Has anybody tried one of these. . .

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I smell a scam.

0-15 % + HP (adjustable)
0-15 % + Torque (adjustable)

0-30 % + acceleration (adjustable)

higher top end speed

diminished flat spots

improved throttle response

unit never will damage the engine

incidental mismatching of wires by installation does not result any damage

Power status LED
Kinda neat actually...just a potentiometer with a bit of chip management, crude but no doubt effective. To bad the didn't grab a tack signal as well. Simply tell the ecu that it's 5-10 cooler out than it actually is. Prolly a lot more linear than the Barb mod.


As Don says, it lies to the ECU telling it that the intake air is cold so the ECU will add fuel enrichment for the denser air. It then covers its tracks by doing an O2 simulation and lies to the ECU telling it that the exhaust is just fine.

Unless you can find some way to get more air into the intake the extra fuel won't burn... It will cause the engine to bog slightly which will make it feel like it is running smoother. But man, a +12 volt Power status LED -- maybe I need to get one ;)

You guys are great! This kind of reminded me of all the things I saw in JC Whitney catalogs when I was a kid that would both add horsepower and increase your gas milage! Nice to have my suspicions confirmed! Thanks y'all!

Maybe after my bike is a few years old, and out of warranty, I'll follow Wicked Webby's formula, should I feel the need for more power. . . :D
