be a medication for this though...

Pursuit has deep rubber protection in the knuckles and thick, perforated leather.


Thanks for the many suggestions, brief reviews and a look into several manufacturers and models that I hadn't considered. I ended up buying the Held Phantom based on comments here and on six other forums. Good reviews and crash test result comments from everyone on the Phantom. Serious glove with good comfort. I've got a 2000 mile trip coming up at the end of the month that will give me a good look at break in time and comfort after a long day in the saddle. I'll report back then.


Motoport by far the best glove I've ever had, they also have a winter version. I have both.
+1 Great glove, but NOT cheap! Motoport kevlar gloves
+2 I can testify that they make a great 10 month of the year glove in Houston climate. I wear the Gerbing's heated gloves in the cool months but the motoport gloves every other time. I'm going on two years of wear and they look new.
Thanks to all who replied to this thread. I have added these gloves to my wish list. I am a big believer in synthetics over leather, and I am hoping these gloves last longer than some of the leather ones I have had. I usually only get 2 or 3 seasons out of a good pair of leather gloves before they show enough wear that I become concerned about their structural integrity.

HOLY CRAP!!! I FOUND 'EM! I forgot what these things were called, but I ran into them while searching for other gear and thought they seemed like an extreme protectiong glove. Now having said that, I've never tried them on, touched 'em, don't know anyone using them, or any other personal experience with them, I just saw your thread and your concerns and these popped into my head as something that MIGHT be worth looking at (not making any promises). The seem like they are ACTUALY designed around the dynamics of a crash and the forces that the hands/wrists encounter. Sorry I can't provide any REAL personal experience or feedback about these, just thought I'd bring it up for your consideration. Oh, if we ever meet, you owe me a cup-o-joe for the effort in trying to remember the name of the damned things! All that thinkin' gave me a headache! ha ha! Good luck finding the right ones and let us know what you opt for.

Crap...I guess I should have read BOTH pages of comments...oh well.

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I was looking for plenty of protection, but some of the gloves I looked at in the video reviews looked a little larger than I thought I could handle....

HOLY CRAP!!! I FOUND 'EM! I forgot what these things were called, but I ran into them while searching for other gear and thought they seemed like an extreme protectiong glove. Now having said that, I've never tried them on, touched 'em, don't know anyone using them, or any other personal experience with them, I just saw your thread and your concerns and these popped into my head as something that MIGHT be worth looking at (not making any promises). The seem like they are ACTUALY designed around the dynamics of a crash and the forces that the hands/wrists encounter. Sorry I can't provide any REAL personal experience or feedback about these, just thought I'd bring it up for your consideration. Oh, if we ever meet, you owe me a cup-o-joe for the effort in trying to remember the name of the damned things! All that thinkin' gave me a headache! ha ha! Good luck finding the right ones and let us know what you opt for.

Crap...I guess I should have read BOTH pages of comments...oh well.
My buddy has those .. I've touched them and tried them on, they didn't fit me and I didn't like how they felt.

I have added these gloves to my wish list.
After reading this review:

I am taking these OFF of my wish list. Several of the complaints by the author are ones I have had in the past with other gloves.
I completely disagree, but to each his own. Oh BTW when tracing your hand for sizing, you are sudposed to also include a scale in inches vertically and horizontaly. My gloves fit perfectly, and have been very pleased with em.

I have added these gloves to my wish list.
After reading this review:

I am taking these OFF of my wish list. Several of the complaints by the author are ones I have had in the past with other gloves.
I completely disagree, but to each his own. Oh BTW when tracing your hand for sizing, you are sudposed to also include a scale in inches vertically and horizontaly. My gloves fit perfectly, and have been very pleased with em.
I actually placed my hand and a see through ruler on the copier at work and scanned that image. The gloves fit perfect.
