Happy Birthday Wheatie

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HAPPY B-DAY Wheatie, have a great day and many more...hope to see you before the end of the season... :)

Happy Birthday. If I find out you didn't have a fun birthday I'm going to stop in on my way out to NAFO and kick your butt!!

Happy Birthday. If I find out you didn't have a fun birthday I'm going to stop in on my way out to NAFO and kick your butt!!

If I find out that I didn't have a good birthday, you'll be the first to know. It's been a long time since I've been in a fight...and I think I could take ya!


Have a great time at NAFO...bring back some Tall Timber Ale for me from Mt Begbie if you can. :clapping:

I'm really glad that I checked in this afternoon and didn't miss this one.

Happy Birthday, Mark. :yahoo:

I'm getting a real solid feeling that you are making the very best of each of your years on the planet. It is a real inspiration to all of the rest of us. Please keep up the good fight, eh?

(But maybe stay off the electric bulls. Nobody looks good on one) :p

Hope to see you again at EOM12. Maybe even ride together?

Happy Birthday Mark. I'll drink a few cold ones in your honor tonight.

Happy Freakin Birthday Wheatie! You sure are an old fart!

Glad to hear you are having a good one.

Don't want to say Marks getting old.

But here he is at Scotty's Castle last year doing the pee-pee dance.


Mark, I want to get in on this dogpile and say Happy Birthday MoFo!

Now that your another year older, you can put down that sippy cup you

sip your beer out of and move up the 12oz cans!

Happy Birthday!

