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newbs need the forum
Aug 15, 2010
Reaction score
Spring Hill, Florida
I envy you guys that only take a couple days to plan, buy and install your farkles. Seems like it takes me forever. Even when I finally get around to installation time, I spend more time hunting for tools than actually doing the installation. Anyway, I thought I'd post some pics of my latest project(s). At first I was considering another set of heated grips...(clicky) However I decided against them as the company rep told me that I'd have to purchase a Thottemeister if I wanted a throttle lock that would be compatible with their grips. Not wanting to spend a fortune, I was hoping to simply reuse my existing Vista Cruise (clicky) So, after months of waiting and searching, I chose this set from the Show Chrome company...(clicky) These grips ENDED UP COSTING ME ABOUT 83 BUCKS, OR ABOUT 1/3 THE COST OF COMBINING THE "AME" BRAND GRIPS WITH A THROTTLEMIESTER. That was the total cost because they don't require a heat-troller nor a Throttlemeister. As it turned out, there was a .030 gap between the throttle tube OD and the grip ID, which made installation a challenge. I ended up using aluminum dryer vent tape to build up the surface of the throttle tube. It's only about .003 thick which made it an easy and predictable method for me. Since the grips are not very flexible, the throttle tube thickness had to be right on the money. I just wrapped it around and around until it built up to the right OD... using my trusty dial caliper (if you don't have one of these, GET ONE!!!!! They are so handy for so many things). Almost forgot to mention: these things work really well. They have four heat settings and keep my hands comfortable. I don't need to worry about temps below about 30 or so as I live in Florida... so my report about these grips will have to be limited to a more mild climate than what most of you have to deal with.

Oh well...

Below you can see how well they fit along side of my existing Vista Cruise.



Above: notice the coat hanger I bent up to use for mounting the throttle lock. It gives me a no-drill system to mount it.

Notice everything I own is covered with dust? Dumb dirt road...

Below: One thing that impressed me was the 4 position temperature control/on-off switch. Position 2 (medium) works pretty well most of the time for me. I fabricated an aluminum mounting plate which I painted black and attached to the top of the master cylinder with a couple stainless bolts from the hardware store and 2 homemade washers (finally found a use for old milk jugs).


The final part of this project was to wire everything and install an on/off switch. I bought an inexpensive one at the local Advance Auto. The grips come with an inline 5 amp blade type fuse. While I had everything apart, I decided to go ahead and add a volt meter . Now I can turn them on in the morning before starting the bike to give them the 5 minutes they need to warm up. Another nice little feature is that they shut themselves off if the voltage drops below 12.3 volts. (below)


Finally (below), I performed stage one of the Trooper mod on my mufflers. I made the cut with tthe hole saw, but didn't dremmel off the center pipe. The guys on the trooper mod thread said that they're not as loud this way. They seem plenty loud enough for me. If I decide later to make 'em a little louder, I can always finish carving the center pipes out. Time will tell.



darksider #44

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Very Nice, I'll be curious how you like the "modified" trooper mod. I did it as suggested in the thread, and then installed Garauld's tail cones which really subdued the "popping" on decel. Completely satisfied. I'm gonna have to check out heated grips soon, so thanks for the idea!

Nice job, Gary.

Those grips look suspiciously similar to the Oxford Heated grips that I bought and installed on my V-strom, right down to the 4 way heat controller. I'm very happy with mine as they put out a lot of even heat. Even up here in the north land I don't often need the #3 position, and never use #4. The only downside is the little LED indicators are kind'a hard to see in daylight.

I'm not sure if you've already tested them this way, but I don't think I would leave the grips on without the bike running for 5 minutes. These grips have a pretty healthy power draw and are pretty likely to draw the battery voltage down in that amount of time.

Enjoy your new hot grips!!

Hey Fred

How was your Christmas? Were you a good boy this year? Thanks for the advice about the grips. That's one of the reasons I installed the voltage meter. I'll be extra careful about leaving them on for too long in the mornings. Typically, I'll kick em on while I'm loading up the panniers and putting on the gloves... and keeping an eye on the voltmeter while doing so. I'm thankful that the grips shut themselves off if the voltage reaches 12.3... Also remember my cold weather friend, it's maybe 55 at the coolest in the attached garage. The battery seems to have a little more oomph when it's not too cold. Now if the bike was in a detached garage in NH, we'd probably have a very different picture indeed. Voltage drops to maybe 12.5 most mornings... with the grips on "2."

Enjoy the holidays my friend.


darksider #44

Very Nice, I'll be curious how you like the "modified" trooper mod. I did it as suggested in the thread, and then installed Garauld's tail cones which really subdued the "popping" on decel. Completely satisfied. I'm gonna have to check out heated grips soon, so thanks for the idea!
I can hear the engine, and I love the little bit of bark it has when I blip the throttle. I know it gets louder without the extension pipes, so I thought I'd leave em on just because I don't wanna go too loud. So I'm happy.

darksider #44

Nice job Gary. Always interesting how people come up with their own solutions to the farkle puzzles. Your VistaCruise installation is nice. Me, I still prefer my 'drill-less' KISS method, but I like your creative solution.

As for grips, I don't want anything dictating what type of grips I have to use and locking me into that. My current FJR came already farkled with Dual Star grips and a Heat-Troller mounted on the left signal housing. I really like this implementation and is how I would do it if I ever had to do it again. I love how the Heat Troller knob is small and out of the way, and doesn't take up any room for other farkles.

I'm like you - farkling is a stressful huge production for me, especially since I ride my FJR pretty much every day and don't like to 'take it down' for farkling. I have been meaning to do a bunch of stuff for months now, and the farkling list just keeps getting longer.

Hey Scoot,

Though I'm a teacher now, and suppose I will continue to be (Lord willing) until I retire in 10 years or so, I was a machinist for many years and I'm always looking at alternative ways of doing things, it seems. Couple that with my obsessive frugality (is that a word??) and there ya go. That's why I appreciate the forum so much. It so much easier to make decisions about the unknown when I can listen to the voice(s) of experience. And there's no shortage of that around here.

My handgrip/throttle lock installation was drill-less as well and I can appreciate your stance on that subject. I try to avoid anything that I can't change or fix easily if I don't like it. That's why I sweat over the trooper mod for 2 months before pulling the trigger... and even then I only did stage one, making the holesaw cut but not the dremmel cut. Others on the trooper thread have pointed out that with the exhaust tubes still in place, the difference is not as dramatic. So I'm going to leave the bike as is, at least for now. The dremmel is ready to go when and if I am... on stage two of the mod.

You spoke of riding just about every day. Today it's 65 and sunny and this is one of the coolest days we've had this month in Florida. Though I'd love to live somewhere else at times... where I could cruise through the curves and the mountains, it's hard to argue with the weather we have most of the winter and the ability to ride rear round.


darksider #44

Hey two wheel:

Do you know the actual OD of the throttle tamer? The standard unit on my 05 measured exactly 1.000 and the throttle grip was 1.030 ID. The lengths weren't an issue, though they do make them in a 5 and 1/2 inch length as well. I bought the shorter 5 inch long units.


darksider #44
