Have a laugh at my expense!

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Jul 1, 2011
Reaction score
Roanoke, VA
I've only had the FJR for a couple of months, and knew I would need to replace the battery before long. I hastened that need by leaving the ignition on while upgrading to a Cee Bailey windscreen recently. But that's not the funny part.

I finally had some spare time last night to get the bike ready for her new power source, so I start by removing the 2 seats .... that's where every bike has their battery, right?
So, being relatively new to the bike and refusing to resort to the owner's manual, I keep removing body panels, trays, ECU, etc. to find this elusive battery.

Wasted 30+ minutes before giving in to manual and removing the 2 fasteners on the right-side dashboard panel. Wow, what a colossal waste of time!

So, go ahead and have a snicker on me today. What's the point of making a goof if you can't laugh at yourself?

That was a good one! Thanks for sharing. Not sure if it too smart to share, however. ;)

As for you two dimwits, I have NEVER done something stupid like that. Nope. Never.

You need to refine your story. You weren't looking for the battery. You were doing a VERY in-depth pre-ride check. You knew where the battery was all along. Right? ;)

LOL. I can empathize with you. I "assumed" the battery would be under the seat as well....however unlike you I actually took 20seconds and checked the manual first. Much to my chagrin I realized it was up to the right of the gas tank. I find taking those trim pieces off to be less than ideal however now that I've done it once I guess it's not too bad. I'm waiting for my GPS mount to come in the mail so I can wire that bastard up and hit the road!

Lesson of the story:....read first....start taking chit apart second (not vice versa). :D

A n advanced education at the Bin-o-facts University is quite helpful with exploratory surgery. Having the shop manual doesnt hurt either. Knowledge is a good thing. :rolleyes:
