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Grounding Harness

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I have another 6 in the pipeline, I should get them done this weekend. Things are a bit busy these past few days since going back to work (light duty) last monday. Three months off since the accident, I have a lot of catching up to do.

I will send you a PM when I have one ready for you.


:) any one know how long it takes to get one of these ? kinda afraid to ride it too far from home. these things are to heavy to push home.

thats fine.. thank you very much..



Add me to the list as deferred - 30 days probably - maybe less, but count me in.

Also, has this issue been known to cause fires? I ask as I have my FJR in my garage. I DO NOT want my house to burn down. Does this issue arise ONLY when the bike is on(ie riding)? Thanks!


Add me to the list as deferred - 30 days probably - maybe less, but count me in.

Also, has this issue been known to cause fires? I ask as I have my FJR in my garage. I DO NOT want my house to burn down. Does this issue arise ONLY when the bike is on(ie riding)? Thanks!

showstopper is a customer of mine, he copied the first post of this thread when making his request. I am the one offering the Grounding Harness and I will be happy to add you to the list. I am currently working on another 6 units which will not quite satisfy it. It may take another week or so before I have a harness ready for your purchase. At that time I will send you a PM with the invite to my personal web page where you can make the PayPal transaction.

There is no danger of your bike bursting in flames while parked in your garage due to this grounding spyder issue. The bike needs to be running with all the electrical devices on for the spyder to get hot. The "spyder nest" is just a location along your bikes wiring harness where the ground wires from several electrical devices come together. The grounding circuit on your bike has 6 of these connected in series, the one closest to the battery carrying the load from the others upstream, as well as 3 more electrical devices. When the bike is new the electrical connections have good low resistance contact. As the bike ages these connections will oxidize and form resistance to the flow of electricity. Normally this resistance is well within their designed tolerance. Apparently in the case of these spyders, the engineers designed the grounding circuit with them at, or very near their electrical load limit. When the resistance increases with oxidation they run the risk of overheating to the point of burning out. That is what is happening with more and more of our members bikes.

Here is a typical spider nest...


This is the spyder underneath the black cap shown above. It is nothing more than a 6 tined fork electrically shorting the wires entering into the connector.


and this is what can happen when they overheat...


My Grounding Harness takes the place of that black cap and shorting bar (spyder) and provides a secondary path back to battery negative terminal. It adds to the grounding system, not take the place of it.

Go here to see the prototype being installed on my bike... Prototype Grounding Harness

Noland with this harness installed, your bike will not have a break down on the side of the road due to a failed grounding system. I hope this explanation helps.



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I appologize for the misunderstanding. Your post is most informative. I thought that was what happened (the bike had to be on). I am still in for the harness and I will look for your PM. I still am amazed that Yamaha would issue the bike's electrics like that.

Just finished my install. Not too bad a jo. A couple of the spyders were definitely not where Brodie indicated in his thread. Not way off but definitely different. For example, the S8 spyder was on the front side of the bracket shown in the install procedure. And the S3 spyder was far enough back that it was a real stretch to get the harness to connect it with the S4 spyder. I did but I hope it not stressing them too much.

I wonder if the factory harnesses are all a little bit different? Has anybody else noticed this?

It definitely sounds like your harness was a little off from the rest....... strange for sure.

maybe you can compare yours to some other FJR's in the area ??



...and the S3 spyder was far enough back that it was a real stretch to get the harness to connect it with the S4 spyder. I did but I hope it not stressing them too much.

I wonder if the factory harnesses are all a little bit different? Has anybody else noticed this?

I have had 1 member contact me to say it did not reach at all. The Yamaha main wiring harness was about 2 inches longer. I made him a custom harness to his measurement and it fit fine.

To date I have personally installed 7 of these. I noticed that several were a little tight. When Brian was building them we lengthened that span by 2 1/2 inches. I had a chance to install one of Brian's and saw it was a bit long, so the latest build is now 1 1/2 inches longer than the original. Feeger's bike was the model to prove out that change, I personally helped him with the install last sunday.

You bought your Grounding Harness from me last May before I was injured and my bike was destroyed. It was made to the original length as built on Roy Epperson's bike. Apparently Yamaha isn't immune to Monday or Friday build issues.

If you are not happy with the fit up, send me a PM so we can resolve it.



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Hi Brodie,

Thanks for taking the time to research all this and making such an affordable harness available. Please add me to the list. I just bought a used 06 that does not appear to have any problems, but definitely don't want to get stranded, or worse. Thanks!


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Hi Brodie,

Thanks for taking the time to research all this ...

Hi Eric

In all honesty, I can't take all the credit for the research. This was an FJRForum community effort spearheaded by RZ350 and roadrunner. The great thing about our little corner of the internet is we have some very talented members who bend over backwards to help out. Our goal is to give back to the community that we gained so much benefit from.

I have you on the list. It may take a week or two but I'll get her done!

Take care.



Please add me to your list. No rush. My spyders look new, but I'll be pleased to install your harness during my forthcoming now-how-did-this-go-back-together maintenance period.

And congratulations on the recent milestone of going back to work.


Brodie helped me install his harness the same day as Feeger. All went well and we can now ride with confidence. This could be the best $$ you spend on your FJR.

I think I need to be added to the list as well. I have an 08' that I bought a few weeks ago. When I have my GPS plugged into the outlet in the glove box I can smell something burning when I stop. It was not doing this the first couple of weeks of ownership. I called Yamaha to find out if my igntion recall had been done and she said there was a "key fix" performed in March 09' and there were no other recalls pending on my VIN#. I guess "key fix" is the ignition recall??? Seems like the wrong terminology for Yamaha to use for an electrical fix. Unless someone has any other ideas as to what my problem is I think I should do this mod. This stinks. Pun intended.


Please put me on the list. I'll install your harness and see if the burning smell goes away when powering my GPS. Unil then no GPS and hopefully no meltdown.

Adding myself to the list if at all possible! :)

Shipping would be to 22030.

Hi Brodie:

I'd also like to purchase a ground harness from you, and an ignition relay.

Hope you are feeling better!

Thanks in advance.


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