Happy Birthday Wheatie

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Yeah, you're just getting better, not older, right? ;) Have a good bday :yahoo:

Wow - as old as you are now, way back when you were young you musta been REALLY fast!

Happy birthday, bud! I hope ya have a great one!

Have a great day Wheat one.

BTW, the cables are up at Half Dome..... what a great way to celebrate a birthday (unless you suffer from Acrophobia,ah, then no)


Just a year ago he was asking for directions, I'm sure he's much smarter now :rolleyes:

Happy Birthday Mark!

Thanks everybody! :)

I'm grilling steaks tonight for the family, wife is cooking up asparagus, we'll have some baked taters and a salad on the side.

And wifey is baking a killer homemade Rhubarb pie from our rhubarb weed for dessert :yahoo: ...which will still be warm at dinner...so we'll throw a scoop of vanilla ice cream over the top as well.

I'll continue the celebration on Saturday am, leaving at sunride to meet up with griff and ride up into the curves of Cheeseland ...then head for shelter when the thunderstorms hit. :D

Thanks everybody for the well wishes. I have friends from coast to coast and enjoy riding with all of you.

Hope to ride with y'all soon. Hooterville/AR happens in the fall...but I hope to hit WI and Ohio a couple times before then..

Oh, if you see a minivan out in Kali between the 8th and 15th of June with the driver passing on the double yellow....it aint me. I never pass on the double yellow.

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Happy Birthday Mark!! Be good to see ya again in June! Sounds like you have a great weekend planned! Enjoy!! :D :D
