Harley's mission statement - The video!

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I think that sums it up quite accurately,having owned a few Harleys

As ridiculous as it is to us, I bet it helps sell more Harleys. Looks like a pretty good ad for their target market.

we know there'll be a chase truck behind us.Have you seen the Un-Cut version, where the clutch lever falls off the bike
In the movie they had that covered, there was a scene where they rode past a sign that said "Repair Shop" and none of the bikes instinctively pulled in.

Whatzup with all the helmets? Every one of them were having their freedom rights being violated.

I disagree about inadequate riding gear. Almost all of them were wearing gloves and boots. Besides, they were saving lives with loud pipes.

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Laugh as we might about the HDs, and have fun running past them, Check out the Iron Butt completion list.

HDs by far out number all other makes of bikes for IB completions. I know it shocked me too, when I came across this.

What an incredible bunch of individuals, all similarly dressed, tattooed, and chanting in rhythm.

As for the Iron Butt completion list... it's a numbers game.

Laugh as we might about the HDs, and have fun running past them, Check out the Iron Butt completion list.
HDs by far out number all other makes of bikes for IB completions. I know it shocked me too, when I came across this.
It also proves that not all HD riders live by that bullshit creed! The majority of HD/cruiser riders I see out on the road are either alone or in small groups and I've got to say, they far outnumber the rest of us. Like Groo said "it's a numbers game".......

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we believe in beating anorexia and that lots of tattoos make us look like Bad Muthas instead of accountants.

We believe we have the best $8,000 bike that money can buy for $19,998.

We believe H-D is planning to only sell 350,000 of these units in 2007.

We believe the train of support pickups for that ride must have been really, really long.

That really is a cool marketing video. Too bad it has so many Harleys in it..

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I believe to each their own.

I believe let them spend however much on whatever will put the wind and a smile on their face.

Just as long as they stop holding me up in the twisties. :D

I love my FJR, I also love my HD/ Buell


I believe to each their own.
I believe let them spend however much on whatever will put the wind and a smile on their face.

Just as long as they stop holding me up in the twisties. :D

I love my FJR, I also love my HD/ Buell


Every wonder why Harley riders usually won't wave at you if they see that you're not on a Harley?

Here are some reasons. Can you add any more?

Afraid it will invalidate their warranty.

Leather and studs make it too hard to raise arm.

Refuses to wave to anyone whose bike is already paid for.

Afraid to let go of handlebars because they might vibrate off.

Rushing wind would blow scabs off the new tattoos.

Angry because just took out second mortgage to pay luxury tax on new Harley.

Just discovered the fine print in owner's manual and realized H-D is partially owned by those

rice-burner manufacturers.

Can't tell if other riders are waving or just reaching to cover their ears like everyone else.

Remembers the last time a Harley rider waved back, he impaled his hand on spiked helmet.

They're jealous that after spending $30,000, they still don't own a Yamaha FJR1300

Their engine is too weak to handle the added wind resistance of a waving hand.

Are you kidding? Risk their lives trying to control a Harley with just one hand

They're too busy humming "Born to be Wild" while fantasizing about being Peter Fonda or Dennis Hopper.

They're too busy figuring out to pay for the next order of genuine Harley accessories (including the "official" HD calculator needed to add up the cost).

It they really have to tell you, you won't understand anyway.

They can't see you because their half-shell helmet (if they wear one) keeps falling down over their eyes.

They think we are actually trying to draw their attention to the parts falling off their bikes, and they are sick and tired of it.


:thumbsdownsmileyanim: :haha: :w00t: Boy Oh Boy, am I glad I live in the good ol' US of A and don't have to march in locked step with that bunch of lemmings, oh I meant hombres.

I think it was Groo who put it so succinctly "they're all similarly dressed, tattooed and chanting in rhythm", and they make such a big deal about not caring how the rest of society is going, they are going to do it their way.

Has it never occured to them as stated earlier, it's a numbers game and they are the vast majority of motorcyclists, and in the drive to be different they all appear the same.

We truly are the individualists and the minority who are doing it our own way and surprise surprise, we don't all look the same!

It was interesting reading the interview with Sonny Barger the man who literally started the Hells Angels and the disparaging things he said about Harley Davidsons as compared to other more technically proficient bikes.

Thanks for the entertainment and laugh HD!

Wow made me a believer. I can't wait til tomorrow to go out and buy a V-RodfatboysportsterelectraglideFLCHFUCKER yadda, yaddda, yadda. :blink: :blink:

On another note I rode a friends 2005 $28000.00 Fatboy the last week. I let him ride my FJR first which he mis-identified as a BMW the first time he saw it. He rode my bike before I ever layed eyes on his HD. When he came back all he could say was how smooth it was. Then he opened the garage door and backed his HD out in the drive way and cranked it up. Holy Shit was it loud. He had Vance & Hines straight pipes with no baffles and immediatly told me loud pipes saves lives. :dribble: :dribble:

I then proceeded to ride it down the street setting off two car alarms as I passed by them. It's the first HD I had ever ridden. I built up a little speed then coming up on a stop sign I pulled the front brake lever and waited for something to happen. I tried the rear brakes and the same thing happened. I'm thinking about this time "I'm dead" but it gradually slowed down.

:clapping: :clapping: :clapping: WOW.... what a POS.

When I got back to the house I was kind and told him he had a nice bike but that I didn't think I could ride it for very long. He complimented me on my FJR and hoped that we would go riding together some day. I said yeah maybe so and departed on my FJR.

The funny thing was when I pulled away I could hardly hear my FJR running and I'm running Staintunes with the baffles removed. I took awhile for my hearing to come back.

What the attraction is simply escapes me!!! :huh: :huh: :huh:


Well, if you think about it, their marketing is solid. I can see the appeal to their customer base. If you look at the average affluent harley purchaser, all this is really appealing to his/her psyche.

For all their collective little lives, they did the right thing. Always followed the rules. Went to college. Got good professional jobs. Walked the line, just like momma said.

And now, for a mere 25 or 30 grand, you get to undo your entire life, throw the rules out the window, wear scary clothes and become the reckless badass that you never had the balls to be...albeit for only a moment or two. All without abandoning all that they know is 'safe' in this ole world.

The Harley CEO perhaps misspoke when he stated that Harley sold a 'lifestyle.' A lifestyle is how you live every day, not just the weekends. What Harley sells is fantasy. And obviously, there are plenty wanting to taste the fantasy. I understand. After all, we all want to know what decapitation is like...but without losing our head.

What I find odd....is the same company that commissions a marketing/commercial video such as this, with the majority of riders wearing pudding bowl helmets, short sleeve shirts (or shirts with no sleeves) and regular jeans, also has a number of pages dedicated to "safe riding" that covers topics like long sleeve shirts, sturdy footwear, DOT approved helmets, etc.

Sends a mixed message, me thinks......

WOW! Spike never looked better! <_<

But wait! This is not the 'kinder gentler' H-D that had Elton John playing at their 100th anniversary celebration.. :dribble: What will all the RUBs say? (You know, the people that really buy their products?)
