Harley "tries" to outrun cops

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[I'm on the fence. On the one hand, running from the cops is a crime, and innocent people don't run. There are cases where the police justifiably stop a vehicle by bumping or ramming it. However, I doubt the guy on the bike was a mass murderer or anything, so it was probably overkill. But when do you let a criminal get away? What's the line? It's frustrating. Personally, car, bike or otherwise, I have no sympathy of you run. It's like a slap in the dick of the law.
I'm pretty much with you on this. Run, pay the penalty. But that was very sloppy police work, during and after the chase. I thought he acted like an ass at the end, barking out those commands, especially considering that he knew he was on camera. I don't like second guessing and Monday morning QB'ing folks, since I hate having it done to me, but this guy was totally unprofessional and way out of line, judging solely by what's shown on that vid.

If you listen to the radio traffic toward the beginning, it sounds like they were looking for this guy for whatever reason. For the officer's sake, it better have been for a violent felony to justify his actions & words. But then, what do I know? I'm just a spectator.

Glad my "Evading Police" charge didn't end that way. Oh yeah, that's cause I was standing still at a stoplight when the cop got out of his car. Then his car rolled away, and I said hey, your car is rolling away. Then he parked it. Then he came back and tackled me off the bike??? I didn't even know he clocked me about 4 miles back doing 100 (by the way it was back country road). He was never in close enough for me to see him or hear sirens...
Yeah that one got dropped in court, but it sucked to go to jail, and try explaining that one on at a job interview.
I respect the cops and would never run from one, but some cops are just not the brightest. 3 years ago on a country road in WI, just like you were, I had a cop pop up coming opposite direction while I was doing 85 in 55. I thought it was 65, I guess I was a bit wrong. This schmuck almost killed him self and few bodies of mine that were behind me with his slide and then slide some more and then slide again a bit more with the squad tail going from shoulder to the opposite lane back to the shoulder. When he finally stopped and turned around I was already parked and waiting for him. :)

Lost of departments have no chase policy unless it is a violent offense and I think they should stick to it. If they chase, they not only endanger the one that is been chased but them self and the public. Here is Chicago we had PD do a chase few year ago with innocent people getting killed for a pity crime. Shame, such a shame.

After a chase that long that was so dangerous, I don't really mind the cop ramming the bike. But...

I think the rider was running safer than the cop was chasing and I was under the impression that cops were trained to keep their vehicl under control. I am more concerned for the risks taken with bystanders than those of the rider. Innocent people dying, or being badly injured is why laws preventing chases like this are popping up. Did what the rider do constitute deadly force? Ramming his bike, particularly while in motion should be considered deadly force. I would be pretty pissed off if that entire chase was caused due to a warrant the guy had not showing up at a court date for some lude act in public (pissing in the gutter).

That said, if he was a serial something or other and they didn't want to let the guy go becuase of what someone else might go through if he did get away...then hell...ram him.

I guess I'm sitting here without enough information to make a decision. I can certainly think of circumstances where I would want a person caught despite the high risks involved with such a chase. Although, I think the cop should have been in better control of his vehicle.

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It's not that difficult IMO. I really like our policy here, which has been adopted by most of the smaller agencies in the area:

  • No chasing known subjects except under extreme conditions (murderer, armed robbery just occurred, etc).
  • Every officer must broadcast violations as they occur so the supervisor in control of the pursuit can call it even without seeing it. - In this pursuit, the moment the officer broadcast the guy went through a red light at 45+ mph, it would have been terminated.
Had this been an officer here, I believe he would have a hard time keeping his job. And rightly so IMO.
As an 18 year veteran police officer, I can say without question that the video presents some serious issues! For those of you living in the Portland metro area, let me assure you, that pursuit would absolutely be found out of compliance with our policy and would have been terminated.
I am even giving the benefit of the doubt that most of those red lights had decent visibility to the side, but the one with the cross traffic, hello? going through that at 45 mph was pathetic!

The fact that the officer didn't have enough control of his vehicle to prevent contacting the suspect in the first rear end tap should have been enough for the officer to realize he needed to back off. When he damn near took him out sideways was another keen reminder. Finally, the last one did not look intentional either, showing again that the officer was not in control.

The only reason that pursuit didn't end tragically, IMO, is because of pure luck.

I will be forwarding this to our training division as yet another example of how NOT to do police work.

Thanks for posting that! :)
I agree, but disagree. I think the first taps and last were intentional. I'll give the rider cudos for staying upright.

If my ears were correct:

when he called out the tag, it came back stolen. The chase initiated for speeding and reached 70 mph. (the bike must have topped)

dispatch said, "Yes, that is the vehicle that mphrppshytth"

IMO I think the rider may have been giving up when he was runover. I think he was stopped.

Bounce: I did not see a draw down in the backyard, I did see one Hyped up cop

I'm on the fence. On the one hand, running from the cops is a crime, and innocent people don't run. There are cases where the police justifiably stop a vehicle by bumping or ramming it. However, I doubt the guy on the bike was a mass murderer or anything, so it was probably overkill. But when do you let a criminal get away? What's the line? It's frustrating. Personally, car, bike or otherwise, I have no sympathy of you run. It's like a slap in the dick of the law.

