Great Ride in NE Washington until...

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Sounds like if you hadn't been there, he might have drowned. Good job!
I hate deer...
Yep! X 100

Except I looove deer...

.....medium rare roast or steak...

....smoked ribs.....


Be sure to enjoy the backstrap.

Thinly sliced and fried for me... :thumbsup:


Sorry, I'm a drifter. I got all caught up in dead deer....

Please forgive....

Sincerely, Russ

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I am wishing them a fast recovery.

Glad everything worked out as well as it did.

Thanks to all the friends and strangers who handled things so well.

Thanks for the report AuburnFJR. Glad to hear the BR and his wife will be ok. Its scary to see the pics of the deer and then the bike underwater. But also uplifting to hear how everyone helped. Diving into the water was very heroic. Congratulations to all of you for saving the day and wishing BR and wife a speedy recovery.

Far far too many things were done correctly here to pass this rescue off as merely a job well done. Cool heads, great judgment, instinctive reaction and raw courage prevailed in the aftermath of this incident. A leader emerged and took charge and others willfully followed that lead in performing with skill and polish. Kudos to all for your contribution in making the best of a very difficult situation.

BR and Mrs. benefited greatly from you being there on their behalf. Best wishes for a very satisfactory and speedy recovery to them.

Keep Going!

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Damn! This is unnerving news. I am glad they will, (hopefully) be fine. I have to say that the prospect of multiple surgeries means a long road to full recovery.

I've had a couple of close calls with deer and for me, there is just no way to figure out when they will jump in front of you.

Deer tags should be free.

Put me on the list for a contribution when you start up the fund.

When we meet someday, I'll buy you a well deserved Hero sandwich and mass quantities of beer! Truly you are one to dive into the river without regard for yourself and I'm sure your fellow riders are proud to be associated with you. Many prayers and good thoughts to BR and Mrs. BR for a speedy and complete recovery. Thanks go to the things that went right, the randomly placed people with just the right skill sets and/or equipment, cell signals etc.. that made the best of a horrible situation.

Although this happened a couple days ago, I'm still speechless and sick to my stomach.

First of all, there aren't words to express how Bryan, Dave and Kevin reacted to this accident. You guys ROCK! Everything was done with purpose, correctly and directly contributed to the positive outcome for BReamer and Colleen. I am humbled to know each of you and call you friends and riding partners.

My tears, thoughts and prayers go out to BReamer and Colleen that they make a complete recovery.


Although this happened a couple days ago, I'm still speechless and sick to my stomach.
First of all, there aren't words to express how Bryan, Dave and Kevin reacted to this accident. You guys ROCK! Everything was done with purpose, correctly and directly contributed to the positive outcome for BReamer and Colleen. I am humbled to know each of you and call you friends and riding partners.

My tears, thoughts and prayers go out to BReamer and Colleen that they make a complete recovery.

Don't forget Marissa, she was the key to all, she found the cell reception and got the call for help out that got the rest of the help rolling.


Don't think I'd be overstating it to say your actions were heroic, guys.

BR and the Mrs. are so fortunate to have you as fellow riders and as friends.

Hoping for good news about their situation.

You guys, take care too, okay?

Wow I was filled with anxiety reading about this. I don't have anything to add to whats been said about the your and everybodies actions contributing to an acceptable outcome. Good on ya and I can only hope we all ride with people as strong of character as all of you exhibited.

While I was reading this note, a fellow called me to buy a motorcycle carrier that I have listed on the local sales network (similar to Craig's List). He said he was buying it for a friend who had hit a deer on his Honda Helix.

I am very sorry to hear of the accident described in this thread, and thankful to hear that the outcome is expected to be good. My best wishes to the injured parties, and kudos to the folks involved in the aftermath and rescue.

You truly did a great job saving Reamer from that current. Kudos and good job for doing what y'all did in a very stressful situation. :clapping:

I'm sorry about the injuries...and am glad of no fatalities or spinal injuries. Love and grace from here in Wheaton to you all in the PNW...heal up soon. :clapping:

Wow, so sorry to read about BR and the Mrs. Haven't even met you guys yet and I'm admiring your great team work. You've got to really suck it up to jump in the water and do a rescue like that. I'll be happy and awed to ride with you folks any time. Any address we could send a card to? Great job folks BR was lucky to be with you.

There is a deer around every corner, be ready!

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Everyone on this ride did a great job, If this happened while riding alone the outcome would not be good. I'm glad to have you guys and gals as friends riding partners

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First and foremost, best wishes and prayers to BR and Mrs BR!!!!

I pray my wife and I are never the subjects of a report or the authors' of a report like this. Great to hear that cool heads revealed and reacted rapidly. One of the advantages of riding with a group!

Although this happened a couple days ago, I'm still speechless and sick to my stomach.
First of all, there aren't words to express how Bryan, Dave and Kevin reacted to this accident. You guys ROCK! Everything was done with purpose, correctly and directly contributed to the positive outcome for BReamer and Colleen. I am humbled to know each of you and call you friends and riding partners.

My tears, thoughts and prayers go out to BReamer and Colleen that they make a complete recovery.

Don't forget Marissa, she was the key to all, she found the cell reception and got the call for help out that got the rest of the help rolling.
Bryan please pass on our best wishes for a speedy recovery to Dave and Colleen. We are both greatly relieved that they are going to be OK.

George we could not have said it better, what a fantastic group of people !.

We have just got back into town after our first long ride to hells canyon and the first thing we read on the forum is this news, wow we are lost for words.

Please keep us updated on any news.

Chris and Di

Wow! Good thing they had you guys with them! It sounds like you did an outstanding job of getting him out of the water. Without your quick thinking, things certainly could have gone differently. Just the thought of being knocked silly and landing in water makes my spine tingle.

Hope and prayers for a speedy recovery.
