Gotta toot my own horn

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Well-known member
Apr 27, 2009
Reaction score
Oklahoma City, OK
So I bought my wife and I a pair of new Mac Book Pro's last week after getting screwed by Windows for the last...well forever! I still have one PC running Win7 in the house that I am using as a media server hooked up to my TV to stream movies through whatever service is currently playing what we want to see, also stream music and provide a networked drive to have all my music(aprox 1.5 TB) in a central location instead of having an expensive external drive to lug around. Last time we bought a new computer it to me about 2.5 hours to set up the internal network and get all the different Windows PC's to play nicely. With the pair of new Macs comes time to get the old computer (a 2010 model Gateway tower unit with an Intel Core i7 processor, 8TB of storage, 16GB of RAM) to play along with with the new computers. 15 minutes is all it took me to get the Win7 PC to play along with the new "intruders"! In fact I no longer needed the third party software! Mac OS X walked me through the process step by step not only for Mac to Mac networking and file sharing but also Mac to PC file sharing! Now a lot of you I would imagine are in the IT field in one way or another and there probably is some easier way of setting up a network on a totally Windows household, but I am not and most often times would rather just hit something with a big fuck-off hammer rather than bang my head against a wall trying to trouble shoot something that should already work!

And on that note I will step off of my soap box and be done!

Shoot, I iced Windows 7 or 8 years ago and went to Linux. If I need to do something "winders" I run it in VMWare. If it takes a shit, I delete the VMWare image and restore one from backups. About the only thing I need Windows these days is for iTunes and to run the crack to remove DRM from videos.

Plus another advantage is when people ask me to fix their Windows boxen, I can say "I don't know nuffin bout dat dere winderz stuff!"

Only thing is trying to run mapping programs with linux. If I could do that well, I would go back to linux in a minute.

Ion, nice crack there dude! Crash, I've got a netbook that I currently run Ubuntu 10.10 on and I like it but the support from mainline software just isn't there for me to run it on all my computers. Also the open source is nice if I could take advantage of it! I would rather use brute force to fix a problem or "massage" something to act the way I want it and just don't have the patience needed to really learn the programming language. On the netbook, because of it limited abilities, Ubuntu works really well for me but on a fully functioning computer I wouldn't last 20 minutes before I took my trusty computer smashing hammer to it! But I do have a profound respect for the people that are able to do that witch doctory voodoo on a computer and can make one work 100% of the time!

Shoot self if foot or use a crapple macintrash? Hand me the gun... Linux as a profession for >10 years.

irq77 said:
Shoot self if foot or use a crapple macintrash? Hand me the gun... Linux as a profession for >10 years.
Oh. BTW I'm also a former crapple employee.

As a Windows admin, I have to say Mac's rock for the everyday end user..
I'm so sorry to hear that. ;)

I'm so glad that my everyday duties no longer require me to troubleshoot driver issues, backups and all the hassle that comes with server admin duties. Now I just have to figure out why OC-12 cards in my carrier level switch crashed. Oh well, you take the bad with the good I guess.

Sorry, but is this thread in freakin' Japanese? I don't understand a damned thing you guys are talking about! Something about fruit, a book, a window somewhere, and I clearly recall a Guinness...other than that, WTF?

Sorry, but is this thread in freakin' Japanese? I don't understand a damned thing you guys are talking about! Something about fruit, a book, a window somewhere, and I clearly recall a Guinness...other than that, WTF?
+1, Gunny! Thank you patch308, finally the voice of fricking reason has spoken! I looked at this thread when I saw my San Luis Obispo County buddies dcarver and Khunajawdge had posted here. I thought I had entered a crack house in South Phoenix or a heroin den down in Hermosillo, Mexico! What the Fuck es Verdad ese!!!
