Harley Guys As Good Samaritans

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Well-known member
FJR Supporter
Sep 6, 2005
Reaction score
Annandale, VA
I don't normally bash Harley riders, but I gotta admit I've looked down on the riders and their bikes. At least until this weekend...

I'm riding my bicycle down by Lake Anna, VA. About 18 miles into the ride, I flat the rear tire. I have a pump with me, but no replacement tube or patch. (Yeah, I know!)

I am screwed, and its a looonnng walk back to the car! Anyway, two guys in a pick-up truck festooned with Motor Company stickers pick me up, and take me back to my car. They tell me they both ride Harleys while we drive to my car.

I am sure there are Harley riders who are true A-holes, and I suspect there may even be a few jerks among the FJR crowd. But I gotta tell you there are at least two good guys riding Harleys in VA.


I am sure there are Harley riders who are true A-holes, and I suspect there may even be a few jerks among the FJR crowd. But I gotta tell you there are at least two good guys riding Harleys in VA.
There is good and bad with any/every type of bike/rider. Glad you ran into some of the good ones! :)

Hey, I ride with a bunch of those worthless bas#@*ds. Must not have been the guys I ride with. :rolleyes:
I hear you, I was talked by a buddy into going with a group from Cycle Barn last year on the Oyster Run. My ears are still ringing. WTF is up with all the revving at stoplights ? Get in a pack of 50 and it must be what it sounds like at Indy's starting line.

It's good to hear someone saying something nice about the Harley guys. We do make a lot of fun at their expense here but I rather suspect that their own forums are peppered with references to squids and power rangers.

As Tyler so wisely said, any large group will have good and bad guys, even the FJR forum. Glad to hear that you met two good guys.

Hey, those HD guys are allright! I bet they stopped to pick you up out of respect for your bicycle. They always respect bikes faster than theirs :yahoo: :clapping: :assassin:

Hey those two were the last tweo good harley riders to leave Calif. I wondered where they would end up, now I know..... :yahoo: :yahoo: :clapping:

Enough with the "bashing"!

I've stopped to help a Harley rider who had a breakdown. I've had them stop and check on me when I was at the side of the road. Hopefully we are all "motorcyclists" first and foremost then "brand specific/style specific".

I have found, during my extended rides to WFO-NAFO-vacation, that those who are out touring are a completely different sort than the local posers. Again referencing "motorcyclists" vs. posers. Obviously Jim was aided by motorcyclists.

Y'all need to lighten up a bit.

Enough with the "bashing"!
I've stopped to help a Harley rider who had a breakdown. I've had them stop and check on me when I was at the side of the road. Hopefully we are all "motorcyclists" first and foremost then "brand specific/style specific".

I have found, during my extended rides to WFO-NAFO-vacation, that those who are out touring are a completely different sort than the local posers. Again referencing "motorcyclists" vs. posers. Obviously Jim was aided by motorcyclists.

Y'all need to lighten up a bit.

Lighten up FRANCIS...it's all in good fun <_<

It's not the bike , it's the rider that makes the person a biker or a poser. I'd stop (and have) for ANY biker in distress, whether they be on American iron or Jap or Korean or even German! Well, maybe not German bikes :rolleyes:

Keep the shiny side up and quit being MAD..mike ;)

I don't normally bash Harley riders, Anyway, two guys in a pick-up truck festooned with Motor Company stickers pick me up, and take me back to my car. They tell me they both ride Harleys while we drive to my car.
Maybe they just like guys in Spandex... :crazy:
