I am saddened to read this, my friend
May you and yours feel the Good Lords wide arms around you during this difficult time and adjustment with His great Peace and Comfort offered to you daily.
My and my family's deepest sympathies go out to you from the deep south. I, my wife, and my children will mention you and your family by name this evening during our bedtime prayers as I firmly believe the scripture that children especially have God's ear during their prayers.
My screen is blurry as your sharing, transparency, and feelings come through loud and clear and may all of us give you big, strong shoulders to weep upon for your loss.
I lost my Dad in '87 a mere 3 months after my wedding (so glad he was there) and I never quite got over it, but time does heal the wound. My memories do sustain me, but, yes, we only get one Dad and he is so irreplaceable.
My Mom passed in '08 Mother's Day weekend (she held on by her fingertips till Monday to rid us of remembering Mother's Day itself this way) and my sister in law lost her Dad this past Christmas Eve. Tough year, but such is the circle of life.
I rode to visit WFooshee in Panama City this weekend, and am leaving at 0530 soon for a Patriot Guard Mission for a WWII Veteran of the Marine Corp in nearby Denham, Springs (60 miles from my home) and I will ride and remember you and your Dad this day (sorry Yankees, 55 degrees now with high of 72 this afternoon - it's July that's a bear here).
I wonder if your Dad or you are a Veteran that had the privilege to serve as my Dad did - Army medic in the Pacific, WWII (served in the rear echelon - Guadacanal, etc).
My PGR sig states that I ride for my hero, my Dad.
Peace and Comfort to you, your family, and all of us here in cyperspace,
Affectionately with a manly hug,
Mike in Nawlins'