Good Zumo 550 Deal

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I walked into my local Best Buy today. They are no longer stocking this as was mentioned. He is importing a leftover one for me from another store in Macon for $539.

The Best Buy sales guy showed me the screen where the ZUMO 550 is being clearanced, some stores have it in stock for 539.00, unfortunately none near me and he stated it is an in store pickup only. Oh well, I wonder what they are coming out with.

Yea this bites. I know that Best Buy stores in other states have had it for around $550.00 or less. All of the Best Buy stores around me have just now lowered it to $592. You would think that a national chain would have a uniform price when placing an item on clearance. I decided to go ahead and get it since it was a good price and if I wait I may find that people in the states with lower prices snatch them up and I end up with nothing. It is always a gamble and I can sleep at night at $592.00. :yahoo:

I'm hoping whatever they replace it with will have the ability to play video as more and more others do. I'm always on the verge of buying an I-touch to have the ability to watch some shows while camping, but I figure I'll wait until Garmin releases a Zumo replacement. Either way, I Loooooooove my Zumo 550!

I picked a Zumo 550 this afternoon at a Bestbuy here in Central Florida. It was clearanced priced at $567.99, there were none in stock so they knocked another 10% off ($56.80) the price and sold me the display model. I walked out the door for $546.97 including tax. My salesman said it was a discontinued item.

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I've had a ZUmo for 2 summers now and I'm not all that impressed. I've been using a $30 map software package in my office for several years (Microsoft street and Trips) and it's routing algorithims and ease of use are substantially superior to the Garmin unit.

Sometimes the Garmin will provide stupid routing so I can't just go where it tells me without looking at a map. example is it takes me 5 miles of city surface streets when I could get to the interstate by going 1/2 mile "out of my way".

I've also had to return the Zumo twice for repair but Garmin was very supportive and did the repairs both times for no charge.

not a bad unit just not the software quality and sophistication I expected for $800.

my 2 cents.

I checked at my local store yesterday and they didn't have it, but I asked to check availability of other stores iin the area and I saw his screen, prices were all over the place ranging from 539-800. One store had one in stock for 539 but I couldn't get there before work. Today I called to see if they still had it in stock they said yes and I asked about the price $539? they responded $449! I had them put ahold on it and drove out there to pick it up. They had it waiting for me at customer service and I asked if I could use the $50 coupon. Yes! Zumo 550 new in the box for $399! WooHoo!

I checked at my local store yesterday and they didn't have it, but I asked to check availability of other stores iin the area and I saw his screen, prices were all over the place ranging from 539-800. One store had one in stock for 539 but I couldn't get there before work. Today I called to see if they still had it in stock they said yes and I asked about the price $539? they responded $449! I had them put ahold on it and drove out there to pick it up. They had it waiting for me at customer service and I asked if I could use the $50 coupon. Yes! Zumo 550 new in the box for $399! WooHoo!
:poster_stupid: :yahoo: I went to Best Buys today and bigger than ****, they had them for $449 -$50 coupon ending up at $399! I am now the proud owner of a new ZUMO 550! Anyone want to buy a QUEST? lol Still playing with it, but it's pretty cool! Whole lot different playing than reading! I think I'll like!


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We have a winner here, too!

Went to BB, with $50 coupon AND a $192 gift card from a portable DVD player I bought last year and returned after the 30 day mark.

They had two new in the box, plus the display unit and a big yellow CLEARANCE tag under it. $449 - $50 coupon + ~$26 tax - $192 GC = $234 OTD!

Can't beat that with a bat. The GC did not really make it that much cheaper, but it sure *felt* that way, as that thing was sitting in my desk collecting dust. I usually buy online for the cheapness when it is something I research myself.

This thing has a 30-day return policy on it, -15% restock only if opened. I just might wait to see what comes over the horizon in the next month, but I somehow doubt it is being replaced by a next gen Zumo yet. If it were, where is the buzz, and why aren't other retailers discounting it, too?

Can't wait to mount that bitch up to my techmount and wire up to my Autocom!


P.S. Oh, and HUGE props to Pawtracks. Dude, you saved me fitty stones. Much thanks! Should we meet, the first three golden frosties are on me!

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P.S. Oh, and HUGE props to Pawtracks. Dude, you saved me fitty stones. Much thanks! Should we meet, the first three golden frosties are on me!
No problem, I would be all over a new Zumo if they had one in stock near me.

Seems like the whole left coast is sold out.

P.S. Oh, and HUGE props to Pawtracks. Dude, you saved me fitty stones. Much thanks! Should we meet, the first three golden frosties are on me!
No problem, I would be all over a new Zumo if they had one in stock near me.

Seems like the whole left coast is sold out.
Well long story short I went to Best Buy after calling to see if the one they ordered for me was in. I called this weekend and they said it would arrive today. The lady in Customer Service said it was in so I made the hour drive to get it. When I get there they tell me it had actually arrived on Thursday and the warehouse made the mistake of not marking it special order with my name so it was accidentally placed on the floor and sold. I talked to a manager and expressed my disappointment and he started the search for a replacement. Two hours later he has one being sent overnight to his store. As luck would have it I leave for our family vacation on Thursday, the day it will arrive. I am having someone make the trip in my place to pick it up after confirming with the manager that it has indeed arrived.

The manager told me the warehouse is out and whatever they have is in stores. They did not have any in stock in the 100 stores closest to Lafayette, IN. I am not sure what store he found it in and I really don't care. I will hopefully be happier on Thursday with something to look forward to when I return from Vacation.

P.S. Best Buy did refund me the difference between my purchase price of $592 and $449. This make it worth waiting for.

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Have your friend sneak in the coupon (worth a shot), worse they can say is no. :rolleyes:
That is scarrrrrryyyy! I have it printed out and with the receipt for that very reason! Maybe the high frequency vibes in the Feejer allows us to read minds and see into the future!

Ok probably not but you have an idea worth trying!

Was on a biz trip to Chi-town this weekend. Stopped in the Garmin store to ask if they had a new zumo coming out. Now take this with a 5 lb. block of salt, because the saleskid didn't seem to know jack....

He said that he has NOT heard of a replacement Zumo but he has heard that the nuvi was going to replace it. I asked how thats possible as it is not suited for outdoors, and he said he *thinks* a waterproof version was coming out. So perhaps the zumo is going buh-bye, the way it replaced the street pilot. Who knows. We'll see, but I still stole this damn thing!

