Hard as a Rock

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The Video Dude
Oct 2, 2005
Reaction score
Ventura, CA
Well i have been taking lot of still shots off the bike now im getting into the video :D

So here is my first attempt at making a small video. I did experience some fluddering problem as you can see in some part off movie??? not sure why this is happing, i did have to edit alot of the recordings due to very bad fludder. Camara was set to auto focus not sure if that anything to do with it fluddering. If you have any sugestion why this may of happing please let me know.. Thanks and enjoy more to come soon

Hard as a rock


Thanks to TWN for your help :good: I dont care what they say about you around here you alright :taunt:

Pretty good vid especially for the first try. I see you treat STOP signs the way most cagers do! Hope you don't complain to much when some idiot pulls out in front of you because he didn't stop at a stop sign (yeah you looked, but he will too, he just won't see you). I guess I shouldn't bitch, cops don't even stop at stop signs anymore. Anyway-- I did enjoy the vidio.

Woot! Another Spielberg!

Looks like you need to tighten your stem stand. That'll minimize vibration and make sure the stem is perpendicular to level ground. That helps too. Check and make sure that your camera's vid stabilization is set to on - didn't appear to be. (Yeah, right. Like I know what I'm doing!)

Dude, you do know that you have a pass trigger on the bike, right? :p

And, it seemed to be 'hard as a rock' for quite a while. You should see your doctor about that. :D

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Very nice. If I can't ride in the winter at least I can do it vicariously through others.


It took me awhile to decide if I wanted to chance seeing your "Hard as a Rock" video. I was afraid that I would see something that I didn't want to see, or even think about for that matter! :D

TWN, got it, When i put tape on SP instead of LP i no longer have fludder. Got some good video today... Problem solved... I shot another video today of a couple of my HD rider buddies, I might post it here.. not sure how the fjr guys would take it being video of HD riders. No visable part fall off them :bleh:


Good video Jdog B)

Loved the music, too, and envied your nearly-empty roads and blue sky :dribble:

(This filmmakers' mafia from sunny SoCal is slowly getting on my nerves... :angry2: )



Its called a California Stop
:D :D :D

Over here STOP signs are regarded as mere suggestions...
