Grip Removal

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Well-known member
Dec 7, 2007
Reaction score
Medford, Oregon
I have to replace my grips on my dirt bike, son's bikes and the kids in the neighborhood handle bar grips.

I just installed a Brake Away throttle lock. The only way to remove the grips so they can be reused is to use compressed air. first fill the tank on the Craftsman air compressor. I use the compressed air to make the grip float on air and then just pull it off.

I have Throttle Meister bar ends that I am reusing so I had to trim the end of the grip. In order to put the grip back on all you have to do is apply air to it again and it will slide right back on. No glue or liquid soap, just air. I have always done this to replace grips. It only takes about 10 seconds to get them replaced, easy peezy.

I have been reading about guys having to cut them off to replace them and other such stuff. Find a friend with an air compressor and got to work, it's too easy.

Another no-glue method I've used for years, not quite as clean as your air method, but effective & leaves no residue. Gasoline in a hypodermic syringe [had a good supply as my Dad was diabetic, still have lots - shouldn't be hard or costly to source even new ones if you look around, small ones work fine]. Just load it up and squirt a bit in, in several spots [right thru the rubber] and slip it right off, work quickly as it evaps rapidly [even from beneath the rubber] but just re-apply if needed. Once it's off it leaves a dry inside surface, no harm done to the grip [or the throttle tube, even the plastic ones seem to be impervious]. To re-install I just stick my finger in one end of the grip, pour in a little gas, slosh it around & dump it, goes back on in a jiffy and once it evaps it won't move till you repeat the process.

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Welcome to the method from the 70s. :rolleyes: I also use Aquanet hairspray to glue the grips in place. It allows the grips to slide on easily, and drys overnight.

This is new, who gives a ****. Brother just passin along some tried and true methods of replacing grips. Glad though that you felt so strongly to comment.

Look at some of these other postings and you'll see some real lame ****. Like, I feel vibration when I ride my bike. The wind hits my helmet while I ride, the mirror shakes while I ride, give those dipshits a bad time or go stick your thumb up your arse, eitherway I don't give a ****.

And this is suddenly a new revelation??? What's next? How to open the gas tank?
This is new, who gives a ****. Brother just passin along some tried and true methods of replacing grips. Glad though that you felt so strongly to comment.

Look at some of these other postings and you'll see some real lame ****. Like, I feel vibration when I ride my bike. The wind hits my helmet while I ride, the mirror shakes while I ride, give those dipshits a bad time or go stick your thumb up your arse, eitherway I don't give a ****.

And this is suddenly a new revelation??? What's next? How to open the gas tank?
Obviously you do give a ****. Whaaaaaah. Chill out. I was just playin'.


Welcome to the method from the 70s. :rolleyes: I also use Aquanet hairspray to glue the grips in place. It allows the grips to slide on easily, and drys overnight.
I worked at a Post Office for a few years as a janitor. The only thing that would take permanent ink off the counters was hair spray.

Some if us don't have "compressed air" laying around to use. Not going to buy a $200 compressor two change out a set of $8 grips

If I'm " replacing" my grips , that means I have new ones, and don't care what happens to the old a razor blade gets then off in seconds.

+1 on the hairspray to put the new grips on....( Clear spray laquer works too. (as it is more or less the same thing as

A word of caution about using hair spray to install grips. I used to use hair spray on my dirt bikes, however, I quit after the grips pulled off while riding in the rain. It made for an interesting ride the rest of the day. Better to use something that isn't water soluble.

Some if us don't have "compressed air" laying around to use. Not going to buy a $200 compressor two change out a set of $8 grips

If I'm " replacing" my grips , that means I have new ones, and don't care what happens to the old a razor blade gets then off in seconds.
How does a person have a motorcycle and not have an air compressor? How does that person check his tire's pressure before a ride? There are no kids' soccer balls that need air? No car tires that go low?

I don't get how someone puts a $10k bike in the garage, but wont spring for a $100 air compressor. I use my compressor more than any tool in my garage. I'd be absolutely lost without it. No way I'm depending on some broken-ass gas station air station.

Besides, what if you just need to remove your grips to make some kind of adjustment and don't wanna cut them??

I have a $15 "electric pump" that fills my tires fine. It just lacks the the higher pressure-constant flow needed to blow off a handgrips.

It's all about priorities.... I'm glad you had the 100 bucks to buy your compressor, I don't see the need for one, and I'd rather spend the money on scotch and cigars anyway. If you "would be lost" without your compressor, then its obvious you need one. I don't. My Walmart tire pump fills tires abit slower....but I got time. The most used tool I have is the one I've had since birth.... ;)

It's all about priorities....and I'd rather spend the money on scotch and cigars anyway. The most used tool I have is the one I've had since birth.... ;)
Ok...I get your priorities. I have mine too.

FWIW, that last part was gross. I don't know that I needed to know that, but your point was well made. Good job! :)

I like to blow air into my ass and whistle Dixie... Wait... What was this thread about??

It's Friday - and the 13th. Couldn't help myself! :D

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