Goodbye, 2017. Brekkie and a Ride? Sacramento Area weenies?

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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A few years ago, there was a pretty strong FJR contingent in the Sacramento/NorCal area that would gather at the drop of a hat and jumpat the chance to go for a Sunday morning ride with the gang.

I reckon those days are gone.

Times have changed, connections have withered, and we've gotten older

and less inclined to just put on the gear and hit the road.

Still, it would be nice to see a few familiar faces, so. . .

Tomorrow morning (Sunday 12/31/2017) @ 0900.

Brookfields Restaurant (they have a pretty good Santa Fe Benedict) at Hwy. 50 and Sunrise.

We're planning to meet there for breakfast and then a casual ride down Hwy. 49 to Jackson or Angels Camp or somewhere down thataway.

Nothing too exciting, but just a chance to get in a few motorbike miles before calling it a year.

Just washed and shined the King Ranch FJRWing, and thinking it would be nice to maybe see some of the local yokels that had nothing better to do on a day

in late December.

IN, so far -

Old Michael and Laura


Niehart (is he still alive?)

James Burleigh

Silver Penguin

Genichi Kawakami


Bustanut Joker

Generalissimo Francisco Franco

Neil Young

barb's great great grandchildren




Ari Rankum

Eámon de Valera



Thom Yorke



Bike Effects

Benmont Tench

Just kidding.

Just me and the gal, so far.

Happy New Year.

...and a lyric-

Long may you run.

Although these changes

have come

With your chrome heart shining

in the sun

Long may you run.


Fer a minute there, thought I missed a delightful meal at Brookfields /w you charming blokes.

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Damn, Mike I just saw this. I would have gone. I didn't do anything worth while on Sunday. I did go for a ride with a meetup group from Sac on Monday, but I miss riding with this group. Next time I hope!!
