Half a century for TwoWheelNut!!!

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[SIZE=14pt]50[/SIZE], man that's getting up there, or is it part way down the other side? Either way, Happy Birthday TWN.
Holy old-farts, Batman!

Happy Bee Day, TWN!

TWN = "[SIZE=14pt]T[/SIZE]ime [SIZE=14pt]W[/SIZE]aits for [SIZE=14pt]N[/SIZE]o one"

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****, you are old.

Older than the Hills

Older than dirt.

Just plain old.

Old. OLD. [SIZE=14pt]OLD!!!![/SIZE]

Sadly enough.... I will join your old-ass age-group in less than a year..... *sigh*.

Happy birthday, pops. Turn up your hearing aid, and have another glass of Geritol. :p :lol:

Nut, you be an old geezer.

First thing you need to do is sign up for AARP - you'll get your application in the mail soon, if not already.

Then -

you need to lay in a supply of Advil Migraine strength.

A case or two of Depends

And this summer, do a ride to Canada for a bulk buy of Viagra.

All in all, you've aged well. If you look this good in another 50 years, it's cause the embalming fluid works. :rolleyes:

But hey - Happy Bday, Senor El Jefe De El Choque!!

I remember when I was your age ......

Happy Birfday 'Nut.

I said, [SIZE=36pt] Happy Birfday 'Nut![/SIZE]

Nevermind, I'll send you a postcard so you wife can read it to you....

Happy Birthday Tim. Don't listen to what those youngsters are saying. 50 is the new 20. Go out and use what you still can and make sure you ask for that 10% SC discount.

[SIZE=14pt]HOLY COW.......[/SIZE]

lOOK WHO'S 50 NOW!!!! :eek:

:yahoo: :yahoo: [SIZE=10pt]Happy Birf-day tew yew...[/SIZE] :yahoo: :yahoo:

Tim, I hope you have a great birthday celebration.

FIFTY is just a number....really....no, I mean it...don't sweat it! :blink:

Those aches you feel when you get up in the morning...just your imagination. :huh:

That little pain in your lower back when you sit in a chair for too long...fuggedaboudit! :rolleyes:

Your knuckles and joints that "talk" to you...they're nothing. :dribble:

The gnomes that sneak in and paint that "old man" in your mirror?....

.....Let's find'em and kill'em! :angry:

[SIZE=8pt]Remember, I've got a "walker" you can borrow whenever you need it. We'll have to get Skyway or MCL to build a rack for it.......[/SIZE]

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Wow, Timmy-Boy is 50. Score another point for the wonders of modern science.

Happy Birthday, mang! And don't worry about the birthday whoopin'. None of us are in good enough shape to swing that many times.

Have a GREAT day!! You're gonna find out that 50 is a LOT younger than you think! Regardsl


Happy Birthday, Youngster! :clapping:

Pfffffttttt! You're still 5 years too young to be allowed to live in retirement communities in California. Go apply just to get tossed out -- it's the middle aged equivalent of getting carded. :yahoo:

Mr. N of TW,

Congrats for making it this far. :clapping:

Just a bump in the road, nothing the FJR can't handle.


senior discount enabled shortly

Hope you have a great day. Been there, done that; no big deal. (all the others are just jealous, yeah that's it, jealous)