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That video makes my blood boil. It is pure luck that the cop didn't kill someone at one of the red lights.

There have been several fatal chases in the Detroit area recently with the fatalities all being innocent bystanders just driving along. 3 were killed in one case where the chasee ran a red driving an SUV and teeboned a car in the crosstraffic. There is just no excuse for a chase like that under any conditions. Catch them another way.

Seems like all departments have "rules" against this sort of thing but it happens incessantly despite the rules. In every case the police were "absolutely right"..... duh. I just hope I'm not the one in the intersection when the next cowboy just has to chase someone down.

Speaking of that.....I just got stopped the other day in the car. Rush hour traffic. Left lanes are moving at 80+. Fact. Cop tags me with lasar at 85 as I'm merging into the next-left lane trying to get out of my lane to avoid merging traffic ahead. Speed limit is 65 (raised to 70 three days later.....fact). So....I'm in the category of drag racing, careless driving, etc. with 4 points for 20 over. Never mind that the state raised the speed limit on that road to 70 3 days later or that rush hour traffic was moving at 80+. Cop pulls off the right shoulder in front of traffic creating havoc behind me. Changes across 5 lanes causing more havoc. Comes down the left SHOULDER between the left lane and the medium wall at 100 + to catch up to me. Almost clips the guy behind me cutting in off the shoulder as the guy never saw him coming and obviously never expected to be passed on the left shoulder. Pulls me over and immediately starts to accuse me of evading "since it took him 2 miles to catch me..." and because I pulled off on the right shoulder instead of "immediately" stopping on the left shoulder. Never mind that I've been stuck in rush hour traffic bumper to bumper in all lanes moving 80+. duh... This is the sort of cowboy I seem to always attract. There must be more based on all the chase videos.

I buddy of mine got stopped in the same "trap" several days later. He is such a wise ass he brakes very hard and pulls off on the left immediately. Cop blows completely past him, pulls onto the shoulder, backs up to him and gives him a ticket for speeding AND reckless driving. There is just winning with these guys.

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How many cops get evaded by bikes???? Probably enough to piss them off :angry:

This guy got what he deserved. He should have given up after the first love tap!

I'm not a fan of LEO's by any means, but they have a job to do and I respect that.

Deal with liars and piss poor excuses all day and i would have put that ****** down a lot sooner!


How many cops get evaded by bikes???? Probably enough to piss them off :angry: This guy got what he deserved. He should have given up after the first love tap!

I'm not a fan of LEO's by any means, but they have a job to do and I respect that.

Deal with liars and piss poor excuses all day and i would have put that ****** down a lot sooner!


So they get "evaded".... Deal with it. No need to go open loop and kill someone with a high speed chase in an urban area like that.

Sure he should have given up. So what? Is that simple fact a reason to endanger others?

There job is often quoted as "To serve and protect".... hmmm... What part of the "code" does endangering others and causing deaths to bystanders with cowboy antics does that fit in?

Hope when he "puts someone down" and they go out of control and hit someone head on it is YOU in the way instead of me. Did you watch the bike after he "took him down"??? It was nothing but an unguided missle that could have hit someone head on in the other lane or a pedestrian. Just not worth it.

I always felt that a No Chase policy was giving in to the lawless.

More often then not society feels comfortable with giving an officer a gun and badge and say

go enforce the law however we feel that you do not have any common sense so we want

to give you a few directives in how to handle various situations.............

we do not want you to catch the person if they try to get away........

we do not want to offend anyone so if any objects to you being there, well you need to leave....

we do not want you to pull your gun on a person until you see they are about to shoot you......(you may get lucky and they will miss)

if you do shoot a perp, then expect us to be ready to file charges against you.....depending on the political atmosphere.

basically everyone else has rights.....except you........

and by the way......we want you to do all this for as little as possible.

The way I look at is real simple..........he is putting the life of the officer in danger as well

as the public................as far as I am concerned that is grounds enough for running his sorry

butt over and then taking him to jail after he gets out of the hospital.

Oh yeah.....make sure you give a copy to every news media in the surrounding area with a note.....

this is what happens to you if you try to outrun the law in our town........there are plenty of other

towns who will not chase you.......go break the law there......matter of fact here are all the names of

the counties and towns who are pc.



The only person putting the officer's life in danger is the officer pressing the gas pedal thru the red light. It is his choice to take the chance. Somehow I don't see the chasee forcing the cop to take those risks.

The fact that most of the chases end with the perp getting caught anyway doesn't deter them from trying to run.....soo....do you REALLY think that a "no chase" rule would cause more people to run? Not likely. The folks that will run will run regardless and the ones that will stop will stop anyway.

