Had a nice day today. At the hospital that is :(

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I'm going to try to do the picture thing. I'll put up the actual crash pic. had a nice lady take it with my phone while I lay on the pavement, as well as some after shots and the gear.

Still sore but improving slowly.





I think I have it now !!!!! I saw a new Black Cherry FJR today. Boy did it look sharp!!!!






I think I have it figured out now?? See how far that guy got over the yellow lines ??!!!

Regardless if you are riding ABS or not you NEVER slam on brakes. You squeeze them progressively increasing pressure as you go. imagine squeezing orange.
Completely wrong with ABS--with the FJR anyhow: Just hammer them: they are smarter than the rider.

If you have to panic stop, the time you wasted squeezing, squeezing, squeezing the brakes like an orange instead of just letting the ABS bang away might make all the difference.

Glad you are OK that looks nasty.

BTW I had an 03 and now an 07 and I don't think there is any difference in the torque output at all.


Regardless if you are riding ABS or not you NEVER slam on brakes. You squeeze them progressively increasing pressure as you go. imagine squeezing orange.
Completely wrong with ABS--with the FJR anyhow: Just hammer them: they are smarter than the rider.

If you have to panic stop, the time you wasted squeezing, squeezing, squeezing the brakes like an orange instead of just letting the ABS bang away might make all the difference.
Gunny! :grin:

Funny all the theory's regarding how to apply ABS in panic situations.... Hammer down fellas.

Wow man, cool pics! glad your ok. Still trying to figure how you put that dent in the tank. Sure you want a faster bike? So what is your hind sight telling you about what you saw and how you responded??

Gunny on the R1 that WC posted: very hot, too hot for me and the streets!

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Hind sight ?? I might have been able to slow down a little quicker ?? It all happened so fast not much to think about. I don't like swerving in panic situations, I'd rather hit what ever it might be than try to swerve and get into more trouble than I had to begin with. In this situation if I would have tried to swerve and not completely cleared him I'd be minus a right leg now. Unless there was traffic coming then it wouldn't matter. :dribble:

I really wasn't going too fast. Around 55 maybe 50 so it's not like I was hot roddin down the boulevard. It was 10am and I was on the way to the bike shop to get some new tires. The guy just came out of nowhere all the way across the road. So just hit him and take a trip and hope to stay in your lane when you land.

I would like to ride an R1 for about an hour or so to see how comfortable it is. I've sat on a few new ones and they feel great, like I could do a few hundred miles on it and still walk when I got off.

Also like those K1200s bikes from BMW. But I'd have to have the yellow and black one. The single side swing arm and the styling on that bike is beautiful.

I guess I'll have awhile to dream shop for the next one. Dr. has me starting physical therapy this week to get my knee back into shape.

Kids want me to get a GoldWing so they can have a comfy place to sit when they're with me. I'm just not old enough for a Goldwing yet.

Have a nice day,


Nice to see you are getting better ,sometimes sh t happens and you suffer the results of someone else mistake. I think a new FJR is a better idea than an FZ1 if you want to keep your licence.

Completely wrong with ABS--with the FJR anyhow: Just hammer them: they are smarter than the rider.
If you have to panic stop, the time you wasted squeezing, squeezing, squeezing the brakes like an orange instead of just letting the ABS bang away might make all the difference.
That might be true if you are riding in a straight line. But if your wheel is even slightly turned...

Plus, you are going to over load the front suspension and totally unload the rear. Which means that you do not have 100% contact with the ground.

If done properly progressive squeeze is the way to go.

Omigod! And you're a 'Certified MSF Instructor'!?

That might be true if you are riding in a straight line. But if your wheel is even slightly turned...
Based on test data and rider reports: ABS gives an advantage here as well, but I suppose it is better to hit the car....

Plus, you are going to over load the front suspension and totally unload the rear. Which means that you do not have 100% contact with the ground.
Nah--if you hammer them both at the same time, the rear stays down and continues to bang away. I've tried it. 'Sides, the '07 the bike you ride has linked brakes to prevent this.

