Had a nice day today. At the hospital that is :(

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Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
Wellington, OH
About 10am this morning on route 604 going to the bike shop a guy pulls right out of his driveway without even noticing I was there. I saw him not seeing me and was getting off the gas for cautions sake. Was only doing about 45mph when it was obvious he was coming all the way out.

I slammed on the brakes {probably could have got on the fronts more but didn't want to slide} and got it down to a nice live-able impact speed. Nailed the front wheel of his car so hard the bike stuck in there and remained standing. I on the other hand went on a trip. Up in the air over the car coming down right on my head and right shoulder somersaulting for about 20 feet better than an olympic gymnast!!! Slap, Bang, scrape and crunch awhile and finally come to a stop. Boy did my nuts hurt!!!

Must have taken out the windshield with them. Legs felt like they were broken and did I mention my nuts ??? My right hand hurt a bit and there was no getting up at all.

I was wearing my Joe Rocket mesh jacket, AGV sport mesh pants and gloves, Alpine Star boots along with that nice Nolan helmet. The jacket took a beating but the leather didn't rip and none of the seams ripped open. My boots stayed on Gloves worked but boy did my nuts hurt !!!!!! After the paramedics worked on me for awhile and we were in the ambulance the girl looks at me and says " Is there even a scratch on you !!!??" My legs hurt from the handle bars and my left leg hit the bikes' gas tank so hard it left about a 1ft. dent in it. No broken bones just one scrape on my thumb nuckle. Wow what a tumble that was !!! All that gear paid off. Shield and side pieces blew off the helmet but I didn't even get a headache.

I went to look at the bike. It's totalled. I've been looking at Yamaha R1's lately maybe that's next???

I have no Idea how to upload pics. Maybe I'll learn and put some up.

Mike in OHIO

Damn, Mike, that's no way to spend a Saturday! :eek:

I've been looking at Yamaha R1's lately maybe that's next???

Heh..... not a bad call, there! B) Here's some inspiration for ya.....


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Glad you're okay! Could've been a lot worse. Can we get some detailed pics of your gear as well? (instructions in the "Images" section)

Wow, that's not the kind of trip you want to have on a Saturday. I'm happy to hear the gear worked and you ended up as OK as possible. As for the R1 - it's not a bad idea as it might have actually been able to stop before you hit that car. :blink:

It's always nice to have a reminder as to why I wear my gear for even the shortest rides - you never know when some idiot is going to come out of nowhere!

Bugger...glad to hear you are okay today...tomorrow will be a different story. As GunMD said...drink heavily, and when you think you have had enough...start again.

Here's hoping the other guy was insured. Any witnesses?

Wow, glad your doin as well as you are Mike. Happens everytime you slam the side of a car. Up and over like SuperMan out of control. Luckilly you slowed before the event and hope your pain is minimal and our family is prayin for ya. Take care, Del. <>< :(

First and foremost, glad you are alive and ok. As others have said, drink a few and then a few more and once you are better get back on that horse. Take care and glad you are ok.

I am glade to hear you survied , andyou were wearing gear than saved you from a lot worse outcome .

Do not drink alchol , take the pain killers as the doctor should have suggested . When you an accident like this the internal orgains get a work out , your kidneys and liver in particular ,they do not need to process any alchol for a about a week ,drink plenty of water to help the organs inside

You will be sore for about a week ,I would get some good physio treatment . As for your nuts get someone to kiss them better is my recomendation,probably 6 times a day.

Ouch, and double ouch! Glad you're walked away from that! Any crash you can walk away from is a good crash. Go have a doctor give you a thorough check up. Sometimes the adrenaline can keep you from feeling injuries.


I am glade to hear you survied , andyou were wearing gear than saved you from a lot worse outcome .Do not drink alchol , take the pain killers as the doctor should have suggested . When you an accident like this the internal orgains get a work out , your kidneys and liver in particular ,they do not need to process any alchol for a about a week ,drink plenty of water to help the organs inside

You will be sore for about a week ,I would get some good physio treatment . As for your nuts get someone to kiss them better is my recomendation,probably 6 times a day.


6 times a day?! I went 8 times once and only 1/2 of those were fired rounds, my nuts hurt after her. I can only imagine what 6 rounds'll do to him :blink: !

Glad everything worked as it should, go take some vaulting classes when you're beteer.

Wow, glad you were able to walk away from that. Who knows how much worse that could have been. Hmm, R1, I think it is time for the new 07 FJR.

I was only joking about the nuts . In fact they get injured a lot in accidents be carefull they can swell overnight to size of grapefruit like happen to someone about 28 years ago ,we called him "cast iron " cause he slide forward and crushe them against the tank of his BMW.

Look after yourself , and get your back checked.

I was only joking about the nuts . In fact they get injured a lot in accidents be carefull they can swell overnight to size of grapefruit like happen to someone about 28 years ago ,we called him "cast iron " cause he slide forward and crushe them against the tank of his BMW.
Look after yourself , and get your back checked.
+1 to that adice..

Glad you're walking albeit with a hobble at the moment :D

Glad you doing well Mike and it sounds like it could have been much worse. Could you tell me the cagers reaction? Was it a guy, girl, and did they have insurance?

Dude. bad buzz of the gymnastics event

ABS mighta let you get n it harder. Mebbe

ATGATT worked for you. I shall heed that as I leave to test some WFO routes today

Glad you had gear and are basically OK

One word

Patron Silver.... OK THat is two but it is only one thing

Your Guardian Angel was pretty busy that day. Good on you for the proper gear. I'm strict on longer rides, but pretty loose around town, and am re-visiting that notion.

+10 on the adult beverages in mass quanities. Gonna need it, for nerves, if nothing else. You survived that, a 'nite or two of libations ain't gonna kill ya!
