I used to have Road King. One of the reasons I got rid of it was because you couldn't lean AT ALL! on that bike. Of course, that was only one of the reasons. It really didn't feel at all like riding a bike, but more like sitting in a cage. Looks to me like he leaned in late (the bike really is a HOG and doesn't like to turn at all) because he was busy posing for the camera; squeezed the front brake and kept leaning and maybe lightened the front wheel(?) which would immediately lead to lockup and then the big getoff. Anyway, OUCH! That's big money being ground down. And, all his accountant buds will now see him screwing up. Harley riders have changed over the years...they say average income over $70k now. Anyway, they look cool sitting in the parking lot. Don't hate me for saying so, but Harleys are at their best when static IMHO (as a former owner). Now, I only have the '05 FJR which seems to lean a wee bit better than the Harley!
Hope this doesn't seem like laughing at the misfortune of another. Not intended as such. I do like to generally laugh at Harley guys though (tongue-in-cheek) because of the general "too cool for school" attitude about all things Harley. Seems to me it ought to be about the ride, not so much what you ride.