Well-known member
Compared to a car, a motorcycle is a smaller target. How does the Stalker pick the bikes out of the cars?
I agree with Grumpy, a radar unit reads the strongest radar reflections, not necessarily the closest vehicle. It could easily read the speed of any vehicle behind you. A truck could be WAY behind you but the cop has no way to determine which he has clocked. I think the judge might be interested to find out just "how did" he pick you out of a crowd and why.Compared to a car, a motorcycle is a smaller target. How does the Stalker pick the bikes out of the cars?Jim
Quebec does . . .Secondly, many states do not have reciprocal agreements for reporting traffic convictions. I would check to see if NY has an agreement with Quebec. If not, just pay it.
Quebec does . . .Secondly, many states do not have reciprocal agreements for reporting traffic convictions. I would check to see if NY has an agreement with Quebec. If not, just pay it.
I suspect you have issues getting Canadian juridicstions to honour (note the spelling) your claims because there's nothing 'in it' for them.That was the first question which popped into my mind. I deal with various Canadian governments and I can never get the courts in Canada to enforce judgments from US courts. The explanation being that the US judgments are considered "criminal" in nature and Canada will not enforce another country's criminal laws. My point being why do you believe that points imposed on a ticket issued in the US are going to be recognized by Quebec? Do you have some international agreement you can point too? If you do I'd like to see it because that would be news to me.
Can't comment on whther we were apparent or not, but there was lots of traffic - and I didn;t admit anything to the officer.bramfrank - Sorry to hear about the ticket. BTDT in similar situation.
Bottom line, you were visually apparent to be maintaining a speed above the posted limit. Backing that up, the officer has the radar hit, which picks up bikes just fine, especially in that situation of oncoming vehicles. No ambiguity of which vehicle was what speed. And you admitted guilt in that your speed was above the posted limit. How much above is splitting hairs and not relevant.
It depends on the Radar unit.I agree with Grumpy, a radar unit reads the strongest radar reflections, not necessarily the closest vehicle.Compared to a car, a motorcycle is a smaller target. How does the Stalker pick the bikes out of the cars?Jim
If I was you I'd spend a little money on a Canadian attorney to determine if Quebec is going to recognize points assessed by the State of New York. It would require a treaty between the US and Canada to allow points to be recognized. I'm not saying one doesn't exist but I would find it very unusual. It can't be an agreement between New York and Quebec because under the US Constitution only the President and the Senate can enter into treaties with foreign nations. While Canada is a good friend and neighbor of the US, from our standpoint it's still a foreign nation.I suspect you have issues getting Canadian juridicstions to honour (note the spelling) your claims because there's nothing 'in it' for them.That was the first question which popped into my mind. I deal with various Canadian governments and I can never get the courts in Canada to enforce judgments from US courts. The explanation being that the US judgments are considered "criminal" in nature and Canada will not enforce another country's criminal laws. My point being why do you believe that points imposed on a ticket issued in the US are going to be recognized by Quebec? Do you have some international agreement you can point too? If you do I'd like to see it because that would be news to me.
They make money on points, so they work those with gusto.
DITTO ON THAT!I did too.My childrens mother is now out of her fifth marriage and glad they are now adults.Sory to hear about your ticket.... and your divorce.
I can't offer any advice for the ticket, but I can on the divorce/child custody situation. Because of my own divorce many years ago, I raised my kids myself from a very young age. Two are now on their own and the last one just graduated HS.
Stay strong for the kids.