If done properly progressive squeeze is the way to go.
ABS obviates the reason to 'progressively squeeze' the brakes: there is no longer a point of "no return' when you start skidding. ABS prevents wheel lock and skid.

Try it at any speed--hammer them, they bang away modulating the braking power for you and stop you faster than you could with a 'progressive squeeze'. I've tried it for practice on pavement and on my dirt driveway. I have hammered them in practice with a little slaloming thrown in. it's incredible.

Hammer the brakes--ABS works on the FJR. It is smarter than the rider.

Please research it a little, practice a little, and stop giving out bad advice for panic stops with an ABS equipped bike.

slamming on the front brake doesn't transfer weight to the front and unload the rear wheel - when did vehicle dynamics change so much?

"Nah--if you hammer them both at the same time, the rear stays down and continues to bang away." - really??

"Nah--if you hammer them both at the same time, the rear stays down and continues to bang away." - really??
Yeah, give it a go--grabbing the front brake alone with ABS (unlinked brakes) will induce a little bit of a 'stoppie', but if you hit the rear brake at the same time, it doesn't happen....

The ABS is smarter than I am.

"Nah--if you hammer them both at the same time, the rear stays down and continues to bang away." - really??
Yeah, give it a go--grabbing the front brake alone with ABS (unlinked brakes) will induce a little bit of a 'stoppie', but if you hit the rear brake at the same time, it doesn't happen....

The ABS is smarter than I am.
What GOD has to do with me been an instructor I have no idea. What I do know is that no matter how smart the ABS system is it has no effect on how weight is transfered or how fast. You can try all you want but laws of physics are not changed that easily.

What I do know is that no matter how smart the ABS system is it has no effect on how weight is transfered or how fast. You can try all you want but laws of physics are not changed that easily.
ABS definitely has an effect on how fast the weight is transferred to the front wheel--by definition it determines how quickly the front wheel slows its rotation based on its tendency to slip on the surface.

As I stated above, using the rear brake in conjunction with the front brake will prevent the "stoppie". That is one of the reasons Yama linked the brakes on the '07.....

Anyhow, I'd rather do a stoppie than hit a car.

There is no substitute for practice: try activating the ABS on your 07 in some practice panic stops.

Here's a definitive study on ABS performance from Austria.

Austrian ABS Study

It opens in PDF. I trust Austrians with this kind of engineering thing....

One of the interesting conclusions is that the more experienced riders couldn't deaccelerate as quickly as the amatures because the experienced riders were reluctant to trust the ABS!

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Rear wheel brake or linked system has nothing to do with the bike been able to do a stoppie BTW. To do a stoppie you do not even have to lock the front brake.

I am fully aware of how the 07 stops. I have activated my ABS many time on purpose and while training. And I would still advise not slamming on the brake.

You still fail to acknowledge that ABS would have no help if you are in the turn and yes we can apply the brakes in the turn as long as it is done properly. Problem with your logic is that you keep telling your self and others to simply slam on the brakes. Your body does what it was told and learned in the OH SHIT moment. With the front tire turned in the turn you will do what you are saying and you will meet Mr. Asphalt very quickly. Simply because ABS does not work on a side slide regardless if it is in a car or bike.

Your other point of people been afraid to squeeze the brakes harder due to been afraid to flip it has very little to do with ABS and its ability to stop. It is more mental. I have people in the class that have the same mentality on a non ABS training bikes.

ABS definitely has an effect on how fast the weight is transferred to the front wheel--by definition it determines how quickly the front wheel slows its rotation based on its tendency to slip on the surface.
Have to granted to you. You are right. Front wheel definitely knows how much weight is transfered. It wont lock due to been over loaded faster then it has to.

But, you have missed what I was saying as well. 100% braking is done when both wheels are braking. Slamming on the brakes unloads the rear in a flash. Which means that rear is doing squad at that moment. how is that = to 100% ?

The last person that I know that did a stopie to avoid hitting a car ended up with the totaled bike and broken bones. Car was saved. great successes. NOT.

You do what you learn. Proper braking technique does not include slamming on the brakes regardless if you have ABS or not. So, if you are not willing to teach your self a proper braking technique refrain from teaching the wrong technique that will get people killed.