The fact that every few days a high speed chase is reported with innocent bystanders getting killed is reported is moot evidence that the cops cannot intelligently "decide" when to chase and when not to once the red mist sets in. They do not call off chases even once started even when they escalate past the acceptable risk. Fact. Since they are proven to not be able to control the chases then just stop them.

As long as you shot/kill the right perp it is fine with me. Ask the kid's parents in the Detroit area that the cops shot and killed as he allegedly "charged them" from the bottom of the basement steps with a steak knife. 18 shots but only 10 hit him. duh. The kid was deranged, the parents knew it and told the dispatcher when they called and the cops were called to help. So they killed him..... Cops are proven to not be able to decide which "perp" to shoot or not so that is why the public sues them not because they do not want the bad guys off the street.

I don't know why this gets under my skin so bad but it really does.... Can you tell??? :D :D :D

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[SIZE=36pt] [/SIZE]MAN, YOU GUYS ARE A FU**IN' RIOT!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
How many cops get evaded by bikes???? Probably enough to piss them off :angry:

This guy got what he deserved. He should have given up after the first love tap!

I'm not a fan of LEO's by any means, but they have a job to do and I respect that.

Deal with liars and piss poor excuses all day and i would have put that ****** down a lot sooner!


So they get "evaded".... Deal with it. No need to go open loop and kill someone with a high speed chase in an urban area like that.

Sure he should have given up. So what? Is that simple fact a reason to endanger others?

There job is often quoted as "To serve and protect".... hmmm... What part of the "code" does endangering others and causing deaths to bystanders with cowboy antics does that fit in?

Hope when he "puts someone down" and they go out of control and hit someone head on it is YOU in the way instead of me. Did you watch the bike after he "took him down"??? It was nothing but an unguided missle that could have hit someone head on in the other lane or a pedestrian. Just not worth it.
Everbody wants to piss and moan that it's just not worth it! You have to draw the line somewhere. Next thing you know, you'll be complaining that the police did nothing when someone stole your bike and the police officer that was standing there watching the ordeal says "Sorry, I can't chase him due to policy!"

Maybe Batman & Robin will save every Gotham City! :assassin: B)


Everbody wants to piss and moan that it's just not worth it! You have to draw the line somewhere. Next thing you know, you'll be complaining that the police did nothing when someone stole your bike and the police officer that was standing there watching the ordeal says "Sorry, I can't chase him due to policy!"Maybe Batman & Robin will save every Gotham City! :assassin: B)


Exactly......why I don't listen to talk radio.

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Hope when he "puts someone down" and they go out of control and hit someone head on it is YOU in the way instead of me.
Geez, you need to let it go, man. This comment seemed a bit out of bounds.

They do not call off chases even once started even when they escalate past the acceptable risk. Fact.
That is NOT fact. Maybe where you live, but not where I live. We call off more pursuits than we finish. So, get your FACTS straight or stop labeling them fact. It is a matter of training and accepting. Not all departments have solid policies, and like you said, some that do ignore them. I am proud of the fact that I don't work in one of those departments. I'm also quite sure that my department is not alone in this. I do remember, about 15 years ago, when this change started to happen. It took about 5 years to fully implement, but I can tell you right now as I said before, if an officer in this department was engaged in a pursuit like this one, he would have a very difficult time keeping his job.

Ask the kid's parents in the Detroit area that the cops shot and killed as he allegedly "charged them" from the bottom of the basement steps with a steak knife. 18 shots but only 10 hit him. duh. The kid was deranged, the parents knew it and told the dispatcher when they called and the cops were called to help. So they killed him..... Cops are proven to not be able to decide which "perp" to shoot or not so that is why the public sues them not because they do not want the bad guys off the street.
So, what would your resolution be? The kid was deranged, armed, and apparently so intimidating that the parents called for help. Should the officers have simply retreated and said, "Sorry, call us later when he isn't charging us with a knife"? You seem to think that the cops were hoping to kill him.
Have you ever had someone charge at you with a knife intending on plunging it into your chest until you are lifeless because they weren't of the right mind, either due to some mental defect (be it mental illness or drug induced)? Have you ever actually seen how long it takes for a person to close the gap of 21' that is armed with a knife? Have you ever tried to shoot a moving target while retreating for your life? If so, were you 100% accurate?

I don't know any of the circumstances behind the shooting in the Detroit area that you mention, but I'll wager money that you probably don't know much FACT about it either, only what you read in the paper. Well, having been involved in countless dozens of situations that have made the paper and seeing how it was reported, I can tell you that Thomas Jefferson was correct when he said, "The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers."

By the way, in case you are wondering, have you ever seen what a deranged person with a knife is capable of? If not, click on the following three very graphic images, and you'll see just what a risk a person with a knife can be: Knife Wound 1 Knife Wound 2 Knife Wound 3

I don't know why this gets under my skin so bad but it really does....
I think I may know why. Because you feel helpless about a situation you are passionate about. That is very common. Perhaps it would be better to fully educate yourself about the issue at hand and work to improve it.
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Gentlemen... Please tone it down a bit... I dont want the admins to lock this thread.

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